Players Please Respect Yourself

v2 Chapter 549: unexpected supporter

   Chapter 549 Unexpected Supporters

   Fire Girl's words, if there is no strength to support, it will be a model of [Incompetent Fury].

   As her breath overflowed, most of the tyrants present finally showed thoughtful expressions.

too strong!

   While her breath was rising, looking at the half-length flame figure rising from her back, everyone finally realized what kind of powerhouse they were facing—that was 【Ifrit】!

  The elf born in the flames of Arabian legends!

   And from its clear and delicate flame texture features, condensed limbs, and fire wings with a temperature easily exceeding 5,000 degrees Celsius, it can be easily judged that this is the best Ifrit!

  Strictly speaking, this is almost a demigod!

   This kind of aura that burns everything, everyone in the arena except a certain black water demon king should be afraid of three points. The Queen of Wings [Phantom Feather Neon] even subconsciously 'tactically leaned back' and distanced herself from the Fire Girl.

  Without it, Fire Girl's sickly full-screen attack is too much restraint for a highly maneuverable, agile flying hero like her. Unless her wind element is strong enough to suppress the spread of the flame element, she really wants to face Rachel. Once she loses the space to dodge, the only thing waiting for her is her defeat.

   One thing to say, this Miss Commander is really strong!

  Everyone has a steel scale in their hearts, and the witch and the abyss who seem to be neurotic can compete with Rachel. The other four are a little less interesting.

"Giggle! It's up to you?" The witch Dak chuckled. The low and magnetic laughter with evil charm was quite harsh in the ears of everyone. Immediately, a black flame that was not inferior to the witch was heard Get up.

   The momentum is also rising, the fire girl is Ifrit, and behind the witch Dak is the shadow of a black evil dragon!

  Wang Hao frowned, and could not help but speculate: Evil Dragon Fafnir?

   He is not too sure, but as a very famous evil dragon in Norse mythology, its strength is beyond doubt. Moreover, in this turbulent crevice of time and space, it is normal for existences that should die.

   Carefully sensed that the combination of Fafnir and the witch was not perfect, and the power should have been borrowed.

   is a little bit different from Rachel's power to merge with Ifrit.

   But who is sure that the witch has no other hole cards?

  Looking at it this way, just relying on her personal combat power, the Fire Girl really can't hold back the Witch!

   In a sense, Rachel took out the official prestige of the council, which was equivalent to losing her personal prestige.

  The atmosphere was very stiff at one time!

The old man    Windos sighed softly, and just as he was about to make a move, an unexpected being opened his mouth.

  Wang Hao said lightly: "Please stop, Miss Duck Garrude, don't you think this confrontation is boring?"

  The other seven overlords all seemed to have big question marks on their foreheads.

   Little question mark, do you have many friends?

   However, anyone with brains understands—stopping the Dragon Witch at this time is undoubtedly a gesture of favor to the leader. But it was done by the abyss who just punched Rachel in the face, which was intriguing.

   If the abyssman did this at the beginning, everyone would doubt whether he was the official trustee. This dissuasion is based on the premise that he and his subordinates slaughtered the entire Atlantis Legion like chopping melons and vegetables, and it is more like a kind of "winner's tolerance".

   He has seriously threatened the authority of the Fire Girl. Stopping it at this time is more like he let the Fire Girl go, yes, for the sake of the parliament.

   The eyes of other overlords looking at Wang Hao are a bit playful, nothing more than labels such as [insidious], [cruel], [ruthless], and [scheming].

   Everyone thinks that Jason Momoa, the abyss, has a big picture!

  Wang Hao really doesn't want to act anymore, tell them - in fact, I'm a good person (poor person)! ?

   Originally, Wang Hao did the witch and didn't listen to persuasion. He pretended to help Rachel clean up the witch for the sake of the council.

  A magical scene happened.

The    witch's expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and the corner of her eyes twitched: "Humph! It's a bit boring!"

   After she finished speaking, she folded her arms around her chest, leaned her shoulders back, and leaned back on the back of the chair, with an aura of "I listened to my mother, I don't care, you can do whatever you like".

  Wang Hao was fine if he didn't look at it, but when he saw it, he found out that this guy doesn't seem to be more than E-class. Even if he wasn't as ferocious as the Demon Empress, he probably wouldn't be too bad.

  Cough, the focus is wrong.

   Here, Rachel and Windous frowned, and immediately realized that something was wrong: If the prestige of this team was based on the two of them plus Jason, it would be too bad.

  The abyss is not only uncontrollable, but also very likely to be a super hero with conspiracy and strength coexisting, and now he has to be let alone. In case the abyss is pitted, no one can stand the chain reaction it will bring.

  The hard part is that there is no replacement now.

   This predicament made Rachel's scalp tingle. Most of the fire-type powerhouses have a straight temperament, and they don't know how to hide their emotions. Her resentment has completely turned into reality.

   Feeling the hostile eyes of her and Yun Daosi, Wang Hao sighed in his heart and could only continue to play.

The voice that came out of his mouth was full of sarcasm: "Commander Josephine, don't you want obedience? All present here are the loyal ministers who have signed a soul contract with the parliament. My Abyss Legion is in charge of aerial combat, and no one will ignore your orders."

   Magic Feather Neon only wanted to laugh when she heard it, but she didn't dare to laugh when she wanted to.

  There is only so much combat power that can come in a short period of time, and if you weaken yourself, then you don’t need to fight.

  Rachel's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, she slapped the table, and said angrily: "Since everyone understands, that's fine. Next, assign the war zone."

  It is not necessarily a good thing for such a tough and irritable woman to be the leader. She's too sharp, like a double-edged sword, capable of slashing enemies as well as cutting herself.

   It's just that she hasn't had the absolute strength to conquer all the tyrants. From the beginning, this has become a very rigid dead end.

  Seriously, if there wasn't a Galactic Council of Order pressing down on it, it might be messed up.

  The allocation of war zones is an old one. The basic concept is that the thick-skinned stone man is in front, and the two legions of Yandi and Shengguang are in the middle.

   As for the water system, it was someone Wang who played it himself.

After the dissolution of   , Rachel returned to her station. After disbanding the left and right guards, as soon as she entered her bedroom, she saw a figure full of love and motherhood, a goddess with a broad mind.

   Rachel's irritable and stubborn face just now collapsed, and suddenly she changed from a goddess who seemed to be invincible forever to a weak girl next door.

   She rushed over and buried her head in the opponent's chest: "Sister Daria, I... I screwed up... woohoo!"

   Thank you all for your support, Yunfei has nothing to say, he will try his best to write a set. Maybe not everyone likes the stories that come out, but Yunfei will try his best.



   (end of this chapter)