Players Please Respect Yourself

v2 Chapter 318: Annual meeting (2 more)

   Chapter 318 Annual Meeting (2 more)

  Aisy is very smart. People with hero templates can't be mentally retarded, but anyone with serious shortcomings will not survive, but it is still difficult for her to complete nine years of compulsory education in a short period of time.

  Of course someone wants to 'quantum mechanics', but this is destined to be a meme.

  Pink Kumar was the first to be sent to the Southern Front, and he was going to harass the Southern Road with foreign players. Although the southern side is temporarily unable to carry out large-scale deployment of troops, it has to find something for foreigners to do.

   This bear, dyed with pink fur, did something very druid-like. He actually made a py deal with the largest family of six-legged crocodiles in the southwest swamp.

   This kind of crocodile with a low IQ, captured by the power of the abyss, was stunned to take refuge, so when the national server players rode the sand fish, the US server players finally had the capital to be proud of - Lao Tzu rode the crocodile! Still have six legs!

  The Brazilian Tortoise Man in the United States rides these mounts that can run at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour on land, harassing the orcs in the south with impunity.

  At first, players in the US server felt that it was a little regretful that they didn’t completely ‘start all over’, but people always like to be high above the ground. They were excited when they heard about capturing orcs to build railways. Capturing prisoners is even harder than the national server.

   Then I didn’t know what to do, and the [Chopping Chicken] skill was passed on like this...

  Because I found that the orcs are often more obedient, a group of guys even shouted for a gentleman or something. A certain evil abyss demon silently raised the purchase price of the orc father-in-law, and these fellows who had been slave owners in their ancestors immediately exposed their true nature.

  【Splitting Chickens】The skill rises more ruthlessly than anyone else.

  The United States is serving a lot, but it’s not that no one protests, saying it’s inhumane.

  The question, first of all, is the human being.

  What the players said in the past is that first you have to prove the existence of orcs on the earth. This is not a primitive man, not an ordinary man in a backward country, but a fictional mythical creature.

   With their backward animal tooth weapons and clubs, they have already fought half-way with the orcs near the border.

   Players do things, from morning to night, and these guys play games, this way of dying, no matter how many times you die, you will not get tired of it. Gradually, the bear king's territory became a little restless. The problem is that the bear king is busy cleaning up the remnants of the lion king, and he has no time to pay attention to the life and death of the tribes in this border area.

There are not only bear people in the Bear King's territory, but they are multi-ethnic scattered living, plus the contact information that is hundreds of years behind, and even a week after the war, the Bear King received a report that a small clan in the border area robbed a group of turtles. .

   "You actually robbed the turtle? These idiots aren't snails, right?"

   I have to say that amphibians like turtle people are very confusing.

   During this period of time, the abyss city was paved with railways at a speed of five kilometers a day, and even the steam engine train was already running on trial, and the open-pit coal mine found on the way also surprised Wang.

  Everything is ready, except for the traffic.

   Finally, the Beastmaster Collar basically settled the civil strife, and the Scorpion King's partial teacher arrived again. Therefore, when the eastern front was in full swing, the Abyss City only launched a seemingly lively battle on the Northwest Road, but in fact it was a war of attrition that was just like battle damage.

  The online time for players in the national server is obviously reduced, because... it's the new year.

Xiaoqiang Studio has done a few things here. Because of the expansion of the company, it is a bit out of place to use the name of [Studio]. Although the brand is registered like this, the name of the company registered with the Industry and Commerce Bureau has been changed to [ Haotian Entertainment Co., Ltd.], and completed the registration at home and abroad at the same time.

   The Chinese New Year here is as usual, and there is no terrible epidemic, so Wang Hao waved his hand, and the company chartered a plane to Sanya, Hainan Island for the annual meeting, and booked 20 villas in a five-star hotel. In addition, it was announced: the company's customer service staff who work during the Chinese New Year period will receive all four salaries, and the entire January will be counted.

   There are not many people in the company now, only 100 people. Among them, there are more than 30 disabled people such as Liu Yuechan. Together with special care workers, a group of 200 people is going to have a good time!

   This time, neither the Montreal branch nor the newly built Moscow branch came. After all, the Montreal branch is responsible for the customer service and operations of the US server, not to mention just opening, and foreigners do not have the tradition of Chinese New Year.

   Created by Shi Jun, the so-called Moscow branch in charge of network data security is a pure pretense.

   years later, Shi Jun will go to Asan's place to get a third shell.

   Anyway, in order to cover up the degree, Wang Hao didn't plan to let the company's "everyone" appear together. If someone takes a closer look, they will find that among these people, there is not a real programmer. Even Pan Yi in the company is only the skin in charge of the player's weapons and equipment.

  The annual meeting is naturally full of laughter and laughter. Many people have been on the shift for less than two months. Because the company's situation is very good, President Wang announced that the year-end bonus is 3 months' salary, and all of them laughed crookedly.

  The annual meeting is very exciting.

   You must know that the company has high labor, and now the standards are high, not to mention the beautiful women such as Shuang Shu, Sun Shangying and Liu Yuechan at the front desk, and the customer service ladies who will be recruited later, all of them look amazing.

  There are not many handsome men, but there are enough beautiful women.

  The eyes of a group of single dogs are worth it. They secretly took a video and posted it on the Internet. Before the annual meeting was over, it was hotly discussed by netizens. It was known as the annual meeting with the highest appearance. The young lady here has the lowest appearance of 80 points!

  Perhaps, this is the banknote capability of the company.

   Of course, everyone knows that the four most beautiful young ladies and sisters have always been on the handsome young billionaire boss.

   Shi Jun, who came back, was quite excited. This sullen guy used to look like a gentleman in the company. Now everyone knows that he is a fan of [Blonde Paradise].

   Seeing Shi Jun hugging Christina Kunonova, a tall and slender girl who is 1.8 meters tall and unmanageable by ordinary people, and looking at Shi Jun's height, everyone can only praise her appearance.

  Shi Jun is coming to an 'official announcement', those single young ladies look at Wang Hao just like the goblins in Journey to the West look at Tang Seng!

  Shi Jun was having a good time, and in the dancing session on the dance floor at the back, this guy was wearing his own tie on his head and doing a Maozi tap dance with Christina.

  Wang Hao didn't get off the dance floor. As the boss, he saw everyone on the dance floor in pairs, and entering it was another 'official announcement'.

   "Mr. Wang, don't be so rigid, let's go dance together."

   "I'm afraid that people will gossip, so we sisters can come together."

  No, no, no, the accident happened when we came together, and the gossip can’t stop when I look back.

Facing the sweet smile and warm invitation of the twin beauties from the customer service, Wang Hao had a refusal smile on his face: "I will not end, I will go, and everyone can't let go." After that, Wang Hao held a bottle of champagne. of goblet, walked alone to the small balcony outside the venue.

   (end of this chapter)