Planting the World Tree From Pirates

Chapter 56: burn life

Time is fast, and it has been half a month since Makino rescued Hase Katsu.

In the past half month, Makino has completely integrated the ten types of water breathing, and even the branches of the ten types of water breathing have grown on the Kendo tree.

But Hase-san... It's hard to say a word!

"It's almost, almost every time, because of your mentality of just getting by, you have completely failed to grasp the essence of the ten types of water breathing."

Hase Sheng was trained as a grandson by Muye, but Hase Sheng not only did not have the slightest dissatisfaction in his heart, on the contrary, he worshipped Muye to the extreme.

It's not that Makino's harshness caused Hase Katsuya to suffer from Scottelmore Syndrome, but Makino's sword skills completely conquered him.

It's all the breath of water, and the power exerted in Muye's hands and in his hands is like a heaven and a earth.

Of course, the most important thing is that Makino's guidance has made Hasetsu's strength grow by leaps and bounds.

It was only half a month, and Hase Katsu even felt reborn.

Although it is disrespectful to say this, Hase Katsu even suspects that he was delayed by the trainer teacher.

It can be said that in the past two weeks, Makino has been correcting his various minor faults.

Obviously, he didn't learn anything new, it was all the ten types of water breathing that he had learned, but his knowledge of water breathing has improved by how many grades.

"To do a thousand prime vibrations to adjust your breathing, your basic skills are too poor."


Hase Sheng immediately began to meticulously act as a prime minister.

Of course, he didn't dare to be distracted. In fact, in the past two weeks, he was really scared of being beaten by Muye.

Whenever he is distracted or out of shape in the slightest, Muye will be beaten.

It hurts to the core!

It's really hard to imagine why this "pillar" hit someone so painfully!

That's right, until now, Hase Katsuya still doesn't know Makino's name.

Hasetsu guessed that he was too low-level, and the lord didn't want to tell him his name at all, so as to save him from embarrassing him in the future.

He really is still far behind!

Makino couldn't help showing a smile when he saw Hase Sheng's meticulous approach to Suzhen.

The feeling of being a teacher for the past two's really cool!

How Koushiro-sensei taught him, he taught Hase Katsuhito, especially those yin-rhythm tactics, all of which were tested on Hase Katsuya.

It's a great feeling to assign super-difficult and unfinished homework to students.

To be honest, it's kind of... addicting!

As the most popular breathing method among the five basic breathing methods, water breathing is indeed easier to learn, but it is also easy to learn and difficult to master.

If you don't have to remember with your body, it's really difficult to exert your due power.

But I have to mention that the ten basic types of Breath of Water have been continuously applied, practiced, and simplified by generations of ghost-killing swordsmen for more than a thousand years, and they have really been deduced to the extreme that humans can do.

It can be said that the ten types of water breathing are the most efficient killing and defense skills, and this is the most practical ghost killing technology.

Everything is for killing!

After learning the ten types of water breathing, Makino has no choice but to admire his current strength.

Without the cannibal's powerful physical strength and perverted recovery ability, and without the almost world-wide gap between humans and ghosts, such extreme sword skills would never be born.

As for the breathing method itself, it is also an extreme squeeze on the body.

To put it mildly, water breathing, the gentlest breathing method, is a method of reducing life expectancy in exchange for powerful combat power.

The so-called "full concentration breathing" is to accelerate the flow of blood and the beating of the heart, so that the body temperature rises rapidly.

To put it simply, it is to expand the lungs through large-scale breathing, so as to allow more air to enter the bloodstream as much as possible.

When the blood is stimulated, the bones and muscles will "panic", and the blood will heat up as a result, so that the body functions as powerful as a ghost for a short time.

Actually, this technique is very similar to Luffy's second gear.

They all "pump up" into the body, thereby accelerating the blood flow and strengthening the body's strength, just like a stimulant.

Of course, Luffy's second gear is much more exaggerated. After all, he is a rubber man, and the limit that his body can bear is beyond what a mortal body can imagine.

Because of this, Luffy's body in second gear will emit steam.

In the world of ghost annihilation, in order to gain greater power, the full concentration of breathing is just the beginning.

A more advanced technique is called "Comprehensive Concentration, Constantly Concentrating", that is, 24 hours a day, even if you are sleeping, you will keep your breathing in full concentration.

Think about it, if Luffy was in second gear 24 hours a day, would he feel shivering?

The more he learned, the more Makino respected the swordsmen of the breathing technique.

In order to slay evil spirits, each of them, in every battle, is burning their lives.

Makino couldn't help thinking of Ikki Kuro Tetsu, the hero of "The Hero of the Fallen Knight", and his "One Blade Shura".

If ordinary people want to defeat genius, they must incarnate as Shura!

This sentence is more appropriate in this world. If humans want to defeat ghosts whose physical strength and resilience are far beyond their own, they must also incarnate as Shura.

Not long after, Hase Katsu, panting, appeared beside Makino.

"My lord, I have finished the thousand Suzhen, please instruct me!"

"very good......"

A smile suddenly appeared on Hase Katsuya's face. It was not easy to finally gain the approval of this lord!

Muye: "Do you think I would say that?"


The smile on Katsuya Hase's face instantly cooled, and the whole person was almost sluggish.

Makino: "In the past two weeks, I have been correcting your type, so that every type of you strives to be perfect. But this is just to make up for the homework you lacked in the past. Don't be too happy. The water is fixed. form?"

Hasetsu: "No."

Muye: "Next, you have to forget everything I taught you in the past two weeks."


The sweaty Chang Gusheng was dumbfounded.

Forget everything you've learned in the past half month? Then why did he study for half a month?

Muye broke a branch and said, "Seven days, I will give you seven days. Use all your means to attack me, whether it's upright, despicable and shameless, and attack me by all means. As long as you can successfully counterattack once, you You can go to school!"

Chang Gusheng looked at the branch in Muye's hand, then at Muye's serious face, took a deep breath and said, "I see."

"Complete Collection · Breath of Water · Type of Four · Tide!"

Kasumi Hase took a deep breath, and in an instant, white mist appeared between his nose and mouth due to high-frequency breathing.

Because Hasetsu's attack frequency is so high that the blue sun blade is like a wave, making people dazzled.

But in the next second, Hase Sheng's all-out [beating the tide] was directly resolved by Makino with a branch.

"The tide in the whole episode is so powerful? Are you hitting the tide or Lianyi?"

"A single wave in the tide can raise dozens of meters, at least one or two meters, right? How high do you think the wave you raised?"

Hasesan was speechless.

Which wave can lift dozens of meters in an instant?

"Complete Collection · Breath of Water · Type of Four · Tide!"

Between Makino's mouth and nose, a cloud of white mist instantly appeared, and at the same time, a blue wave like a wave appeared on the branch that Makino was holding.


With the release of Makino's [Tide Tide], a large number of trees in the grove were instantly plowed.

Hase Katsuya was stunned, is this really what humans can do?

"Learn what is above and get what's in it, and what's in it and get what's below. Long Gusheng, learn the breathing of water, you should have a big river in your heart, not just a glass of water."

Chang Gusheng's head was dazed, Mo De replied emotionally, "Yes."

Muye: "Your sword must have a soul. It may be too mysterious to say that, but you have to believe it. If you don't even dare to think about it, how can you do it?"


"There is a river next to it. You can feel it with your heart and body. Water is not a dead thing!"


In a blink of an eye, the week has come to the last day.