Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 388: There is a lot of noise

"Soul?" Chen Hao looked at A Mi Luo.

A Mi Luo said: "Burn, under the karma fire, the soul becomes gray, and the soul naturally disappears."

Chen Hao was black: "I said it was too fast for you to do it, let him finish it?"

A Mi Luo glanced at Chen Hao: "Do you think I am you?"

Chen Hao: "..."

"But what box did he say, can the contents be eaten, if it can be eaten, let me find a way to open it for you, how about half of it?" Ami Luo said again.

Chen Hao moved his lips and uttered a word: "Go away."

A Mi Luo carelessly said: "Don't count, my Ming tribe understands many secret methods, you don't want me to help, it is your loss."

After speaking, Ami Luo turned around with his little hand on his back.

When Ami Luo walked away, Bai Lu said: "Master, who is she, actually controls the terrible magic power of Karma."

Chen Hao explained: "This is an asura. It's really powerful. Don't take care of her when you're okay, lest she go crazy."

"Sura? How could there be Shura in the world?" Bai Lu was surprised.

Chen Hao said: "It's a long story. In short, it doesn't have much to do with us. Although I stay in Taoist temple, eat mine, drink mine, use me... Anyway, just ignore her, just be a tenant, maybe it won’t be long. , She will leave."

Bai Lu was silent.

Chen Hao continued: "By the way, how did you get out of Xiaobai? Did the hardening succeed?"

Bai Lu said: "Master, I have a problem."

Chen Hao looked at Bai Lu seriously.

Bai Lu said: "During the period of retreat, I concentrated on practicing and tempering myself, and unexpectedly inspired a new piece of inheritance information. I learned the secret of my dragon's advancement. My dragon's blood is too thin and scarce. If I want to be thorough To control the flood pill and to advance the flood, more blood is needed, otherwise I can only stop here and never break through."

Chen Hao was stunned and asked, "So, as long as you supplement the blood of the dragon, you can break this restriction?"

Bai Lu said: "Yes, it's just that there are no flood dragons in the world. Even if there are, they are hidden in some secret places, no one knows."

Chen Hao said: "Then if it is the true dragon blood, will it help you?"

Bai Lu was taken aback: "That's naturally better, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Lu snake's eyes stared straight, looking at the small dragon skull that suddenly appeared in Chen Hao's hand.

"This, this is..."

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Go out and find it, Xiaobai, do you think this thing helps you?"

Bai Lu hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't know."

Chen Hao said: "Also, bones and blood are different after all, and this thing is banned. I don't know how to crack it. It takes a little time."

Bai Lu looked at the dragon skull and said, "Master, I might be able to crack it."

Chen Hao looked at Bai Lu in surprise.

Bai Lu didn't speak, and her figure grew larger, then opened her mouth and pointed at the small keel in Chen Hao's hand, breathing out a breath.

This breath penetrated into the keel, and the next moment, something strange appeared.

I saw that Bailu's breath breathed with the dragon's dragon's own power, and there was a kind of resonance.

In a moment, the little keel began to change.

The originally small dragon skull suddenly swelled and became heavier.

After the leading bone became four or five times bigger, Chen Hao couldn't take it anymore and dropped it to the ground.

At this time, an inexplicable force on the dragon skull shattered, and then a huge dragon power spread out.

This mighty and majestic dragon looks like a king over the world and shocks everything.

Long Wei broke out, black cats and roosters couldn't help crawling on the ground, blue butterflies all fell from Chen Hao's shoulders, and Zhao Lingqiao was directly shocked to the ground.

Then Longwei was like a layer of invisible storm, whistling away, everything was lonely.

A forest in Wushan.

The white-haired squirrel jumping around the tree suddenly screamed and fell from the tree, falling into a halo, and his eyes were frightened.

In the pool next to another waterfall, the goddess Wushan who was cultivating suddenly opened her eyes and said in amazement, "Longwei!"

Tens of miles away, the Spirit Pill Gate was matching the three flavors of medicinal materials. With a shake of my hand, a handful of medicinal materials were scattered, and he looked in the direction of Sanshui Temple in amazement.

"not good!"

Chen Hao was startled when he felt the Dragon Power spread, and then smiled bitterly.

There was such a big noise from Malgobi, I'm afraid I can't hide it now.

At this time, after the outbreak of Longwei, the dragon bone returned to calm. Although there is still a kind of inviolable coercion within the dragon bone, it has no effect on the surroundings.

"This won't work. Even if I can't keep it, my buddy will drink this dragon bone soup."

Looking at the quiet dragon skull, Chen Hao gritted his teeth, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number.

There was a ringing, the phone was connected, and then Gu Dao's hearty voice came: "Chen Daoyou, what's the matter?"

Chen Hao directly said: "Senior Gu, I got the keel."

"Dragon...Well, what are you talking about?" Gu Daoquan's voice increased.

Chen Hao said: "It's the keel where there is a lot of movement in the practice circle now, I got it."

"This, Daoyou is really Daomen and related departments are looking everywhere, but you got it unexpectedly." Gu Dao exclaimed.

Chen Hao said: "Gu predecessor, this is not important. Now I have broken the ban on the keel. It is estimated that Dao Sect and relevant departments will know soon, so I have an idea."

Gu Daoquan smiled and said, "Why? Do you want to deal with Daomen or related departments? Haha, that's true, but this keel is related to the secret realm of the Crystal Palace. You are weak and afraid that it cannot be preserved."

Chen Hao said: "Trading is necessary, but before trading, I have to stew the keel."

Gu Daoquan: "..."

Chen Hao continued: "So I need the help of Senior Gu, you are always a cook, can you come to me, let's try it together, maybe after drinking this soup, you can always break the life limit, and there are more Time to practice."

Gu Daoquan was silent for a while before he said, "Daoyou Chen, I know you can enter Dao alone. Your thinking is really different from ordinary people."

Chen Hao laughed, I can say that I didn't think about finding a crystal palace in the past.

"But the idea of ​​stewing dragon bones is good. There are few people who can eat dragon meat throughout the ages. Although there are only bones, they are rare for a long time. You will have to wait first. An old Daoist friend, when the time comes to discuss how to deal with this keel, Daoyou Chen can rest assured that he will not let you suffer."

Chen Hao said: "Everything is working hard."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hao called Master Long again.

The phone was connected, and before Master Long could speak, Chen Hao said, "Brother Long, don't say I don't take care of you. Recently, I found a dragon skull and prepared to make soup. If you want to drink it, come to Sanshui to watch."

At this time, Master Long, who was doing the laundry, was stunned. .

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