Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 226: Surprise from the idol

The arrival of Chen Hao and others was warmly received by the chief officer of the barracks, a battalion commander. . Fastest update access:.

The battalion commander had a high surname and was in his early thirties. He was broad and strong, with a flat head and a black face, and he had ‘meat’ tendons.

Chen Hao and his party did not come here to play, directly indicating the requirement to look at the nodes first.

Without a word, Captain Gao led a group to the side of the valley.

This place is surrounded by a group of heavily armed soldiers. Through the introduction of Battalion Commander Gao, Chen Hao and others know that the so-called nodes are not'exposed', but the deep underground veins'yin' holes' and the weakest surface. Of the ring.

The thick one is seven or eight meters, and the thin one is only two or three meters.

The node of the valley, after the test, was only 4.3 meters.

Gao Yingchang also said that at present, around the node, even the entire valley, a lot of high-explosive bombs and things that have been studied in recent years that are harmful to the taboo have been installed. Once the taboo is found to be out and cannot be stopped, immediately Will blast here.

Chen Hao looked around the valley, his heart suddenly dignified.

Once blasted, it is rare for even oneself to leave in time, and these ordinary soldiers...

Looking at the indifferent look of Gao Yingchang, Chen Hao couldn't help but respectfully.

"Oh, Gao Yingchang, don't worry. It's okay if we are here. From now on, we will take turns guarding here. If we find any anomalies, we will deal with them in time. You can just take someone to support you." Chen Hao smiled. Said.

Gao Yingchang was about to refute, and Chen Hao said again: "After all, the art industry specializes in dealing with these things. We are professional. You don’t want to sacrifice these lovely soldiers in vain? The motherland needs more places for you. , Don't sacrifice lightly."

Commander Gao glanced at Chen Hao and said with a smile: "Sure, I listen to you. If you need it, just open your mouth. No matter what the task, we have no way to do it."

After that, Master Long and others began to arrange it.

It’s not too complicated. Master Yuan ‘insert’ seven small pennants in the place marked by the node, wrapped with red thread to form a pattern.

Then he took out a small bell and hung it on a branch seven meters away from the corresponding small flag.

After Master Yuan explained, Chen Hao realized that this was called Qixing Locking Qi Array. Once a demon is within 100 meters, Qixing Qiqi will sense it, and then the bell will ring.

With this arrangement, the taboo can basically be discovered as long as it comes here. You don’t have to be too bothered, you just have to guard it silently.

After some deliberation, Chen Hao and his party were divided into three groups.

A group of Master Yuan and Master Zhao.

Master Long and Leng Yanran together.

Chen Hao is in a single group.

The three groups took turns guarding in turn every six hours.

Leng Yanran and Master Long took the initiative to serve as the first wave, then Chen Hao, then Master Yuan and Master Zhao.

After the allocation, everyone dispersed, leaving Master Long and Leng Yanran, and the others went to rest.

After all, there is no time limit for this kind of guard at present, and the taboo is not eliminated. That is a protracted battle. You must rest and maintain your state to avoid accidents.

According to the arrangement of the commander Gao, Chen Hao assigned a separate tent.

At this time, the ‘wave’ of the day finally stopped.

Chen Hao and Captain Gao borrowed a coal stove and an aluminum pot, and then began cooking poisonous scorpions for the two little ones.

Black cats and male ‘chickens’ were not in a hurry.

It's all here, and then I will wait for the opportunity to see if the ghost centipede will run here.

After eating and drinking, Chen Hao let the two young men rest, and then he took out the statue of Emperor Zhenwu.

The things I face are getting more and more terrifying, getting more and more powerful.

Although he has made great progress, according to this situation, he will always encounter a situation that is not so easy to speak, and will be a fatal threat to him.

Therefore, it is imperative to prepare a powerful life-saving thing.

Don’t think about it. Not to mention that the Tiangang step that you practiced the most is just the first three steps. The subsequent Tiangang swordsmanship only has to be "hairy". One percent of the power of Tiangang swordsmanship can't be used, and it's embarrassing to say it.

As for the Breath of the Wind and Sanwei Huo, that is nothing more.

Therefore, to save your life, you must rely on foreign objects.

For example, the big peach wood sword, which has been blessed to the top level, has reached the magic weapon level magic weapon.

It's just that the mahogany sword is enough for body protection, not enough for life.

So Chen Hao put his idea on the statue of Emperor Zhenwu.

This statue of Emperor Zhenwu was an unexpected harvest of his own help. It was left behind by a long-time leader. It has a history of becoming a ‘mystery’, but the spiritual ‘nature’ is absolutely amazing.

And Chen Hao precisely mastered the magical powers, able to bless the statue of Emperor Zhenwu, and make it more powerful.

At present, the blessing of Emperor Zhenwu's statue is already powerful enough that even the love demon can't hold its power. But the spiritual'sex' of the idol has not yet reached the top level.

What Chen Hao wanted to do was to continue to bless it, to see what level the Zhenwu Emperor could achieve under his constant blessing, and what kind of supernatural power broke out.

Perhaps This will be the most powerful body protector since my practice.

Concentrated, Chen Hao stared at the idol and used his full body mana to bless the statue of Emperor Zhenwu.

In an instant, the emperor Zhenwu seemed to emit ‘Mongolian’ and ‘Mongolian’ white light.

The blessings of Taoism for nearly 40 years are almost comparable to the sum of all the blessings of Chen Hao before.

With so many ways, the spiritual'nature' of Emperor Zhenwu suddenly skyrocketed, and then a magical scene appeared.

The statue of Zhenwu Emperor who originally had a height of more than two meters suddenly began to shrink and became two meters, one meter eight, one meter five, one meter two, and after about one meter, the statue of Emperor Zhenwu finally stopped shrinking.

At this time, the statue of Emperor Zhenwu has also undergone tremendous changes.

The face of the idol has become more real, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a high nose bridge, a fine mouth and lips, and a clear hair, which constitutes a majestic face that is not angry and majestic.

In particular, the eyes of the **** statue were originally blank, but at this moment they actually revealed the agility of the true eyes.

In addition, the tiny cracks on the idol's body that were originally suppressed have disappeared now.

The turtle, snake, and beast that the emperor sat down also became like living creatures. At first glance, it was really like alive.

The change of the idol, alarmed the black cat and the male ‘chicken’.

The black cat was even more frantic, looking at the idol, faintly showing fear in his eyes.

"The statue of Emperor Zhenwu: enlighten the magical weapon to enhance the power of the gods."

After the change, the enlightenment of the idol came back, and Chen Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Turned into a magic weapon!

Sure enough, this idol has great potential!

No, this consecration has not reached the upper limit, it can continue to consecrate!

Chen Hao looked at the idol, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was a faint feeling that he was going to'make' something extraordinary.