Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1177: block

After turning on the state class bu called "Witch's Moment", it can greatly slow down the flow of time, and the short-lived slowdown can be extended dozens of times, and it can be used for several minutes.

In the case that it has been detected in advance, no matter how fast the red light is flying, it cannot bypass Beunita who has entered the state of "Witch Moment".

As for whether Bayonetta can stop this red light...

"Hmph." With a soft snort, Bayonetta swung her right arm to draw a big circle, and cast a semicircular magic shield on the people behind her. She raised her left hand and pulled it without hesitation trigger.

It sounded like there was only one gunshot, but there were as many as a dozen bullets fired from the muzzle.

Not only was it buffed by the "Witch's Moment" when firing, but the speed of the bullet flying in the air was also accelerated countless times. As soon as they got out of the barrel, they came to the red light, and with great power, they slammed into the red light overwhelmingly.

The bullet formed by the condensed magic power not only has full penetrating power, but also has a powerful blasting effect. Not to mention objects made of ordinary materials, even monsters with thick leather or **** armor cannot resist the attack of this magic bullet.

But to Beunita's surprise, in front of the flying red light, the dozens of bullets she fired did not have any effect... To be exact, it seemed as if they had never appeared It was the same as before—at the moment of exposure to the red light, these bullets suddenly disappeared, as if the virtual three-dimensional image suddenly disappeared because the power supply was cut off.

Unexpectedly, it would unfold like this, Bayonetta's eyes were fixed, and her expression became a little more serious.

The red light continued to approach.

Perhaps it was approaching its destination, so it took the initiative to slow down. It may also be that he felt the threat from Bayonetta, so he raised his guard and slowed down.

All in all, as the flying speed slowed down, the red light finally revealed its real body in everyone's sight.

It was a mass of red liquid that was wriggling and churning with a strange light from the inside to the outside.

It's like the magma that came alive, and it's like the blood that contains the soul.

"Gift Crab! What the **** is this tm?" Stark couldn't help but groaned for a moment of horror.

Thanks to being enclosed inside the armor, Stark's murmur was not heard by others, which can be regarded as saving face. Well, at this juncture, no one actually paid attention to what he said. Everyone's attention was already focused on the mass of unknown red liquid floating in mid-air and approaching constantly.

Eric Shavig and Jane Foster, who are ordinary people, unconsciously showed a look of worry and fear.

Bruce Banner also held his breath, bursts of greenness appearing on his body.

"Boom, boom!" Missouri, who has long-range attack capabilities, responded first, and cooperated with Beunita to launch a second round of attacks on the red unknown liquid.

The salvo of the naval guns made a loud noise, shaking the surrounding air and the ground under their feet.

The fired shells pierced through the shield, carrying infinite power, and hit the ball of red liquid that was floating forward.

It was not wiped out like the magic bullet fired by Beunita, and a huge explosion was caused after the shell hit. The mass of liquid, which was not considered solid at first, was blown into a fine mist that filled the sky.

But just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the attack had achieved results...


Seeing the red mist gathering again and returning to its previous appearance, everyone showed a look of surprise.

Especially Missouri. Because it was so unbelievable, she even lowered her head unconsciously and looked at the turret mounted on the ship.

Even more surprising is yet to come.

"It's coming in!"

Following Jane Foster's exclamation, everyone present could clearly see that the ball of red liquid directly penetrated the magic shield under Beunita's cloth, and entered the shield without any pause as if there was nothing there. internal.


! "

The alarm sounded in her heart, and she didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Bayonetta quickly resorted to the next trick—the bald teeth that coiled above everyone's heads like a python, showing its original power, like a thick The laser shot at the cloud of red liquid.

Without stopping, Beunita immediately summoned a group of fist-sized worm-shaped monsters, arranged them in the shape of a pyramid, and pulled up a light curtain between each other, covering everyone again.

This move is called 'Four Heavens Holy Essence Return', and it is the most powerful defensive move in beast magic, not one of them. With its defensive power, it is enough to withstand the attack equivalent to the bombardment of the spaceship's main gun. In terms of strength alone, it is not inferior to the magic shield that Bayoneta had previously set up.

As for whether this thing can block that mass of unknown red liquid...

Perhaps because the beast magic comes from another world, which is essentially different from all the tricks in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the beast magic performed by Beunita has achieved some results.

After being attacked by Guangfang, the red liquid will be pushed out a short distance.

When it is shocked by the Thunder Snake, it will expand slightly and continue to tremble within a short period of After being hit by the Explosive Gu, it will explode just like when it was shot by Missouri with a naval gun.

Although it can't cause substantial damage to it, it won't see the slightest feedback like those tricks that need to consume magic power.

Witnessing this scene, everyone in the pyramid-shaped shield felt a little more relaxed.


If it were someone else, nine out of ten would take this opportunity to evacuate and go back to Earth first.

However, Stark, Banner, Savage, and Jane Foster didn't have such thoughts.

With a little bit of leeway, the curiosity that belonged to scientific researchers that they suppressed deep in their hearts immediately surged up uncontrollably. They didn't take the opportunity to evacuate, but they were interested in observing the mass of red liquid that was in a stalemate with Bayonetta.

"Beunita." After staring for a while, Stark actually said something like this: "Well, I think you can stop for a while."

"Huh?" She flicked out her teeth again, and Bayonetta turned her head with a puzzled expression.

"Judging from its reaction... I think it will approach us, more of an instinct. It's not out of malice, trying to do something to us."

"I have the same feeling." Bruce Banner nodded, and echoed: "If it is for a certain purpose, I mean subjective consciousness...then its reaction after being attacked should not be like it is now It's just so peaceful."


"At least, it hasn't made any aggressive behaviors, and what it shows is just wanting to get close to us. Isn't it?"

Once again, Stark took two steps forward and suggested to Bayonetta again: "Stop for a while and see the situation."