Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1233: Collectors and Gao Tianzun

He has also lived for countless years, and he is also the leader of a faction, including the appearance and behavior of the characters, and they all have a somewhat similar feeling. Friends who have watched the original movie may feel that the personalities of the two characters, Di Fan and Gao Tianzun, the collector, are more or less similar, and then have an association of "is there any relationship between these two people?"


According to the setting in the comics, Gao Tianzun and the collector are indeed a pair of brothers.

It doesn't mean that they were born of the same mother, and there is a brotherly relationship in blood, but that they both belong to the Universal Elders.

According to the setting, the members of this elders of the universe are all ancient elders that existed at the time of the big bang, and each one is the only survivor left after the destruction of a unique existence.

One counts as one, everyone in the Universal Elders Council has received all the background bonuses of his original race, and then possessed super strength and a life that is so long that it is almost infinite.

They are similar existences to each other, and their strength and lifespan are comparable...

The members of the Elders of the Universe regard each other as brothers and sisters. And the brotherly relationship between Gao Tianzun and the collector also came about in this way.

Interestingly, because of their almost immortal lifespan, almost every elder of the universe has a hobby that can last forever—a life that is too long will become more and more boring, and in the end, it will inevitably fall into Crazy, and eventually give up their own lives. Therefore, in order to avoid the ending of self-destruction, the elders of the universe each cultivated an interest for self-regulation. For example, the collection that Tanya Devan likes, and the gambling that En Duwe Gast likes.

Some people may ask, since they are very powerful, why doesn't anyone among them choose 'conquest' as their interest? After all, the universe is boundless, and there is no end to the objects that can be conquered. If you choose this hobby, you can also let the elders of the universe get rid of boring and boring, and continue to enjoy the fun brought by stimulation.

actually not.

In the setting of comics, the universe is not infinite.

Whether it is the emergence of multiverses, parallel universes, or the development of the plot of "xxx slaughters the entire universe", it can well prove this point.

Since there is a boundary, it means that taking conquest as a hobby will come to an end sooner or later.

It is not incomprehensible that no one among the elders of the universe chooses this path.

But having said that, their personal strength is enough to support them to make such a choice. You know, in the comics, the elders of the universe are all existences that exceed the infinite gems, and they belong to the super elders who can sit on an equal footing with the five great gods. In the comics, The Collector made a bet on the death of one of the five gods. It is precisely because he lost the bet, was deprived of the right to die, and could not step into the kingdom of death for eternity, so he obtained the true immortal body of "Even if he voluntarily gives up his life, he cannot die".

As for why it is so hip-pulling in the movie...

Everything serves the main line, and the screenwriters must make a choice. It is a matter of course to abandon the original character design in the comics and re-gift the new character design suitable for the movie plot.

for example.

After the main story of the movie "Thor 2" ended, according to Odin's instructions, Thor sent the Reality Gem that turned back into a gem form to the collector Di Fan, asking him to keep it for him.

Leaving aside whether Odin needs to worry about 'two infinity gems cannot be put together', just say that the reality gem was sent to Di Fan for safekeeping... If he is really as powerful as set in the comics, what will happen later? When Thanos came to compete with him for the Reality Gem, would he still succeed?

The answer is obviously no.

Like the scene in the movie of 'Di Fan was beaten to death by Thanos, and he was in extreme embarrassment', there was no way for him to appear. In line with the development of the relative strength of the two sides, it should be that Thanos is beaten to death by Difan, and the Reality Gem will not be taken away by Thanos.

If the Reality Gem is kept in Di Fan's hands, it won't be taken away by Thanos...

What is the final battle, what is the snap of the fingers, it is impossible to happen.

From the standpoint of screenwriters, or in other words, from the standpoint of investors, producers, directors and other people involved in film production, that possibility will not be allowed to exist.

It is inevitable to modify the character settings so that the story line can continue.

It's a bit far off.

All in all, Gao Tianzun and the collector are indeed a pair of brothers, but that is the relationship between their characters in the comics. ,

And here in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

Standing in front of an extremely exaggerated screen inlaid with various precious stones, Gao Tianzun stretched out his arms and made a big character.

The head maid, who was chubby like an old lady, came forward with several other maids who were also tall and thick, and began to arrange Gao Tianzun's clothes in a seemingly quick but clumsy hiss. "


"Not that."


"You stepped on my foot!"

"Oh." I don't know where the confidence came from, this maid like an old lady didn't mean to apologize at all, but just agreed lightly, and moved the sole of her foot.

After a while, the clothes were finally sorted out.

Impatiently waving away the helpless maids, Gao Tianzun adjusted his breathing, practiced smiling back and forth a few times like an actor before performing on stage.

Feeling that it was almost done, he raised his right hand and gestured to the old woman who had retreated a few meters away.

The pull rod, which looks like a product of the 1980s, was suppressed by the old lady. The ostentatiously decorated screen lit up when it was powered on.

Seven or eight seconds later, a figure appeared on the screen.

"Hey, Di Fan!" Gao Tianzun showed the smile he had practiced before, and waved his hand to greet the old friend who appeared on the screen: "Long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

"What can I do for you?" Di Fan didn't respond to Gao Tianzun's greeting, and didn't even reply with "I'm fine, how are you?" Di Fan's expression was very calm, and his tone was very flat.

"Don't be so indifferent, old man, be happy. I have good news, do you want to hear it?"

Hearing this sentence, Di Fan finally became interested: "Really, let's talk about it."

"Yesterday I got a new batch of slaves. Have you heard of dark elves? Hey, I know you like to collect, how about it? Are you interested in collecting a dark elf?" Gao Tianzun said with a smug smile: " As far as I know, the dark elves in this universe are extinct, and these in my hand are the last ones still alive."