Pleasure Helping Spirit System

Chapter 841: The amount of information is a bit large

"A miracle, a miracle, did not expect a deal, actually let the gods get such an adventure, the sky does not disappoint me, the sky does not disappoint me." Long hair virtual shadow into the arch bridge implement, shouted excitedly.

The woman in white was silent, but her eyes showed a hint of sympathy unexpectedly.

Sure enough, for a moment, the long-haired phantom suddenly turned into fright and shouted, "How come? How is this? This is not what I want, let me go, let me go."

But the woman in white was unmoved.

What you choose is always your own responsibility.

Slowly, the voice of the long-haired phantom was desperate, and then wept. The crying cry was heartbroken, as if originally expecting a wonderful encounter. As a result, the other party was a big-footed guy who was repeatedly burst into the night.

When the space stopped shaking, the arch bridge implement also completely fell on the river channel, the woman in white walked up, and the white jade-like hands were a little on the handrail of a bridge, and the broken stone handrail broke away and became a stone bowl .

The stone bowl was early, trembling madly, and seemed to want to fly away from the woman in white, and the voice of long-haired phantom sounded: "Why? Why is this? I am a Yin God, inherited from the City God Jade Seal, how could it become such!"

The woman in white did not speak, but just looked at the stone bowl.

After a while, Shiwan wondered: "You're sure you didn't lie to me."

"Okay, I agreed, I am willing to find, as long as it can make me detached, I will do whatever I want."

With that, the stone bowl stopped.

At this time, the woman in white looked up again, looked at Chen Hao's idea, and passed a message: "Meng."

Another word.

Chen Hao expressed helplessness.

This woman in white seems to be able to communicate, but in the face of herself, it pretends to be the same as white paper, so I have seen for yourself that you have communicated with Long Hair Virtual Shadow, who are you fooling!

However, it seems that this wave is stable, but the bridge, successfully launched.

Um, Mengzi?

Is it Meng Po?

With the bridge, there must be Meng Po. Without that bowl of aged and delicious Meng Po Sour Plum Soup, how could it be called Huangquan Road.

It seems that Miss White is really planning to rebuild the prefecture.

In this way, it fits with my practice.

After the achievement of innate, control the belonging of the world's souls, and straighten out the six ways of Yin and Yang. By the way, investigate the root cause of the world's change due to the congenital disappearance.

Well, speaking of this, Chen Hao suddenly remembered something, and his thoughts enveloped the stone bowl.

"I have a few questions for you. How much do you know about the congenital disappearance?" Chen Hao asked.

The voice of the long-haired phantom came from the stone bowl: "I don’t know much. I only know that there is no birth in the world overnight. Another thing is that the dark spirit told me that the heavenly path of this world is going to die."

"Nonsense, heaven and earth run, immortality, how can it die." Chen Hao resolutely retorted.

Long-haired phantom said: "I also don't believe it, but the dark spirit said this, it says that saints are taboo, and there is no saint in the world that has the origin of heaven. Only with us, the natural world cannot survive. But Heavenly Dao seems unwilling to perish, but to transform into a circle, this is a rebirth."

Speaking of which, Changfa's phantom paused and continued: "Actually, the final method of practicing is not the first calamity. The first calamity is the change of the gods, the eternal life. The second is the change of the spiritual practice, the heavenly path. And The third catastrophe, the change of the sky, this catastrophe is the most important, not only for the Tao of Heaven, but also for the souls of this world. After passing through, it is a new heaven and earth. If it can't pass, Heaven will die, and the souls will return to the market."

After speaking, Changfa Xuying sighed: "Dark Spirit told me that he could send me away, but I didn't want to leave my hometown and stayed. But for decades, despite the help of the Dark Spirit, I merged the City God Yuyin has never been able to truly become a god. Perhaps, heaven and earth, really do not allow the existence of gods, immortals, and Buddhas."

Obtaining this information from the long-haired virtual shadow mouth, Chen Hao could not be more shocked.

How did you get the information about the end of the practice?

It turned out that the heavens and the earth were out of law because of the existence of saints.

Suddenly, Chen Hao thought of a word.

The sage does not die, the thief does not stop.

A sage is a transcendent giant who seizes the heaven and seizes the origin.

But with the appearance of the saint, the world is like a cake, cut into several pieces.

As a result, Tiandao itself is weak. But Heavenly Dao has to take care of all things in the world, and slowly, naturally it will be empty.

"What is the dark spirit? Is it the messenger behind the living corpse and the blood spirit? Has it ever said, where are the saints, fairies, and those who are born?" Chen Hao asked again, with an unprecedented tone Dignified.

Changfa phantom said: "What is the existence of the dark spirit, I don't know, it took the initiative to find me, saying that it was frustrated by my grievance, and I can trade with me, and finally I became a Yin God, it took it away My grievances. The living corpse was an accident. At that time, I was transforming the Yin God, and it ran to hang, and then the dark spirit found that there was something it wanted on the living corpse, and then traded with the living corpse. After the existence of the living corpse and the situation of the blood spirit, it is unclear. After the dark spirit left, I concentrated on the study of the advanced Yin Shen method. Even the many spirits influenced and attracted by the City God Jade Seal were all I don’t know my existence. As for the gods and the living beings, the gods, the congenital, were expelled by the heavenly path, where I went, I don’t know. The saint, the dark spirit said that it is an existence that the heavens and all walks of life do not like, there is only one place Go, that is the place of rebellion."

"The Land of Rebellion? What is this place?" Chen Hao found out that this long-haired phantom really knew a little bit, and you said that you know it, especially I haven't heard of these waves for so long.

But these are what the dark spirit told it. This shows that the dark spirit is truly a terrible existence.

However, it’s interesting for the Dark Spirit to act. It doesn’t grab, but chooses to trade, but it is a rule-loving Changfa phantom said: "I don’t know much about this, it seems to be opposed to the heavens. It’s a strange place, there is a world that is bigger and bigger than the heavens. Oh yeah, I remember that the Dark Spirit said that I want the world not to perish, the souls to not perish, it seems that the place of rebellion is a The place to make up, the heavens and the world are basically relying on this to make up for the origin of the world. Not only is the world immortal, but it can even enhance the world's origin."

Hearing this, Chen Hao understood.

It turns out that other worlds can be so chic because they plundered enough resources from one place.

That is to say, all kinds of heavens and even more unknown places are popular with such a jungle rule of weak meat and strong food.

Having figured it out, Chen Hao couldn't help swearing.

Malegobi’s, this is a closed door, and it also steals its own things to satisfy itself. If the extended family cannot continue, it will fall apart.

It is a pity that it is no longer important for who is going to bear the blame. What is important is how to change this situation.

Heaven is absolutely impossible. It seems that this spiritual practice is not feasible in the world. Innate, it will never appear again, even if you achieve it yourself, other people can’t do it. This is the rule of heaven.

Heavenly Dao has now evolved to the third time, the sky changes, and all kinds of sky-falling anomalies are the beginning of sky changes. Humans and even all the creatures on earth are afraid that they will not be able to stop the subsequent outbreak of sky changes.

Let me just go, the buddy gets the system, it will not be born to deal with such a crisis! !

This will not work. The task of saving the world is too stressful. Let’s find some related people.

Chen Hao thought hard and pondered quickly.


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