Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1036: Not what it used to be

Although the transfer station has not been fully completed yet, with Loki's orders, various tasks are already in progress in an orderly manner.

Taking Bonas around for a while, introducing him to the subordinates sent by Loki, thinking that there should be no obstacles when he comes to hand over the goods in the future, Shi Xiaolei went back to the temporary residence to pack his luggage , boarded his spaceship with Bonas, left Asgard and set off for Xandar.

"Your spaceship is faster."

I don't know whether it is to earn some travel expenses, or to give some benefits to the Asgardians, so that I can get some preferential treatment when I travel here in the future. In short, when Bonas came to meet Shi Xiaolei, he drove a A relatively large cargo spaceship, the ship is also loaded with a warehouse full of goods.

Although this spaceship is dedicated to cargo transportation, the various facilities installed in the cabin are mostly related to cargo transportation. Simply comparing the comfort of living in the spaceship, it is actually far worse than Shi Xiaolei's Minerva . But it is undeniable that because the spaceship is bigger and equipped with a more powerful jump engine, its speed of traveling through the universe is obviously much faster than that of the Minerva.

The cruising speed can be seven or eight times higher.

If the performance of the engine is squeezed out, it can even run twenty times faster than the Minerva.

That is to say, even if the trajectory of the celestial body changes and the position of the wormhole is different, the originally faster routes will not work for the time being. You can only choose another route that is farther away. The cargo spaceship that came was going to Xandar, and the time consumed on the way was still less than taking a shortcut with the Minerva.

It only takes two days if you are fully charged.

Compare the time spent on the previous two trips on the Minerva from Xandar to Asgard...

It's no wonder that Shi Xiaolei felt emotional and said such a sentence.

"Is it fast? It's just average." Bonas didn't think so. After all, this is his spaceship, and he has long been used to this speed.

"Several times faster than my little spaceship."

"Hehe, you also said that it's a small spaceship. It's normal to be slower." Bonas smiled: "Speaking of which, didn't you order a new ship? Wait for that ship to be delivered You won't envy me any more."

"That's right, hehe." Shi Xiaolei also laughed, "It's just a coincidence. They just contacted me the day before yesterday, saying that the main body of the spaceship has been completed."

"Really? The main body has been completed, so it won't be long before delivery?"

"Well, they are hurrying up to do the interior decoration. I heard from that person that the shortest is three to five days, and the longest will not exceed ten days."

"That is to say, this time I went to Xandar, and it happened to be delivered?" Bonas smiled: "Haha, it seems that I have to congratulate you. Congratulations, buddy."

"Thank you, I'll treat you when the acceptance is done. Let's find a place to have a meal and celebrate."

"Then I won't be polite. By the way, if there is anything you need to help, just say so, you are welcome." Soon to pass through the star gate, Bonas reminded Shi Xiaolei while fastening his seat belt: "I've been in Xandar for a long time, and I know some people. If you can't drive alone and want to find some helpers, I can introduce you."

After fastening the seat belt for himself, Shi Xiaolei smiled and nodded: "If necessary, I will."

While chatting, continue on the road.

Perhaps because there is often some long and boring time to kill on the way to run a business, Bonas built a small entertainment room about 20 square meters in the spaceship, and installed some entertainment machines in it.

For Shi Xiaolei, these things are things he has never seen before.

The food and lodging conditions are worse than those of the Minerva, but with these never-before-seen entertainment equipment to pass the time, Shi Xiaolei didn't feel very boring during this trip.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and when they came back to their senses, the two had arrived in the airspace near Xandar again.

"Has the martial law not been lifted yet?"

"Half and half." Controlling the spaceship and slowly approaching the checkpoint, Bonas smiled relaxedly: "The alarm on the land has been lifted. This is the checkpoint, which is closer to the periphery, and may have to be checked again." For a while."

"Is that so..." Nodding his head, Shi Xiaolei asked casually again: "From the moment I left, there shouldn't be any troubles afterwards, right?"

"There are no major issues, but there are a few minor situations." Bonas replied very casually: "The group of the Nova Corps moved very quickly, and they got it done with three strokes, five, and two, and basically nothing happened. Come."

While speaking, the spacecraft has already connected to the channel.

The staff responsible for inspecting the cabin came to the spaceship along the passage, and on the screen in the cockpit, the signal was also connected and several figures appeared.

"ruz3256, a cargo spaceship registered under the name of interstellar businessman Bonas..."

While checking the information routinely, he noticed Shi Xiaolei in the picture. In the next second, the staff in the main control room of the checkpoint stood up from their seats very and saluted the screen together.

"Welcome to Xandar again, Mr. Locke."

Never expected to see such a scene, not only Bonas showed a surprised expression, but Shi Xiaolei froze in place.

Fortunately, the cause of the incident was not difficult to guess, after a while, Shi Xiaolei understood what was going on.

"That... thank you." A little embarrassed, but also a little excited, Shi Xiaolei scratched his head, and responded with a smile.

"Do you need someone to guide you?" Putting down his arms, the leader continued enthusiastically, "I'll contact Captain Mengka and tell him you're here."

The Mengka mentioned by the staff member was the team leader Shi Xiaolei saw before he left last time.

Being able to lead the fleet to act alone and undertake the task of supporting the Stargate, Mengka still has a certain status in the Nova Corps.

For the people in these subordinate troops, even if he is not the number one idol, he must be very high in the list, and he must be one of the objects that these people yearn for.

Just like idols may not remember what they said, but fans will definitely remember it, because Mengka mentioned Shi Xiaolei's name when he reported to his superiors... Well, the main thing is that Shi Xiaolei's contribution is a bit Well, it has already been reported within the Nova Corps, so this group of people in front of them treated Shi Xiaolei so enthusiastically, and remembered the fact that the two of them had dealt with each other through the content of Mengka's report.

"There's no need for the navigator." Looking at Bonas, Shi Xiaolei shook his head with a smile: "Mongka, please let me know. Thank you."

"No thanks, no thanks, I'm very happy, no, it should be said that it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Locke."