Please Spare Me a Tail

v1 Chapter 15

Jiangcheng Base is a very large base. When the end of the world just broke out, this base housed only people from Jiangcheng City. However, after half a year, many surrounding bases could not survive. Most of the survivors of those bases fled to Jiangcheng Base, so this The base continued to expand, from the size of a town to the size of a county, and the population also expanded to tens of millions.

From one end of the base to the other, it may not be possible to walk for half a day. Fortunately, several bus lines and private transportation services are doing well. As long as you are not extremely poor, you can take a car when you go out.

And for such a base, there are usually more than a dozen gates to enter and exit. In this way, every evening, the queue waiting to enter the base will still be very long.

This afternoon, there was a long line at the gate again, and the people in the line were talking and complaining that the line was moving too slowly, while worrying about whether a zombie would suddenly appear.

At this moment, a motorcycle roared from a distance.

People looked over one after another.

"Who is this? Aren't you afraid of attracting zombies when you drive such a loud motorcycle?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, who is that person carefully?"

"Why is it Lu...even he can't do it, what should I do if I attract zombies?"

"Silly hat, you think you understand. If a master like this has zombies following him, he will be wiped out with a wave of his hand. How can he let the zombies follow him to the base?"

"Look, the woman sitting in the back of that car, my God, is so beautiful!"

"It's the same as the one in the show, but it's so beautiful, I haven't seen it before."

"The Zhongyang team won't be having a happy event, I don't know how many women's dreams will be shattered now."

The murmurs of discussion did not reach Bai Xiaohu's ears, her ears were filled by the wind, and her eyes were occupied by the scene of the base in front of her.

The city wall in the setting sun is very high, but it is not very majestic and majestic, because the materials are not very uniform, one piece is dark in color here, and the other is light in color, and many places are being repaired and repaired, and many people are carrying burdens and tools. Come and go or knock on the city wall.

Is this where the survivors of the last days live together?

Rice is planted on the large field outside the base, and the end can not be seen at a glance. It is still green at this time, and many people are busy in the field. team.

Some people sat in the car, some walked on two legs, some packed lightly, some packed big bags, some laughed and laughed, and some looked numb and painful.

After living alone for hundreds of years, they suddenly came into contact with so many people, both the fox and the little magic chicken were a little nervous.

Bai Xiaohu subconsciously tightened the clothes on Lu Ye's waist, Lu Ye paused, and looked down at his waist.

He drove the car across the team and stopped all the way to the gate. He put his foot on the ground, tilted the motorcycle slightly, looked at Bai Xiaohu from the side, and said in a warm voice, "This is the Jiangcheng Base."

Bai Xiaohu nodded.

Immediately, someone ran out of the gate, with a work permit with a blue tape around his neck, and flatteringly said to Lu Ye: "Captain Lu, are you back? You don't need to go through the inspection, but this... please show the next pass."

Lu Ye said: "She doesn't have a document yet, so she needs to get a temporary pass first." Turning to Bai Xiaohu, he said, "Come down first."

Bai Xiaohu got out of the car, and Lu Ye also stepped down, pushing the car into the gate, and the people lining up next to him could only watch them in enviously.

There is no way, the world has changed, powerful and capable people have privileges, but for Lu Ye, most people are not dissatisfied with envy, because in the previous waves of corpses, the Zhongyang team has made Great contribution.

Especially in the corpse wave just after the base was built, there was no Zhongyang team at that time, the management of the base was quite chaotic, people's hearts were fluctuating, and the powerful superpowers all reserved their own strength for their own battalion. Didn't this thunder master come forward Trying to turn the tide, the Jiangcheng base was on the list of destroyed bases.

Bai Xiaohu didn't know this, and followed Lu Ye smoothly into the gate. The check-in staff saw her clean, tidy, delicate and delicate appearance compared to ordinary people, and couldn't tell her to take off her clothes. In terms of inspection, the main thing is that Lu Ye stood beside him with a strong momentum, as if he was a protector.

The discerning staff then skipped the steps and just asked kindly: "Ma'am, do you have your ID card with you?"

Bai Xiaohu thought about what an ID card was, then shook his head, she didn't have that at all.

"Then it's lost, it's okay, this kind of situation is very common, then fill out the form." He took a form to Bai Xiaohu.

Bai Xiaohu's head grew dizzy when he saw it, and realized belatedly that the man on the wall seemed to be half illiterate.

She stared at the square characters on the paper, and she didn't know a few characters at all, but she had a vague impression of the others, but it was still very unfamiliar to recognize them.

She was holding a thin ballpoint pen, and she didn't know how to write it.

Lu Ye looked at the jerky posture of her holding the pen, took the pen over calmly, and filled in the three words in the name column with a few strokes. Bai Xiaohu leaned over to take a look. The three words "Bai Xiaohu".

Her name is translated into the text here, which is these three words.

She was surprised, how did he know that her name was written like that? There are many homophones.

Lu Ye asked her: "Is it correct?"

Bai Xiaohu nodded quickly, and Lu Ye asked again: "Age?"

Bai Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, she didn't know how old she was, for a race with too long a lifespan, age didn't mean much, and for Bai Xiaohu's class, there was no need to mention fractions less than a hundred.

She thought for a while: "Eight..." She seems to be over eight hundred years old, right? But can you say that? The words turned around on the lips, "Eighteen."

Lu Ye glanced at her, and Bai Xiaohu, who was pretending to be young and countless years old, was inexplicably guilty. Fortunately, he didn't say anything, and wrote "18" with a pen, and didn't fill in anything else.

The staff didn't dare to say anything, and they operated on the computer honestly. Bai Xiaohu took advantage of this moment and whispered to Lu Ye: "How do you know that my name is written like this?"

Lu Ye said: "If you make a mistake, you can also correct it."

Ah, so it is.

Soon the machine next to it spat out a white card.

Lu Ye picked it up and gave it to Bai Xiaohu: "This is your temporary pass. You must swipe your card to enter and exit the base, but it is only valid for one week. After one week, you must apply for a formal residence permit."

Bai Xiaohu held the white card and looked up, down, left, and right. The card was very simple. On one side was "Jiangcheng Base Temporary Pass" in big red characters, below it were three black letters "BXH", and in the lower right corner was a black " JC13840100" small print.

Turn it over, it's also small black characters.

usage notice:

1. This card is valid for one week. If you do not apply for a long-term residence permit after the expiration date, you will be expelled immediately if you are found.

2. This card is non-transferable. If it is lost or damaged, a replacement card will be charged separately.

3. Please bring this card when entering or leaving the base or when you need to swipe your card, otherwise you will not be allowed to pass.

4. This card is valid within the scope of the Jiangcheng Base. For details, please refer to the Jiangcheng Base Behavior Manual.

Bai Xiaohu even guessed and read a rough idea. Inexplicably, the feeling of entering the human territory suddenly became stronger at this moment. Will she stay here for a while?

She looked inside the gate, and there was a long and wide dirt road inside. People and vehicles kept entering, and billowing sand and dust were raised as they passed by on the dirt road. There are also fields on both sides of the dirt road, and there are rows of fortress-like concrete houses, which are military camps stationed around the wall.

Farther away is the dense construction area.

She hugged the little devil chicken silently, with a slightly panicked expression.

Lu Ye looked at her, her hair was a little messed up by the wind, and it was scattered on her shoulders, but it was still soft and black and shiny like the best satin. Beautiful, the whole person exudes an aura of innocence and ignorance of the world.

Such a little girl, the first time I see her, I feel that she should be protected and pampered in an elegant, bright, warm and safe environment. It's not that I look down on her, but that she deserves that kind of protection. Instead of letting her run out alone and experience the hardships and tribulations in this world.

However, at this time, her small face was slightly tense, her pink lips were pursed, her eyes were looking around, her eyes were a little uncertain, like a bird that was forced out of her comfort zone and came to a strange environment, and was a little uneasy because she was afraid of being born. Small animals.

Lu Ye's heart softened slightly.