Players Please Respect Yourself

v2 Chapter 463: Zheng (a moment of silence for the compa

   Chapter 463 Zheng (Mourning for the compatriots who died)

  Any epoch-making invention is bound to be resisted, peeped, belittled, and so on.

   Now there is a big banner of Microsoft in front of the cylinder, even if the big money is made for Microsoft, Wang Hao is at ease. However, as Microsoft's submersible VR headset in turn became more and more dependent on Xiaoqiang Studio, his so-called company had to surface and was forced to go to the foreground.

  No way, the programs written by other game companies can't keep up with Microsoft's helmets.

   This kind of embarrassment really slaps the face.

   At this time, Liu Yuechan came in and reminded Wang Hao that the company's system had been attacked more and more frequently recently.

   In the worst case, the company's 'intranet' was breached, all peripheral information was turned upside down, and even the account password of the forum was broken.

   But for Wang Hao, it has no effect.

   As a prudent devil, he put all the company's employees' information on a local area network that is not connected to the Internet in the morning. The so-called peripheral information, which does not even include the company's income summary and so on.

   Then, starting in February, Microsoft sent invitation letters several times in a row, saying that he hoped that Wang Hao would go to the United States in person to discuss the grand plans for the next development.

   All kinds of gorgeous and grand reasons, if he is really an ordinary young man, he will definitely be held up high and want to go to the sky.

   Of course, the key is the big outbreak of influenza in the old United States. Almost the entire stock market crashed, and Microsoft was a standout, relying on its performance. The so-called performance mainly comes from the new VR headset. After all, this is not a conceptual thing, but a new profit growth point that is really supported by sales and turnover.

   This clearly stimulated Microsoft. It looks like Microsoft can't wait to acquire Xiaoqiang Studio.

   Wang, who has experienced so many bad things in the Land Abandoned by God, suffered a [degeneration ray] conspiracy, and almost degenerated into a dog, but he is very difficult!

Grass! No one wants to trick me out of my place!

   went to the land of the US Emperor and said it was about cooperation, not forced acquisition? What if there is a 40-meter long knife on my neck, and I want to hand over all the game engine data of "Land Forsaken"?

  Then whether I pay or not is a dead word.

   handed over, the cover is going to explode.

   If you don't pay, stretching your neck is a knife.

   Don't mention calling the police on other people's sites, maybe the big guy with the same hairstyle as the grass mud horse sent someone to force him.

   "Let's just say that there was an outbreak of influenza in the US. I personally have ancestral allergic rhinitis and catch a cold easily, so I won't go." This is how Wang asked his secretary to come to the official reply.

  Private reasons, one look, both girls understand.

   Where does a perfect game come from, then it is another world.

   Basically, the bright and the dark are coming.

  If Wang Hao kept secret, it would attract even more scrutiny, maybe those guys would come and rob in public.

  Wang Hao rubbed his brows. He had been fighting for a long time in his heart before he decided to sell the most basic submersible VR projection system by auction.

   Of course, the one with source code.

   These days, those who sell programs without source code are just selling the right to use them.

  The one with the source code is really for sale, and the others can only be used for authorized use.

   It is like the domestic banks all use the early XP, why the old XP is still used today when win10 is popular today, because XP has source code at that time.

  With the source code as the core of the program, at least the bank as the buyer can modify various contents and make patches according to their own needs, without worrying about being left behind by the back door, just come in and pick up the banknotes.

This one provided by    Wang Hao is actually an N-generation variant program based on the C language. Compared with the current mainstream programming programs, it is two generations ahead, but it is 18 generations away from the game engine used to cover up the Forsaken Land.

   This is equivalent to selling the other party a so-called master key, which can only open the metal locks of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago.

   The key is cheap.

   Wang Hao asked System Jun, he was not prohibited from making such a transfer to make a profit, he just wanted him to take care of his cover-up. For a program that took out 30 million dollars, let’s not talk about selling it for hundreds of millions of dollars.

   As for how to sell it, it is up to Shi Jun.

However, Sun Shangying reminded Wang Hao a little: "In order to stimulate the economy, the United States implemented [quantitative easing] to stimulate the economy. To put it bluntly, it is to print money with the left hand and lend it to the right hand. This hand is too rogue. If other countries If the exchange rate between the US dollar and the US dollar remains unchanged, it is equivalent to the old US printing money and letting the world pay the bill. But in the long run, the US dollar will definitely fall.”

   Wang Hao is a novice in economics.

   Not only him, but many people do not understand what the so-called [quantitative easing] is.

   Hearing what the secretary said, Wang Hao immediately realized that if he didn't exchange the US knife for soft sister coins, he would fall into a dog in minutes, and his blood loss would explode. The problem is that the company signed the bill in US dollars before.

  Wang Hao waved his hand: "If you have a beautiful knife in the future, change it for Soft Girl Coin as soon as possible. Whoever wants to buy our things in the future will be settled in Soft Girl Coin. Whether you like it or not."

  Shi Jun: "Then... what about others who want to buy shares and say they want to cooperate?"

  Wang Hao didn't answer, but instead asked: "By the way, how is the development of other companies' consciousness sneaking into VR headsets?"

   "Intel, Nvidia, and Huawei are all about the same, and they've all asked our company if there is a new VR game plan."

   "Give them a positive answer. We can sign a non-disclosure agreement and let them send prototype helmets. As long as the basic data is similar to Microsoft's, I can make a second VR game for them."

  Shi Jun was stunned: "What about "Land Abandoned by Gods"?"

   "Open beta announced. Once Jason Momoa unifies God Forsaken, there won't really be much updates to the game."

   Wang Hao is telling the truth, and in Shi Jun's ears, it means that he is extremely unhappy with Microsoft.

  You Microsoft has a one-year exclusive, but there is no requirement to update my game to what extent?

   I’m officially running, and I just make some so-called updates that fool people, come to a half-dead, and then stop the operation, focusing my manpower on the new game.

  You dare to blackmail me with a helmet, and I dare not do it.

   As long as you don't care about the money, can Microsoft eat me?

   Anyway, are there still few online games that are not well managed these days?

   I have no experience in my new company, so it's normal to be on the street.

  Wang Hao continued: "As for other mergers and acquisitions, we don't need to talk about buying shares. Tell them that in view of the uncertainty of the world market, the company is not in a hurry to expand."

   "What if the other party is too big?" Shi Jun pointed out.

  Wang Hao pointed to an invitation email and said, "Sneak out the rumors, wait for the news to ferment, and then be vague."

   As you can see, it is an official document: it is a company with a national brand name, and came to ask if it can customize a military FPS shootout game that requires a confidential contract.

   Everyone immediately understood.

  What the flu pandemic cannot expand, these are all excuses, to put it bluntly, don't force me, you jerk, if you force me to be ruthless, I will wear an official skin.

   Originally the plot was not like this. This was added temporarily. Today, this day of mourning, is not suitable for posting certain content. You will know when you read the next chapter tomorrow.

   I'm really sorry. Update the next chapter tomorrow afternoon.



   (end of this chapter)