Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1273: Trapped Valkyrie

This is not the first time that children have been brought to participate in activities led by the aid station.

Whether it is Shi Xiaolei himself, or Kang Na and the other little guys, they are all very familiar with this kind of thing.

In their view, this is just a small thing in life, not very special. Just like going to a classmate's house to play and be a guest on weekends, it belongs to the most ordinary daily life.

All in all, Shi Xiaolei, who returned to the earth, has already returned to his ordinary and peaceful daily life.

However, the Valkyries far away in the universe are still in chaos and have not yet shaken off the aftermath.

"What's going on outside?"

Gathered in a slightly dark room, several Valkyries headed by Herok surrounded Sveruen who had just returned from a circle outside, and asked her about the situation outside.

"It's a little looser than a few days ago." Putting down the two packs of ingredients she just bought, Sverluen untied the veil wrapped around her head, and let down her waist-length blond hair.

While arranging her hair to make herself a little more comfortable, Sverluen reported to the sisters: "The two guards who had been staying at the intersection before have already left. I just pretended to be waiting for someone, and deliberately After waiting there for a while, it seems that they didn't leave temporarily for a while, but withdrew directly."

"The reward orders posted in the center of the market are still there. There are also a few scrolling screens... almost every ten minutes, a wanted order will be scrolled." After a pause, Sverluen continued: "Frequency It is no different from the previous few days. However, I noticed a little bit that only a few people passing by on the road turned their heads to look at those screens, and most of them passed by without looking back. Obviously, people The attention paid to the news is far less than it was a few days ago."

It is not difficult to see some clues from this conversation.

That's right, until now, the Valkyries were still trapped on the Saka planet and couldn't leave in time.

As for why it has evolved into what it is now...

At the moment when Yolanda caused the riot, to be precise, at the moment when the slaves she released attacked Gao Tianzun who was staying in the box, Gao Tianzun had already issued an order in a rage, blocking the All the external exits on Saka star immediately launched a siege against the slaves who were rioting.

Although many slaves participated in the riot, this does not mean that Gao Tianzun's subordinates are completely useless.

After all, he has been operating on Saka for many years and has accumulated countless assets.

Although his personal image is not very good, especially when it comes to obeying the contract, he left many people with the impression of being 'dishonest'. In terms of credibility in the hearts of the people, he is far behind his old friend Di Fan, but well...

Don't forget, because the environment on Saka is very chaotic, most of the people who stay here are not kind people. Unlike those who yearn for peace like those who are willing to live a good life, these guys who come together from the three schools and nine streams are more or less gamblers, and some of them may be willing to gamble for the reward.

Just like Yolanda who was sure that Gao Tianzun would pay the money in the original plot, so he took the initiative to catch Thor, when the chaos happened, many people came out, "If I stand up Do him a favor, and you will definitely get a reward from him when you turn back." Then, without Gao Tianzun saying anything, these people took the initiative to participate in the suppression of those slaves.

In addition, Gao Tianzun's subordinates had already attracted a group of people, and because they never paid their wages in arrears on weekdays, they had been trained to be loyal...

All in all, thanks to the hard work of the mercenaries under his command and the help of the group of miscellaneous fish who came for the bounty, the situation was actually quickly brought under control.

However, Yolanda appeared very suddenly at that time, standing in the position of Horok and others, they would inevitably pull her to ask a few more questions.

The reaction speed of the Valkyries was half a beat slow, and they didn't make the choice to leave Saka immediately, and the group of people who supported Gao Tianzun reacted too timely. In this way, the Valkyries were cut off their escape route and were temporarily trapped on the planet Saka.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Tianzun already knew who the instigator of the riot was by interrogating the captives, and turned his attention to Yolanda.

This is the reason why Sverluen went out to inquire about the news instead of Yolanda, a 'local' who had lived on Saka for countless years. Da Da has the highest reward amount. The sum of the other Valkyries headed by Horok, the amount of reward is not as much as her alone.

What's more, with the title of 'Scavenger 142', Yolanda has made some famous names on Her face is not the only one who has dealt with her Only people can recognize her, and many people who have never spoken to her face to face can also recognize who she is.

"That's it..." After pondering for a moment, Herok raised his head again, and looked at Sveruen who had just turned around outside: "What do you think? Is it an illusion to tempt us to show up, or Are you really relaxed?"

From the details described by Sverluen, some content can actually be summed up. However, considering that he didn't go out to check and couldn't make the most accurate judgment, Horok asked Sveruen for his opinion first.

"Is it an illusion..." After thinking about it, Sverluen shook her head: "I don't think it is very likely."

In order to create a false appearance without revealing any flaws, there must be a prerequisite, that is, all those involved in the false appearance must unify their thinking and cooperate tacitly enough in their actions.

To put it bluntly, it is to order and prohibit, and everyone can obey the command and obey the dispatch 100%.

If it was in Asgard, with Odin's prestige and the obedience of the Asgardian soldiers, it would not be difficult to do this.

But on the already chaotic planet Saka... To be honest, it is really impossible to realize this.

"I think we can wait a few more days." Seeing that Herok was a little moved, Colin hurriedly stopped him first: "After all, our spaceships have basically been captured, only Guna's is not exposed. .Things could get really tricky if something unexpected happens again, so..."

"Well, what you said makes sense." After thinking for a moment, Herok nodded and turned to look at the other sisters: "What do you think? Should we leave now, or wait a few more days? Let's talk about it, let's Discuss together."