Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 694: Quietly

All the way to Huang Yaman's residence, chatting on the road, Chen Hao finally knew that Huang Yaman's surname was Liao, and his name was a wave.

His ancestor master chance coincided with the incomplete method of Ben Maoshan and entered the Tao. Later, when he worked together, it was considered to have a perfect side door inheritance. It should be said that it was a branch of Maoshan.

But Maoshan did not admit them.

According to Liao Yibo, unless he can turn over to the sky, or get some peerless treasures, it is impossible to recognize the ancestors. After all, as long as it is approved by Maoshan, it is possible to reach out and ask for something from Maoshan. Breaking the place, several generations of successors are single passers, when did they cut off the inheritance, they didn't know, and they couldn't see the branch with the slightest return.

And Liao Yibo is not living in a temple, but in a courtyard.

The yard looks very old, but it's pretty well taken care of.

The courtyard lobby is dedicated to Sanqing and past ancestors.

However, because of the lack of incense, Sanqing had no aura, and the ancestors were reincarnated and reborn.

Although Chen Hao is more powerful than Liao Yibo, the basic rules still have to be followed.

The hearse was taken away by Chen Hao, and then he brought the black cat and Qiu Ming into the lobby, took out the spirit incense, and saluted the incense.

Seeing this, Liao Yibo moved, and didn't speak.

After Chen Haojing finished the incense, he sighed: "Daoyou, just ordinary incense, you are a waste."

Chen Hao smiled: "Diverity of Lingxiang, Daoyou don't need to care, um, Daoyou is pretty good here. The wind is surrounded by water, the four gates are strange, and there is a Fengshui Spirit Bureau.

Liao Yibo's face was very lustrous: "I'm not afraid that the Taoist friends know that this feng shui treasure, but it took decades of savings from the old Tao, it was arranged, and I have no skills myself. In order to continue inheritance, I hope to train disciples in the future. Now."

Chen Hao smiled.

The main schools rely on spirit stones to train disciples, and the small schools or free training rely on various partial doors or shortcuts to train disciples. The natural spirit stone is the best in effect, but the spirit stone is not something you can get if you want.

While chatting, Liao Yibo arranged a clean room for Chen Hao, and then asked Chen Hao to eat a big meal.

Chen Hao could not escape, and had to go with Liao Yibo to the village restaurant.

Just after going out, just about to go, a person ran over on an electric car and hurriedly shouted: "Master Liao, Master Liao, help me."

Liao Yibo paused and looked at the coming person. He immediately recognized it and smiled, "What happened to Xiao Li."

"Master saves life, something serious is happening in my family." The coming person was a young man. When he came near, he hurried to stop and opened his face in horror.

Liao Yibo saw that his expression was wrong and hurriedly said: "Xiao Li don't worry, take your breath and slowly say."

"My daughter-in-law was pregnant before," the young man said.

Liao Yibo froze for a moment, crying and laughing: "This is not a good thing. You have been married for a year. It is normal to have a baby."

The young man said: "But my daughter-in-law is pregnant for more than six months, which was confirmed by the inspection, but today my daughter-in-law said that her stomach hurts, and then went to the hospital for examination. It turned out that my daughter-in-law had one more belly. And this is particularly weird. They are almost ready to be born. But how is this possible, how can one baby become two, and this second one is not compatible with the time of pregnancy."


Hearing this, Chen Hao and Liao Yibo were shocked at the same time.

After conceiving a baby, a second son appears, which is absolutely impossible.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Looking at each other, Chen Hao couldn't care about eating anymore and said: "Dao friends, let's go and see first."

Liao Yibo nodded.

The young man then led the way and the three went to his house.

The daughter-in-law's abnormality, he didn't believe in the hospital and brought it back directly, just to see Master Liao.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Chen Hao looked at his house. Chen Hao raised his eyebrows.

This looks like a newly built two-story building, which is well decorated.

However, in Chen Hao's eyes, the evil spirits were strong in the small building, and the tyrannical atmosphere in the Dragon King well was constantly injected into the small building.

After looking at Liao Yibo, he obviously also found anomalies, and the two made eye contact without speaking.

Entering the small building and coming to the pregnant woman, Chen Hao discovered more problems.

The evil energy spread from the pregnant woman, and the injected tyrannical breath also entered her body.

The pregnant woman seemed very painful, and even her belly bulged, she seemed to be able to see something moving.

The young man's family stood worried all around, but he dared not get close.

Chen Hao looked at the weak breath of the pregnant woman and frowned.

The evil energy in pregnant women is growing, but the vitality of pregnant women is constantly decreasing.

According to the growth rate of evil energy, pregnant women are afraid that they will not be able to sustain it.

Chen Hao no longer hesitated, shot decisively, squeezed the law, condensed a beam of magic, covered the pregnant woman, and cut off the injection of the tyrannical breath.

For a moment, the evil in the pregnant woman's belly stopped.

Just as Chen Hao was preparing to cast a spell and forced evil spirits out, the pregnant woman suddenly opened her eyes and stood up straight from the bed, her face pale and her eyes staring coldly at Chen Hao.

"Bull nose, you dare to prevent me from being born."

The pregnant woman made a sharp, sharp voice.

The family of the young man was so scared that he fled Chen Hao took a deep look at the pregnant woman and said, "You are born, you have your own reincarnation, so you rob the fetus of other fetuses, and condense your body with evil methods, Even if you are born, you are a demon."

The pregnant woman suddenly laughed aloud: "Demon, I was a man in my life. You haven't regarded me as a demon. Now that I'm reincarnated as a demon, isn't it exactly what you want."

Chen Hao coldly said: "That's embarrassing, I see it, I don't allow it."

The pregnant woman glared at Chen Hao: "You don't allow it, who do you think you are, tell you, I will be born today, dare to disturb me, let your soul fly away, never exceed..."

Before the words were finished, the pregnant woman's voice came to an abrupt halt, looking at the tip of a mahogany sword against the abdomen, Faguang was fluctuating, and the new words could not be spoken.

Chen Hao laughed: "Say, why don't you say it."

The pregnant woman glared at Chen Hao, and said after a while: "Science Taoist, you are very good, I remember you."

Speaking of the pregnant woman's sudden collapse, she was fleeing when a wicked air wrapped around the virtual shadow and flew out of her back.

But Virtual Shadow hadn't gone out yet, and Chen Hao approached.

"Meet me and want to run, stay for me."

A flash of thunder flashed in his hand, and the phantom screamed and fell to the ground, revealing the figure of a woman.

As soon as Chen Hao looked at the woman's face, she suddenly twitched her lips.

It's so ugly, with a frowning eyebrows, big nose teeth, and a bumpy face.

"The master spares the life, the master spares the life, let the little girl go, the little girl is very pitiful."

Chen Hao hummed: "Don't want to die, tell your origins, and, what is your relationship with this Dragon King Well?"

Guiya Evil Soul quickly said: "My name is Jingjing, I am a dragon maid." 2k Reading Net

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