Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 836: Mist

not good!

The sudden accident made Chen Hao dumbfounded.

I thought that the two sisters turned against each other, but I didn't expect this meeting. They actually merged into one and became stronger. What is the reason? What is the tear ratio between women? You don’t play cards according to the routine!

But now the most important thing is Mimi.

Can't let this guy hang here.

Thinking like this, Chen Hao rushed past without hesitation.

While running, Chen Hao's body began to swell, and by the time he reached the apartment, Chen Hao had turned into a giant of six or seven meters, rammed directly, smashed and destroyed the apartment, and then rushed to the blood shadow.

Generally fear the pollution of blood spirits.

But Chen Hao is not afraid.

Break through all methods! There is no doubt about the strength of the divine power.

When approaching, Chen Hao directly reached out to grab the blood shadow, and then tore his hands to separate the blood shadow.

The blood shadow is furious and the blood red gas impacts, constantly eroding Chen Hao.

However, these blood-red spirits corroded all the surrounding objects into slag, but in the face of Chen Hao, they were blocked by the thin layer of divine power and could not enter at all.

Slowly, the blood shadow was forcibly torn open, revealing the creeping Mimi inside.

"You paralyzed Chen Hao, you pitted me to death." Creepy creeping, actually took the opportunity to scold Chen Hao.

Chen Hao snorted coldly, his hands loosened, and the blood shadow merged.

"Lying trough!"

Mimi was terrified and quickly crawled out of the crevice. After landing, she became much weaker than before, and slowly twisted into a little girl. It looked like there was no change in the image, but the breath A weak stroke has the meaning of being beaten back to its original form.

"Ooooo, Chen Hao, Uncle Chen, please, change it next time, this time I will have less than a hundred years of accumulation, you men are so cruel. "Mimi feels her lost power, desire Weeping without tears, this time I dare not prickly hair, sincerely beg for mercy as never before.

Chen Hao said: "Okay, let you rest once."

After talking, Chen Hao waved his hand, and Mimi was put into the space of Qiankun in her sleeve.

At this time, without Mimi, the blood shadow did not disperse, and actually began to bite the living corpse, slowly, the blood shadow calmed down, the living corpse disappeared, and the bones were gone.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao was puzzled.

The corpse was actually killed?

What about the two sisters? There is no prompt for the completion of the task of evil spirits?

Isn't living corpses the culprit?

Looking carefully at the blood shadow, it slowly lifted up, condensing the diffuse blood red gas into a double-headed ghost shadow, and looked at Chen Hao.

Suddenly, a thought came into contact with Chen Hao, and then the voice rang: "Kill."

This killing character has two stresses, as if two people were talking together.

Chen Hao raised an eyebrow: "Who killed?"


Blood shadow is still a word, and then blood shadow suddenly began to collapse, first the blood red gas, then the figure, slowly collapsed.

However, under such circumstances, the blood shadow is still a killing word, repeated constantly, it seems that he wants to convey any message to Chen Hao, even regardless of himself.

Soon, the blood shadow collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Hao dumbfounded.

This is really getting more complicated.

The two sisters united, pitted the dead corpse mother, and who was going to kill!

Obviously, the evil spirit memory they got was only one-sided information before their death. After death, they seemed to know what they experienced and what they experienced. It was just one that was blocked here, and the other existed in Feng Shui.


Chen Hao suddenly thought of something.

Why can these two separate entities merge? After the fusion, the double-headed blood spirit appeared! I have never seen the existence of the double-headed blood spirit in the scroll.

And why is my sister confined in the underground of her house and turned into a blood spirit? It seems that the living corpse is like a guard.

Could it be said that all this is for the cultivation of blood spirits, and it is still something like double-headed blood spirits that has never been seen before.

It's just that he accidentally appeared, brought the evil spirits, and then let the two sisters merge in advance to succeed or fail?

With a big brain hole open, Chen Hao wondered about the possibilities.

Finally, Chen Hao thought of someone.

The man who handicapped the two sisters, a man known as a girl killer.

As one of the participants in the incident, if there is a conspiracy inside, then he must not escape the suspicion.

Thinking in his heart, Chen Hao turned and left the apartment.

From the memories of evil spirits, Chen Hao learned of the man's home.

It's just that it was ten years ago, and I don't know if it was moved.

After more than half an hour, Chen Hao came to a community.

This community is a bit old, and it is the community where the man lives. When the house was just renovated, the man brought the evil spirits to his life. At that time, the man asked for the body of the evil spirits and promised a better future. This is the scene with the deepest memory of the evil spirits.

But in the three days after that, the evil spirit suffered the most fierce revenge from her sister, and all the good things were empty.

According to the memory, Chen Hao quietly came to a building and looked at a window on the third floor.

Surprisingly, someone in the room looked like... a family of four! A couple, a pair of children.

Covered with ideas, Chen Hao found that the family was asleep, and still sleeping very sweetly. And the mind perceives that the man in the couple is the man who promised to the evil spirit.

It's just that now he is more mature and has a mustache.

At this time, the man's sleeping appearance was ugly, he didn't wear underwear, his body was too font-shaped, and his crooked head seemed to be drooling.

The woman next to the man is also an ordinary woman. She had two children, her figure was a little out of shape, and she was also an unreliable sleeper. She wrapped all the quilts and pressed them under her.

This scene looks like an ordinary couple, ordinary people, can't see anything unusual.

Chen Hao thought for a while and let Blue Butterfly go up to control people first.

This is just a trivial matter for the Blue Butterfly, and it is rare to have a chance to play. It flew up excitedly.

Afterwards, Chen Hao walked to the third floor with a black cat, and then the dressed man opened the door with his eyes closed and greeted Chen Hao.

There is no nonsense, Chen Hao directly asked, the bewildered man knows everything and speaks endlessly.

But with the inquiry, Chen Hao discovered the problem.

Men are men in the memories of evil spirits.

But there is no evil spirit in the man's memory, and there is no evil spirit's sister. He doesn't know it. Even the title of so-called girl killer is fake.

This man is very ordinary. He graduated from high school and was interested in water. Although he is now on a small scale, he was thrown into the crowd as a scum.

And this house was also the new house where the parents of the man took the blood and paid the down payment before buying it as his son.

This result shocked Chen Hao, and then extracted information from the woman's mouth. After combining the two, Chen Hao discovered that the timing was incorrect.

The man who fascinated the evil spirits was not the one in front of him. At that time, the evil spirits and the men seemed to be staggered from the life of the man in front of them. They were just two people.

Lying trough, this task is difficult to do.

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