Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1163: episode

"What's wrong, Connor?"

"The sound of this musical instrument is really nice." In the left hand that was pulling Shi Xiaolei's clothes, he was holding a small stick made of bamboo. Shining with happiness: "It's very crisp, like a drop of water."

When I saw the dulcimer, I naturally also saw the musician sitting behind the dulcimer.

Wearing a light and elegant Hanfu with exquisite makeup, this female musician looks like she is in her twenties. But judging from the smile when she looked at her, and the movements when she tuned the dulcimer, she had the proficiency and ease of a master, unlike a young man who has not yet mastered his skills. .

Not sure how old the other party is, nor sure that the other party must be younger than himself, Shi Xiaolei smiled a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, this teacher, our family Kang Na likes music very much, I hope you don't mind..."

"No, no." The young lady raised her hands and waved them awkwardly: "I'm very glad that she likes dulcimer. And the little girl is also very cute, I like her very much."

"We're all from our own family, so there's no need to see outsiders like this." Peng Mingwei, who was watching from the side, stood up to smooth things over, and made an introduction by the way: "This is Shi Xiaolei, a patriotic overseas Chinese, and a good friend I can get along with. Brother Shi, this is teacher Zhao Qing, the dulcimer player of the ZY National Orchestra, and also a teacher in the ZY Conservatory of Music."

"Teacher Zhao Qing, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Mr. Shi, hello."

Now that one person has been introduced, of course the others cannot be left behind. After all, Shi Xiaolei can be regarded as one of the host members of today's event. From the standpoint of Peng Mingwei, the team leader, it is necessary to make things right and introduce him to everyone present.

So, in the next few minutes, Shi Xiaolei greeted the other dozens of teachers waiting in the tent one after another.

When the politeness was over, the attention turned back to Zhao Qing who was in charge of playing the dulcimer... Well, to be precise, it turned back to the dulcimer that Kang Na was paying attention to.

"Kang Na, do you like this very much?" Watching Kang Na holding the keys and tapping lightly on the dulcimer under Zhao Qing's guidance, watching her listen to the sound of the piano with joy Shi Xiaolei couldn't help showing a doting smile, and stretched out his big hand to touch Kang Na's small head.

"Yeah." Stopping what she was doing, Kang Na raised her head and nodded excitedly: "Its voice is really nice. Xiaolei, don't you think so?"

"I think this sounds better." Before Shi Xiaolei could answer, Peter raised an objection from the side.

Not only Connor, Peter, Harry, and Gwen also followed.

While Kang Na was obsessed with Yangqin, these little guys were also attracted by these Chinese national musical instruments in the tent.

Although they can't communicate with the teachers directly because they don't know Chinese, but because the children are not much worse than Kang Na, they are well-behaved and clever.

No, when he made an objection, Peter was holding a handful of gourd silk in his hand.

"This is also very nice." Gwen also raised her little hand, pointing to the pipa held in the hand of the teacher next to her.

Among the four little guys, Harry was the only one who didn't express his opinion.

As if he didn't want to lag behind, Harry looked around and jumped to the side of the teacher with a mustache: "Then I'll choose this!"

Nobody wants to lose. The performance of a few little guys was slightly childish, which caused a burst of laughter from the teachers.

Although all the teachers are masters, they didn't feel nervous before performing on stage, but with the burst of laughter, the atmosphere in the 'waiting room' was much more relaxed.

"You guys." Shi Xiaolei shook his head dumbfounded.

"Xiao Lei, I want to learn this." Unlike Peter and the other three who simply wanted to compete, Kang Na really liked the sound of the dulcimer.


"Isn't it possible?" Looking up at Shi Xiaolei, Kang Na's expression was somewhat disturbed.

"It's okay, are you sure you're busy?" Shi Xiaolei touched the little girl's head, reminded with a smile: "Did you forget? You are still learning the violin and drums. If you add this..."

"I can do it!" Clutching a key in one hand, Kang Na nodded vigorously: "Xiao Lei, I want to buy one of this... I don't want you to buy it, I'll buy it with my pocket money, is that okay?"

People who learn ethnic musical instruments often have an obsession in their hearts, that is, they want to promote ethnic musical instruments as much as possible, and compete with mainstream Western-style classical musical instruments. Even if they have become teachers, were hired to join an official orchestra, and won the title of national brand, it does not mean that they will be satisfied and let go of this obsession deep in their hearts.

Well, of course there are some masters, with the growth of experience, they will come up with the idea of ​​"they are all musical instruments, and there is no difference between them".

But more masters will still stick to their own ideas... No, it should be said that as their skills become more refined, they will want to carry forward folk music and let Huaguo's traditional music gain more recognition.

The teachers staying in the tent now basically belong to the So, after hearing what Shi Xiaolei said, "You are still learning the violin and drums", Zhao Qing's heart moved slightly, I couldn't help interjecting and said: "If the child is willing to learn, I think I should be able to help a little."

"Huh?" Unexpectedly, Zhao Qing would say such a sentence suddenly, Shi Xiaolei was somewhat surprised.

But Kang Na, who was supported, showed a surprised expression, and turned her head to look at Zhao Qing excitedly.

"When I taught the students, I recorded a lot of teaching videos. If you want to learn, I will sort it out and send you a copy after I return home." Looking at Kang Na, Zhao Qing said with a smile: "In addition, I I also know a master who specializes in making dulcimers, if you want to buy a dulcimer, I can help you with the string, it should be much cheaper."

Each of these musical instruments used by the masters is a high-quality product, and the price must not be much cheaper.

It can be replaced with one for beginners to practice... You can buy a dulcimer for about two to three thousand yuan, and if converted into US dollars, it is about three to five hundred. To be honest, it is really not that expensive.

With Zhao Qing's income level, giving Kangna a practice piano directly is probably similar to ordinary people eating a bowl of noodles with fried sauce... Yes, for a moment, she even wanted to say directly to Kangna, "I Give you a practice piano'.

The reason why I didn't say it out is because I just met and the relationship hasn't reached that level yet. If such a sentence came out of nowhere, it would be somewhat suspected of deliberately showing favor. In addition, seeing that Shi Xiaolei is rich, if he insists on being generous, it will make him lose face, which is one of the reasons why Zhao Qing swallowed his words temporarily.

"Really?" Kang Na didn't know what thoughts had passed in Zhao Qing's mind. Hearing her words, the little girl narrowed her eyes happily: "That's great, thank you sister!"