Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1223: novel experience

Since the loss of the Eternal Flame, not only Surtur, the fire giant king, fell into a lot of trouble, but the entire Muspelheim also lost most of its vitality.

There are only a few people left, and ninety-nine percent of them live underground, relying on the heat of the magma to survive.

On the ground, let alone encountering it by chance, even if you look for it deliberately, it is very difficult to see a creature with the fire element, that is, the blood of the fire giant.

Just some scattered ordinary beasts.

Not to mention that those things are at the end of the food chain, they are cowardly by nature, and they don't have the habit of actively attacking. Even if they were, they would not be able to threaten Stark who was wearing armor. After all, the surface environment of Muspelheim is really bad, and there are not enough resources. The beasts living here are limited by the lack of food, so they can't grow very big. And the threats they can pose are naturally limited.

It goes without saying that if you can't threaten Stark and replace them with Shi Xiaolei and Hela, who are more powerful in combat.

All in all, during the hour of staying on the surface of Muspelheim, nothing happened. Neither Stark, who is an "ordinary person", nor Jane Foster, who is physically worse than him, has not encountered any dangerous situations.

Having said that, why did Shi Xiaolei and others teleport to Muspelheim?

There is no other reason, but because Muspelheim's location is relatively good, and there is a more developed planet only one day's flight away from it.

Unlike Xandar, this planet named Liber is not a capital star. Among the cosmic forces it belongs to, it is positioned as a planet purely used to develop the tourism and entertainment industry.

As we all know, the denser the entertainment venues, the more suitable for intelligence gathering.

Shi Xiaolei and his group's destination is the land of nothingness, but he doesn't know which star field the dead man's head is floating in. Therefore, in order to find clues to determine the route first, he can only adopt Thor's suggestion, The first stop was set on Liber Star, which is easier to collect information.

Some people may question, why not go to Xandar?

The reason is actually very simple.

In the original plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 1", Star-Lord and his party will run to the void because Gamora introduced him to the buyer, that is, the collector Difan who lives in the void.

Among the group, apart from Gamora himself, neither Star-Lord, Rocket the Raccoon, Groot the Treant, or Drax the Destroyer actually knew the existence of the Void. Compared with the article "Only Gamora knows where the Soul Gem is", it is obvious that the secrecy level of the void should not be much worse, and it belongs to the kind that not many people know.

If you go to Xandar to find clues, you may not be able to find them.

Taking a step back, even if the agent who gave Star-Lord the mission in the original plot knew the location of the Void, Shi Xiaolei didn't think he could get this information from him.

After all, he didn't know where the broker was staying, and he wasn't a bounty hunter himself. In the eyes of that person, he was someone who needed to be on guard, not an insider who could make contact.

All in all, it is not a good idea to go to Xandar to find clues.

I was not sure, but it happened that Thor swore that he would be able to find clues on Liber Star... Shi Xiaolei would give up going to Xandar Star and choose to come to Liber Star first, so it is not incomprehensible.

"It is estimated that there are still fifteen seconds left to complete the transition."

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

As Minerva counted down to ten, the spaceship rushed out of the wormhole and came to the star field where Star Liber was located.

"Minerva, confirm the route." Sitting in the driver's seat, Shi Xiaolei reached out and poked the console a few times to adjust the air pressure and gravity in the cabin back to normal: "How much more time will it take to fly to the destination? Can you calculate it?" come out?"

"According to normal cruising speed, it is expected to arrive in two hours."

"Okay, switch to automatic cruise mode, and the duration is set at one hour and fifty minutes." Shi Xiaolei ordered, untied the seat belt tied around his waist, stood up from the seat, leaned on the back of the chair and looked to the rear: "Hey, guys, are you hungry? Shall we just cook something and eat it, or hold on until we get to the place?"

"Let's talk about it when we get to the place." Stark also stood up from the passenger seat: "Isn't it said that there is food and fun over there, does it feel a lot like Las Vegas? Maybe you can find a good restaurant and try it." Have a taste of the food made by aliens."

"Not every diet on an alien planet is like the one on Asgard, which is in line with the tastes of our earthlings." Shi Xiaolei said with a smile: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you get hurt, don't look back. complain."

"...Then I'd better put a cushion first." After a little hesitation for two seconds, Stark decided to persuade him: "If it's just nausea, it's nothing. Planet, I don't want to lie in the spaceship and hang salt water, wasting time in vain."

"Then let me cook some Patting Stark on the shoulder, Shi Xiaolei turned to look at the others: "Who else wants to eat? I count the servings. "

"Give me a bowl too."

"And me, I just need half a bowl."

Hela and Jane Foster responded one after another. Seeing that the two of them expressed their views, the twin mage sisters also raised their arms together, expressing that they also wanted a bowl.

Only Bi'anhua and 2b didn't speak.

Shi Xiaolei's eyes fell on the two of them: "Sister Hua, Sylvia, how about you?"

"Are you a vegetarian? If it's not easy, I can eat some fruit."

"Then let me have a bowl, too. Do you want to help? Let me help you." Although there was no need to eat, 2b responded closely behind Bianhua in order not to spoil the atmosphere.

"Okay, help me get some green onion and garlic." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei smiled at Bi'anhua: "I won't add pork lard for you. Serve with two pieces of fried tofu, okay?"

"Hmm. You can add a few drops of black garlic oil."

"No problem, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

It's just cooking noodles, and the ingredients are basically ready-made.

With Shi Xiaolei's proficiency, he prepared this simple meal in about ten minutes.

It's just that there are a little less seats in the restaurant, only six seats.

"Let's take it and eat." Looking at the table, then at Stark, Shi Xiaolei shrugged: "Who made the two of us male among the eight people?"

"Eat what you have." Smiling indifferently, Stark picked up the bowl, and picked up two more pieces of char siew for himself from the plate: "Hehe, this is the first time I stayed in the spaceship while watching It’s quite novel to eat under the starry sky outside. What’s even more interesting is that what I hold in my hand is not a hamburger, but a bowl of noodles.”