Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1071: call for help

Why are you suddenly armed? Didn't he mean to call someone to help? Judging from this posture, it is obviously more like shaking people to fight a war.

Seeing Shi Xiaolei who had gone 30 meters away, Jia Ying and the others showed puzzled expressions.

In the next second, Shi Xiaolei raised his arm, and from his palm, a dark light appeared.

"Quack!" A slightly loud cry suddenly sounded in the quiet passage. Looking again, the black light has turned into a crow full of vitality.

The passage is not narrow, but the space is not much. After circling two or three times in the air, the crow obediently landed on Shi Xiaolei's shoulder.

He put his head close to Shi Xiaolei's neck, chirping cheerfully and rubbing it a few times.

Although it was not very good-looking, the cleverness shown by this crow immediately attracted everyone's attention. Especially when they were about to participate in the awakening ceremony, the eyes of these alien children who were in adolescence were very excited.

"Wow! Boss, can I touch it?" Others were still hesitating, but Skye, who was already familiar with him, ran over without hesitation, raised his little hand on tiptoe, and stretched out to Shi Xiaolei's hand. Crow on the shoulder.

There was no need for Shi Xiaolei to answer, the little crow who was connected with him had already responded first, and jumped onto Skye's raised little hand very nimbly.

"Hehe." Looking back, Shi Xiaolei reached out and touched Skye's head unconsciously: "Be honest, don't run around, I'm going to continue."

"Yeah." After stroking the little crow in the palm of his hand twice, Skye raised his face excitedly and nodded vigorously.

Turning his attention away from Skye, he focused again.

After waving several times in a row, Shi Xiaolei summoned four more crows.

I was quite surprised when the first one showed up. But seeing this moment, Jia Ying and Mr. Hyde couldn't help but have some doubts in their hearts - can just a few birds really work?

At this moment, Shi Xiaolei threw another ball of light, which dispelled the doubts in the couple's hearts.

It turned out that there was a clear difference in the light cluster this time, and the animal transformed after landing was no longer a small and useless crow.

It was a burly wolf with a body length of more than two meters and a shoulder height of more than one meter.

The bluish-gray fur, shiny and shiny, and the bulging muscles look very powerful, and the sharp claws and teeth also reveal a sense of danger. Of course, what shocked people the most was the long howl after the big wolf appeared.

The power was already very powerful, and with the current closed space, the evil spirit in this long howl was amplified a bit. It is not an exaggeration to say that even experienced old hunters would feel fear in nine out of ten because of such a wolf howl.

"Wow!" But for Skye, the big wolf that appeared in front of her did not cause her the slightest fear. In fact, it was just the opposite. After seeing this extremely handsome blue-gray wolf, the excitement on her face that had not yet faded reached a new level.

If the excitement index after seeing the little crow was 10 just now, then seeing this big wolf now, her excitement index has reached at least 50 or more.

Without asking about Shi Xiaolei, when the big wolf leaned over to rub against Shi Xiaolei's leg, Skye opened his arms and rushed forward, hugging the big wolf firmly.

Unlike the wild wolves who have been living in the wilderness, with an unpleasant stench, it has a natural fragrance. Although the thick hair on the back is a little stiff, it doesn't feel like it's going to be tied up. On the contrary, it gives people a feeling of "it should have this kind of toughness". He obviously looks very mighty, but after being hugged, he didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, on the contrary, he rubbed against each other very cooperatively...

The hug became more and more intense, Skye couldn't help but put his little face on the back of the big wolf, and rubbed his face in a fascinated way.


There was another doting chuckle on his lips, Shi Xiaolei didn't stop joking, but continued to summon four other blue wolves of the same size, three white wolves that were even bigger, and a giant brown bear.

Friends who have played "Diablo 2" have already guessed the origin of these animals. Yes, they are ghost wolves, wild wolves, and grizzlies summoned by Drew Yin through skills.

In the game, these three summons are incompatible with each other and cannot be summoned at the same time.

But when Shi Xiaolei traveled to the Marvel Cinematic Universe... To be precise, after obtaining the Soul Gem, the situation changed a little because the spirit received the bonus from the Supreme Treasure.

Not only can these three animal companions be summoned at the same time, Shi Xiaolei can even summon the Poisonous Flower Vine, Corpse Vine, and Sun Vine at the same time. Including Oak Wise Men, Wolverine Heart, and Thorn Spirits belonging to the same type, as well.

Having said that, why did Shi Xiaolei stop after summoning the grizzly bear? Since the purpose of summoning helpers is to provide insurance for the upcoming ceremony, shouldn't the three vines and the three spirits of nature be summoned together?

After all, their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of animal companions, and they can also provide animal companions with various BUs, so that their actual combat effectiveness can be further improved. From a practical point of view, the comprehensive score is even higher than that of animal companions.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

The reason for not summoning the three vines is because he is now underground.

Although it is, there is no 100% guarantee that the vines will not damage the nearby building structures when they walk underground. If they are summoned, one accidentally collapses the rock formation above...

With Shi Xiaolei here, there is no need to worry about being disabled or dying. If the altar that can be used to hold the awakening ceremony is destroyed, things will be difficult.

They are here to help, not to cause trouble, for safety's sake, Shi Xiaolei deliberately did not summon the three vines.

As for not summoning those spirits of nature, it was because the young aliens in the awakening ceremony might be affected.

The aura provided by the spirit of nature can provide buffs to 'teammates', and judging from the current situation, whether it is Jia Ying's family or the other strangers, Shi Xiaolei has obviously classified them as friends, and they can be regarded as friends with him. one side.

If several young aliens, including Skye, really enjoyed the BU bonus provided by the spirit of nature, and strengthened a lot out of thin air... One thing to say, it is not necessarily a good thing.

The reason is very simple. After enjoying the bu bonus, it is possible to obtain more powerful abilities, but in turn, it is also possible to obtain some more expensive abilities. If it's the former, it's not a big problem, but if another situation arises, can the young aliens who have returned to their original state after Shi Xiaolei canceled the summoning, still be able to bear the consumption of their abilities?

There are only two outcomes for a small horse-drawn cart. Either it can't be pulled, or the pony is exhausted.

Put it on the aliens, that is, "the acquired ability cannot be used, and it is equal to nothing", and "the recovery cannot keep up with the consumption, and it will be drained to death."

Obviously, these two kinds of results are not what everyone wants to see.

This is the reason why Shi Xiaolei didn't summon those spirits of nature to come out to help.