Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1276: first sharpen its weapon

I didn't know that Hela was living on Earth now, but because Shi Xiaolei seemed to be the main one in the group, he took it for granted that Hela would often visit Earth as a guest, and then thought of the routine of going to Earth to ambush Hela.

Whether the earth people are willing to accept it, whether the two sides fight on the earth will affect other innocent earth people, the Valkyries have never considered it in their hearts.

From an objective standpoint, the plan they thought of was actually somewhat excessive.

But looking at it from another angle, it's not impossible to understand why they ignored the wishes of the people on Earth and made such a choice.

First, the Valkyries were filled with hatred for Hela.

There is only one goal in my heart, and that is to share life and death with Hela. In their minds, there is no extra 'computing power' to think about other things. The so-called "those who achieve great things don't care about small details", the Valkyries at this moment will not care about the thoughts of the people on Earth, and deliberately maintain demeanor and politeness.

Second, it is because the Valkyrie's guess about the current situation of the earth is not very accurate, and there is a big error with the actual situation.

As early as many years ago, the frost giants once launched a war to conquer the earth.

It was Odin who came forward with the Asgardian army, repelled the frost giants, and drove them back to Jotunheim.

That war happened before Thor and Loki were born. In the Asgardian army at that time, it was Hela who served as the vanguard officer, and the Valkyries participated in that war as a fortified team by virtue of their superior strength on average.

Unlike Hela, who was sealed in the gap between dimensions, she can occasionally see the evolution of the earth's civilization through the fleeting "window". After Hrock and others left Asgard, they went directly to the depths of the universe, far away from the Nine Realms. Their impression of the earth has not been updated at all, and they still stay at the moment when they followed Odin to the earth to fight the frost giants. .

Some people may question it-Stark once appeared in front of the Valkyrie wearing a battle armor. Seeing his high-tech battle armor, don't the Valkyries have any idea? How can they continue to stick to the original point of view, thinking that the civilization of the earth is still in the extremely primitive stage before?

That's because the Valkyrie see Stark as a single case.

Some news related to Asgard can still be heard occasionally. But people and things related to the earth have never been heard or encountered. During the thousand years since the Valkyries left Asgard and wandered in the universe, the first group of Earthlings they encountered were Shi Xiaolei and others who appeared in front of them along with Hela.

Combined with the pictures they saw when they went to Earth...

They will inevitably form a preconceived impression in their hearts, thinking that the civilization of the earth is still very backward, and it is far from being developed to the stage where they can enter the starry sky.

Based on this premise, let's analyze the attitude of the Valkyries.

Just as people who have mastered modern technology subconsciously despise the ancients in many cases, they believe that the people on earth are still in a state of ignorance, and the Valkyries certainly don't pay special attention to the thoughts of the people on earth.

All in all, the Valkyries quickly made a choice and decided to go to Earth.

As for when to leave...

After summarizing the battle that just happened on Saka, the Valkyries felt that their current strength was not strong enough to form an overwhelming advantage over Hela.

Then, in order to improve their own combat power and ensure the success of the revenge operation, they decided to increase their own strength.

This can be done in two steps. One is to strengthen training and restore myself to the peak state when I served in the Guards. The second is to update equipment and strengthen oneself by improving the performance of weapons and equipment.

Considering that not only my own combat power needs to be strengthened, but also the cooperation with my companions needs to be strengthened and improved, and the big guys each have their own bases...

After some discussion, the Valkyries decided to dispose of their respective properties first, and use the funds raised to update their equipment while joining forces. And the crucial team training was also moved back by them, that is, they went to the earth and then concentrated on strengthening.

Some people do it faster, others a little slower.

After all, the eight Valkyries have different personalities, some of them are more interested in doing business, and some are not good at this kind of thing. After more than a thousand years, the accumulated family business varies from big to small. Naturally, there will be a gap in the speed of processing, and it is impossible to be equally fast and efficient.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Hrock, who once again regained her identity as the team leader, encountered some minor troubles when dealing with her share of the property.

It's not that the girls in the skin business in her shop were very scared when they heard the news, for fear that she would lose their protection after she left, and make themselves fall into a dire situation again, so they pestered her life and death, dragging down her work efficiency .

The real obstacle comes from the ruler of the void, that is, the collector Di Fan.

On collector Difan was also implicated in the riot caused by Yolanda.

Although he himself was not injured and suffered no real loss, but because the incident happened so suddenly, he was still a little frightened.

After the situation calmed down, Di Fan, like Gao Tianzun, developed a strong hostility towards Yolanda who caused the riot, and the Valkyries who were obviously on the same side as Yolanda.

Remember what Shi Xiaolei and others did when they were in the void? In order to meet the collector Difan, they approached Herok, hoping that she could help introduce them.

Horok knew Difan, and in turn, Difan could also recognize Horok.

In this way, in order to vent the anger in his heart, after returning to the land of nothingness, Di Fan immediately issued an order to arrest Herok.

The two arrived back and forth, comparing the time to return to the void, Herok was only two days earlier than Difan.

That is to say, before she disposed of her property in the land of nothingness, Di Fan's arrest warrant had already been issued.

Although the chaos in the Void is extremely extreme, Di Fan's orders are sometimes violated by others, and they may not be carried out 100%. But in the final analysis, as the master of the void, his words still carry a lot of weight.

There is no benefit, and Di Fan's prohibition will not be violated easily. On the contrary, if it is profitable, things are different.

Herok's situation fell into a very embarrassing situation because of the arrest warrant issued by Difan—the servant who was negotiating with her changed his attitude without hesitation, and threatened her very forcefully. Not only did he want to lower the price, he even said that he was willing to keep Herok's whereabouts secret as a condition, and wanted to seize her property in the void without paying a penny.