Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 467: accident

The mana that has just emerged is not only gone, but also directly taken away for a year.

Chen Hao was a little dumbfounded.

What is the situation, is it not completed? Why did it suddenly fail?

For a moment, Chen Hao suddenly turned around, then started and left.

The young ghost looked puzzled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Hao is in a mood to talk to it. A good task is not only not rewarded, but also took a year to enter, this must be clarified!

Driving all the way, Chen Hao rushed to the hospital soon.

But when he arrived, Chen Hao discovered that something went wrong in the hospital, and the lights in one building were all off. It seemed that the hospital was a little panicked and the voices were boiling.

Chen Hao stopped a person to interrogate, and only then learned that a strange scream was heard in the hospital not long ago, and then all the glass bulbs shattered, and a strange wind blew up, causing many people to fall into a coma, causing panic. At this moment, the hospital is transferring patients.

Hearing this news, Chen Hao's expression changed slightly.

This is definitely an accident! Something grows out of nowhere.

Your uncle's, buddy's mission dare to destroy, eat the bear heart leopard gall!

Annoyed, Chen Hao directly broke into the dark hospital.

Yin and Yang judged the breath, and did not find Zhou Zhiqiang's breath, nor other ghosts.

However, there is a strange smell remaining in the building, which is very evil and disgusting.

Chen Hao frowned, locked in this breath, and then found that it had left the hospital and headed south.

After a moment of thought, Chen Hao left the hospital and drove to find the breath.

All the way to the south, it didn't take long for Chen Hao to suddenly look at a building.

The whereabouts of evil breath stay in the building.

But what surprised Chen Hao was that there was a car outside the building, and there were a few mana breaths on the car.

Not only that, there is also a familiar breath in this car, it is Zhou Zhiqiang!

Zhou Zhiqiang was arrested!

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes, looked at the car for a moment, and drove past.

After approaching, Chen Hao got out of the car, walked to the side of the car, reached out and knocked on the window.

The window dropped, revealing a big man's face.

"What are you doing?" The big man looked bad.

Chen Hao said: "Sorry, you seem to have robbed me of something."

The big man frowned: "Boy, who..."

"I don't want to talk nonsense, let Zhou Zhiqiang out." Chen Hao interrupted the big man's words and asked directly, while showing a mana breath, showing that he was also a peer.

The big man was taken aback, and then smiled: "It turns out to be a fellow Taoist, hey, let the ghosts injure people, you also go with us..." Before the words were finished, the big man's voice stopped abruptly and his eyes widened.

Because Chen Hao raised his hand, in the palm of his hand, a thunder ball twirled and radiated a tyrannical atmosphere.

"What did you just say?" Chen Hao said.

The big man stopped talking. At this time, the door opened and a middle-aged man got out of the car. He stared at Chen Hao and said: "Daoyou, we are the seventh team in the North China District of the relevant department, and I am captain Wang Mingfeng."

Chen Hao said calmly: "Sanshui Guan, Chen Hao, I believe your relevant departments have my information."

Chen Hao!

Hearing this name, the middle-aged man Wang Mingfeng and the big man all showed strange eyes, and could not help but look at him more seriously.

In the relevant departments, there have been a lot of movements in recent times, but the most famous one is this disciple who is not a member of the relevant departments.

Legend has it that Chen Hao was a casual practitioner who entered the Dao alone. He has been doing Dao for decades at a young age. There are also two powerful law-loving spiritual favors. He even participated in several actions of relevant departments.

This is an outsider who fires in the circle!

Although they heard a lot, they met now, and they only felt that this Chen Hao seems to be more powerful than the rumors. At least they don’t know that Chen Hao has cultivated Lei Fa to such a realm!

"It turned out to be Daoyou Chen, disrespectful and disrespectful, do you know this resentful soul?" Wang Mingfeng asked.

Chen Hao said: "I'm overdoing it, so-called harm, don't have hidden feelings. If you don't know, you can investigate. I believe that in Jinhe City, you can find someone to understand Zhou Zhiqiang's situation."

Wang Mingfeng froze.

Chen Hao continued: "Now, can I release it?"

Wang Mingfeng hesitated for a moment, and said: "This resentment is not small, and there may be some problems, but this is not what we did. I hope fellow daoists understand."

With that said, Wang Mingfeng waved to the car, and then his subordinates let out a yin gas and turned them into an adult. It was Zhou Zhiqiang.

But now Zhou Zhiqiang is a bit strange.

Its eyes were dull, its soul and body were weak, and even the resentment on its body was mostly gone. It looks like dementia.

Chen Hao looked at him for a moment, and then looked at Wang Mingfeng again.

Wang Mingfeng said: "The soul-eating breath in that building, the Taoist friends have sensed it, we are hunting for it, this spirit of resentment, and the soul of the person who was murdered by it are all hurt by the soul-eating, we rush When the time comes, the soul of the first-dead person is swallowed by the soul eater, and most of the soul of the grudge is also absorbed. If we don’t interrupt, the grudge can’t exist Chen Hao looked one Shen.

It turned out to be Soul Eater, and Mag compared it. It was this thing that broke my good deeds and pitted me for another year!

"I know."

Chen Hao waved his hands, put away Zhou Zhiqiang's soul, then turned and walked to the building.

Suddenly, Wang Mingfeng said quickly: "Chen Daoyou, what are you?"

Chen Hao said without looking back: "If I practice, I will naturally seek justice."

Wang Mingfeng's expression changed, and he hurriedly stepped forward to stop Chen Hao: "Friends, this soul-eater is the prey of our team."

Chen Hao raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Since it's a prey, then it's okay. Do I help you, is this not good?"

Wang Mingfeng said: "Our task is to grasp."

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes: "Scratch? You say this, I can understand that you are also responsible for the reason why my spiritual practice was broken."

Wang Mingfeng was congested.

"Chen Hao Daoyou, your words are too much. We arrested Soul Eater, but knowing that we can touch you, this is an accident." Wang Mingfeng's men also got off the car, and one of them dissatisfied rebutted.

Chen Hao said: "Just be an accident, is it wrong for me to find soul eater revenge? Or to say, what you are looking for is yours, even if this thing goes wrong, it will not allow others to deal with it?"

"Friends of Taoism, you are arguing like this!" Wang Mingfeng said in a deep voice.

Chen Hao shook his head: "They are all adults, don't pretend to be stupid, I don't care what this Soul Eater is for you, but if it provokes me, if it provokes me, you will be responsible for the consequences. Xiao Hei, Xiao Huang, Go kill it."

"Good brother Liehao." The rooster cried excitedly, then spread its wings and ran towards the building.

The black cat murmured, his figure rushed forward, very fast.

"Stop them!" Wang Mingfeng was furious and ordered with a wave of his hand.