Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1173: Play it safe

If you want to say if you have the willingness to explore, the answer is of course yes.

After all, Stark is a scientist at heart, full of curiosity about all unknown things.

However, after thinking for a while, Stark still gave up the impulse in his heart, and instead of going forward directly wearing the armor, he walked into the cylindrical space in person, and went to another space opposite to have a look. after all.

After all, he is a family man.

At this time, Stark is not like when Mark 2 was just created in "Iron Man 1", he will talk about 'before we learn to walk, we must first learn to run'. At that time, he always believed that in creative activities, boldness should be the first priority, but now, with Pepper and Morgan Jr., he has changed his mind and felt the need to proceed cautiously.

In addition, thanks to Shi Xiaolei, Stark at this time has come into contact with other civilizations in the universe, greatly broadening his horizons.

I have personally been to Asgard, seen the photos and videos taken by Shi Xiaolei when he traveled to alien planets, and even started to analyze the various alien technologies he brought back from Xandar. Including serious spaceships, I have been on it more than once... In Stark's heart, he has long lost the novelty of the so-called alien planet when he first saw it.

It's impossible to take it easy, but under normal circumstances, it's okay to keep calm.

And judging from the pictures that Jarvis sorted out, the dark environment on the opposite planet doesn't look very interesting. With Stark's knowledge and experience at this time, he will not lose his cool because of it.

"emmm..." After thinking for a moment, he snapped his fingers, and Stark first gave an order to Jarvis: "Jarvis, send some guards over here. Guard this circle, and don't allow anyone to break in."

"Yes, sir."

Turning his head to look at Dr. Savig with an anxious face, Stark smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, let me make arrangements first. After all, we don't know what kind of situation is on the other side, or even if there is any Atmospheric environment suitable for our human activities. Before going there to explore in person, we must first make various preparations."

"Uh, you're right, I'm being impatient." Dr. Savig calmed down a little after being persuaded by Stark.

Self-control is not as good as Eric Shavig, and Jane Foster is still in a more excited mood. One couldn't hold back, she reached out and grabbed Stark's arm unconsciously: "How long will it take? It won't take several days, right? Mr. Stark, we are not sure how long this phenomenon will last, if…"

In the movie, Natalie Portman played the role of Jane Foster, and in this already-realized Marvel Cinematic Universe, Jane Foster looks like... no, it should be said She is even prettier than the Natalie Portman in Hollywood.

After all, actors need to undergo makeup before they can become characters in the movie. In the setting of the plot, the characters in the movie are often in a state of bare makeup. In other words, the appearance of the actors after makeup is equivalent to the appearance of the plot characters without makeup, and from this we can draw a conclusion-the appearance of the plot characters must be higher than that of movie stars or actors.

Of course, this refers to the general situation. If the characters are set to be ugly and the actors need to play ugly to lower their appearance, then that is another matter.

That's a bit of a stretch.

All in all, Stark didn't care about Jane Foster's beauty, nor did he soften his attitude in the slightest.

Even, because he was thinking about Pepper in his heart, he subconsciously took half a step back, and took the initiative to withdraw his arm from under the opponent's hands: "Ms. Foster, you'd better calm down."


"I understand what you mean, and I understand your current mood." Stark shook his head: "But you have to understand that I am the one who has the right to make decisions. If you want to continue to participate, you'd better Be more obedient, ok?"

"Jane." Gently patted Jane Foster's shoulder, Eric Shavig took out his identity as a senior, and while dissuading with his eyes, he spoke soothingly: "Mr. Stark said That’s right, we have to be more cautious. Scientific research requires not only courage and drive, but also meticulousness and care.”

"I don't think you want to be like me." Bruce Banner on the side also made fun of it: "You don't know what the situation is on the other side and you just pass by? Hehe, believe me, it must be nothing good idea."

Not restricted by Stark, after Bruce Banner joined the Stark Group, he always researched whatever he wanted.

It is precisely because of the extremely high degree of freedom and the confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial life through Shi Xiaolei that Bruce Banner devoted himself to the study of astrophysics. Sturt communicates. And he was able to get the notification from Savig at the first time, and he rushed to the scene with the people from the Stark Group because the two parties have had contacts and have been cooperating for a while.

Regarding the fact that Bruce Banner is the Hulk... Although I didn't witness the scene where he turned into a rage, Jane Foster has more or less grasped some information during the several months of getting along. comprehensive.

"Uh..." Recalling the big green man I saw in the photo, I imagined what would happen after I became that look... I couldn't help but shuddered, Jane Foster felt that Immediately suppressed the impulse: "Okay, I understand, I will keep calm."

"That's right." Stark nodded in satisfaction: "Don't worry, there is a saying in Huaguo that 'you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry', I will give it to you now. Hehe, I think it makes sense , you can taste it, maybe you will gain something, but it’s not certain.”

Leaving a polite smile, Stark turned and walked towards an instrument, and by the way gave Jarvis a new order: "Jarvis, help me bring some spacesuits over. No.', send them together too. By the way, give it to Locke...uh, replace it with Bayonetta. Locke has returned to his hometown, so don't bother him. You can ask Bayonetta for me, and see her Are you free now, if you are free, invite her to come over."

Hearing Stark mention Beyoneta, Jarvis immediately guessed that he wanted to invite Beyoneta to accompany him, and borrow her portal to provide insurance for the next investigation work, so as not to go to an alien planet I can't come back later.


"Sir, do you need to borrow the Minerva? I think that's more secure."

"Good idea." Stark's eyes lit up: "I leave it to you, tell me for me."

"Yes, sir."