Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 439: Lost

"Sorry? He offended Haoge?" The **** was puzzled.

Chen Hao said, "It’s not offending me, it’s offending our country, Xiao Huang. Speaking of you, you are also a Chinese chicken. You are the chicken of this country. You have to recognize that the country’s territorial completion is complete. In our country, outsiders are not allowed to snatch. This person is not from China. He came here with obvious intentions and wants to **** things. Since he wants to snatch, he has to take risks, and death is in vain, and he cannot simply die. "


It sounds reasonable, why does the chicken master feel uncomfortable?

Chen Hao was about to continue speaking. Suddenly the abnormality appeared, and the foreigner with beard suddenly sank and went first, and disappeared instantly.

Then, where the beard was, a swirl of sand appeared.

"Quickly, this is the entrance to the Burial Mystery Realm. It has a very short existence." Ami Luo hurriedly said.

After hearing this, Chen Hao swept over without a word, and then the rooster and black cat followed, and his figure fell into the sand whirlpool.

As Chen Hao and Er Xiao disappeared, the sand vortex quickly shrank and then calmed down. The whole process took only a few seconds.

But at this time, Chen Hao, who fell into the sand vortex, discovered that after passing through the vortex, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a different environment.

This is a gray space that looks very vast, but in the distance is confused and can't see clearly.

In the space, there are endless peaks and dense trees, but there is no sound, and it seems too quiet.

The place where Chen Hao appeared was by a river.

The river was only five or six meters wide, and there was black and shiny water flowing in the river, silent and vaguely threatening.

Then Chen Hao discovered that there was something lying on the side of the river. He walked over and saw that it was the foreigner who was lodged by the alien yellow scorpion.

He was lying on the bank of the river, breathless.

Seeing clearly, Chen Hao sucked in air.

The cheeked foreigner has completely changed his appearance at this time, except for the clothes. The original sturdy and tall figure has now shrunk to skin and bones, looking completely bloodless, and the skin is black and shiny, exactly the same as the water in the river. .

Taking a few steps back subconsciously, Chen Hao watched the river warily.

The black water is still calm and waveless, it looks like it is flowing, and it seems to be delicate, awesome.

"This is black pulp!"

Ami Luo's voice sounded, somewhat surprised.

Chen Hao asked: "You know?"

Amiluo said: "I have heard of it, but I haven't seen it. It is said that black pulp is the blood of the demon god, which can corrode everything, and you will die if you touch it!"

Chen Hao looked at the foreigners, and then at both sides of the river. As expected, there were no plants on both sides of the river.

"The blood of the devil? Do you mean, is this mysterious burial realm really the place where the gods fell?" Chen Hao asked, but his eyes looked vigilantly.

But after asking, Chen Hao didn't hear a response. Turning his head, Chen Hao suddenly numbed his scalp.

The black cats and roosters that were behind him disappeared!

What is the situation? My little yellow and black!

Chen Hao was shocked, and hurriedly looked around.

But after turning around, Chen Hao didn't find the second small figure at all, and he didn't even feel the breath.

Looking around, Little Wraith was lying on his back, his eyes were blind, his face was calm, and there was no expression at all.

Chen Hao looked at it and gave up the intention of asking.

The wraiths of grievances have no consciousness, they are just some kind of mysterious resonance and they can't communicate.

But the current situation is too weird. Suddenly Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang disappeared, and even Ami Luo, who was attached to Xiao Hei, didn't have any reminders. This was obviously not a good sign.

There are problems, there are big problems.

Chen Hao was alert and moved slowly away from the river.

Just a few steps away, Chen Hao's eyes suddenly moved, and he found an abnormality.

When he fell just now, he walked to the river and passed a stone.

But after a while back, the stone was gone.

Little black and little yellow disappeared and the stone disappeared. Did this happen together?

Chen Hao pays more attention to the Quartet, and keeps everything in mind.

After waiting shortly, Chen Hao finally saw the change.

The place where there was vegetation suddenly disappeared and turned into an empty space, and a small tree appeared in the place that was originally an empty space.

This kind of change is completely imperceptible. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chen Hao couldn't believe that there was such a thing!

Numerous messages of sects emerged in my heart, looking for the cause of this situation.

After a while, Chen Hao thoughtfully.

It looks like... It is the change of time and space, the change of time and space, changing from place to place, quietly, without any notice.

But here seems to be a small spatial and temporal change.

That's... chaotic time and space.

The space here is chaotic and changes every once in a while.

It should have been a sudden change just now, and I moved Xiao Hei Xiao Huang away from my

Chen Hao looked somber.

This is really a mastery. I haven't found Master Long yet, so I lost the two companions first.

After a moment of pondering, Chen Hao turned away.

Xiao Hei Xiao Huang has Ami Luo to follow, and he is definitely safer than himself.

And he can't stay here, otherwise the time and space will continue to be confused, who knows where he will go.

Walking along the way, Chen Hao was the only one left in the original small team.

No, there is a little resentful spirit following, but the little resentful spirit is indifferent to anything, just occupying Chen Hao's back and enjoying carrying it silently.

Going around, I don't know how long it takes.

Just near the top of the mountain, suddenly the scenery in front of me changed again.

The gray sky suddenly entered a state of darkness, the original small woods suddenly disappeared, and replaced by an open space burning with a bonfire.

On the clearing, several people were talking around the campfire.

After being taken aback, Chen Hao looked around.

Sure enough, in the dark night, the surrounding scenery completely changed, completely different from what was seen before.

After going through several changes, Chen Hao was more calm and looked towards the campfire.

There are five people around the campfire. They don't look like spiritual practitioners. They are dressed in fashion. There are men and women, and they are all young people.

It's just strange that of the five people, three of them are angry, but two are lifeless.

What the eyes can see, the five people are alive and well.

After looking around for a while, Chen Hao grinned and walked over.

"Who!" One of the five got up and yelled when someone was approaching. The others also stood up quickly, with vigilant faces.

Chen Hao walked over and said, "I lost my way in the desert and was swallowed by quicksand. I don't know why I came here. How many people know what this place is?"