Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1051: return trip

I thought that three to five billion would be the top, but I didn't expect that the Xandar people were so generous and gave themselves one billion in one go.

Although he wasn't greedy for money by nature, Shi Xiaolei was a little bit excited about the twice as much bonus as expected.

A celebratory banquet is definitely indispensable. Excited, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but took out the communicator, sent a contact signal to his family members far away on the earth, and reported the good news to them.

"Eh? Miss Bei, what are you talking about? Buying a house?"

Everyone else was fine, and didn't say anything other than happy congratulations. But when Kang Na held the communicator and ran to Bayonetta to ask her to say a few words, she suddenly made a suggestion that surprised Shi Xiaolei.

"That's right." With Erlang's legs crossed, leaning on the sofa lazily, the old God Beunita in the three images was present, holding up a glass and sipping red wine: "A few days ago you were still in Nivida. When you were staying there, didn’t the dwarves think of a way to build you a prop with teleportation function? If that thing is really made, it will be very convenient to go to Xandar, right?”


"Since it's as convenient as going out to buy groceries, it's normal to go around every now and then." Beunita put down her glass and showed a charming smile: "There are dormitories in the ark, and there are dormitories on Nihau Island. There is also a place to live... With your style all the time, isn’t it a matter of course to buy a property belonging to our family on Xandar?”

Thinking about it carefully, Shi Xiaolei also had to admit that Beunita's words were quite reasonable.

If it is really very convenient to travel to and from Xandar in the future, it is very possible to come and have a look frequently.

Although they have now obtained the title of honorary member of the Nova Corps, they can freely borrow the facilities they built in various places, and they can enjoy high-quality food and accommodation in hotels with good conditions as long as they spend a little money. But with Shi Xiaolei's long-standing habits, he would definitely prefer to live in his own house instead of going away every day to stay in a hotel and eat takeaway.

"Okay, I'll think about it."

"Do you want me to come over and give you advice?" Knowing that Shi Xiaolei had already agreed, Beunita asked again.


"I can go to Asgard first, and then pass through Niveda." Beunita smiled slightly: "Didn't you say that it took less than two days to go from Niveda to Xandar."

"That's because I took a ride with Bonas. If it were an ordinary spaceship, the speed would not be so fast."

"Did you forget that I can open the portal? At worst, let them give me a ride. When I can open the door, I will open the door directly."

"...Let's forget it. Even if the time is in time, it's not good to bother Heimdall." After thinking for a while, Shi Xiaolei shook his head: "Buying a house is a big deal. Collect some information every day. When we go back, we can pick it up slowly. Besides, communication is no longer a problem. Even if we stay on the earth, we can ask Lilima to act as an eyeliner here and give us feedback at any time. .”

"Okay then." Bayonetta nodded: "You are the parent, you have the final say."

"That's it, I'll collect the information first."

"Remember to find a bigger house. Anyway, you just got a windfall for nothing, so don't hold back like you did when you ordered the spaceship... Wait, Locke, why don't we buy a bigger one? Before You said you didn’t have enough money to buy it, so it should be enough now, right?”

"Stop, stop!" Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but hang a black thread on his forehead: "This one hasn't been finished yet, and you're thinking about the next one? You think this is buying a toy!"

"Tsk, I can't help being funny, I'm just joking. Look at you, you're in a hurry."

"Are you kidding? Do you think I believe it?"

After chatting a few more words happily, the communicator was passed to other people. This 'phone call' to home lasted for nearly an hour.

For Shi Xiaolei himself, one 'phone call' a week is just his routine, nothing special.

But falling into the eyes of Carol Danvers aroused her homesickness somewhat.

Counting the years, twenty years have passed since she left the earth. Although she is very busy on weekdays, there is always endless work to do, basically she has no leisure to make her sentimental, and her personality has always been generous, she is not the kind of person who is often unhappy, but after so many years, she will still be sad. There are times when she can't help being homesick and missing her old friends who live on Earth.

"What are you thinking about?" Carol Danforth couldn't see why she was in a daze, but Shi Xiaolei couldn't hide her worrying expression.

"It's nothing." Came back to his senses, Carol Danforth habitually held back the truth, just pretended not to care and waved his hands: "It's just a sudden distraction."


"Speaking of which, the matter should be When are you going to leave?" Carol Danfoss was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Shi Xiaolei, so she had nothing to say and asked.

"Three days later. As you heard, the spaceship I ordered will not be delivered until two days later."

"Oh well."


Three days seems to be a long time, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye.

Busy collecting information about the real estate, he didn't notice the passage of time. When he came back to his senses, Shi Xiaolei suddenly realized that he had completed the inspection process and was driving the ship named 'Blue Star' The new spaceship entered the vast universe.


"I'm here. Do you have any orders? Master."

"How far is it to the next jumping point? Can we make it before lunch?"

The artificial intelligence installed on the spacecraft is more powerful than Minerva. This kind of small calculation has no difficulty for it at all: "At the current speed, it is estimated that it will take one hour and fifty minutes to reach the next jump point. In addition, according to the scan, there is a A small group of interstellar pirates is approaching our route. Master, do you need to adjust the route to avoid it?"

"Huh? Can you tell where they are going from their trajectories? Are they just passing by, or are they coming along this route?"

"The possibility of simply passing by is 68.3%, the possibility of coming towards this route is 16.7%, and the remaining 15% is unknown."

I calculated it in my heart, and felt that the possibility of 16.7% is not high, and it is also very important to return home, and I don’t want to waste time by diverting...

After pondering for a while, Shi Xiaolei made a decision: "Keep the current route and continue forward. If they enter the threat range, please notify me in time."

"Yes, master."