Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1305: pointing (top)

A fire lit the water demon, the ears were clean, and the heart was happy.

But after canceling the transformation and transforming from a skull back into a human form, Johnny Blazer couldn't help but feel a tickle in his heart.

If you think about it with your toes, you know that when the Witch Heart Demon knows the news, he will definitely be furious and come back with revenge.

It would be fine if he attacked himself, but if he took his anger out on Roxanne and thought of this possibility, Johnny Blazer couldn't help frowning, showing an anxious and distressed expression.

"Boy, what are you thinking?"

"Uh" was interrupted, Johnny Blazer raised his head and noticed the old cowboy who had already walked in front of him.

Only then did I remember that there was a strange man of unknown origin in front of me, and there seemed to be many questions that had not been answered.

"Who are you?" Looking at the old cowboy with a cigar in front of him, Johnny Blazer asked slightly guarded.

"Me? Haha, just an old cowboy who has been retired for a long time." Breathing out a puff of smoke, the old cowboy stretched out his right hand: "Boy, what's your name?"

"Johnny, Johnny Blazer. What about you?"

"You can call me Old Carter." Although he saw the questioning look in Johnny Blazer's eyes, the old cowboy named Carter did not continue to talk to him.

After waving his hand, signaling Johnny Blazer to follow, Carter turned around with the shotgun in his hand, and walked towards the dilapidated pickup truck parked by the side of the road.

The engine sounded, and an old pickup truck with a broken rear light got on the road first. Seeing this, Johnny Blazer had no choice but to sit back on the motorcycle again, twist the accelerator and follow.

The two cars walked along the road for more than ten miles, and then turned onto a dirt road that hadn't been repaired much. After walking along this undulating dirt road for about a quarter of an hour, they finally came to a very remote cemetery.

Parked the car in the corner, and Carter, dressed in cowboy, opened the door and jumped out of the car.

I don't know what the other party will do next, and I don't understand why the other party brought me to the cemetery, and it was still dark. After turning off the engine at this moment, Johnny Blazer didn't get out of the car, but looked silly. Sitting there in a daze, he watched Carter push open the wooden door and enter a dilapidated log cabin.

"Here." Ten seconds later, Carter came out of the room, raised his hand and threw a bottle of beer at Johnny Blazer: "Come and talk."

"Oh." After catching the beer bottle, Johnny Blazer got off the motorcycle and came to the cabin.

"When did you meet that guy?" After taking two sips of beer, Carter put down the bottle, picked up a few pieces of wood from the firewood pile on the other side of the wooden house, and threw them into the extinguished firepit: "Come on, Help light a fire."

Instead of lighting the firewood with hellfire as Carter wanted to see, Johnny Blazer smiled awkwardly: "I didn't bring a lighter."

"Tut." With a light tut, Carter had no choice but to do it himself, and threw a flame the size of a quail egg from his fingertips, and lit the dry wood in the firepit: "Your grasp of hellfire is even stranger than I imagined." .”

"Hellfire" recalled the scene when he was fighting the water demon just now, Johnny Blazer couldn't help asking: "Who the **** are you? I'm sure, you used Hellfire just now. Wait, Wu Xin The devil told me that the previous generation of Ghost Riders is still alive with Carter, don’t tell me you are…"

"It's a little bit of help, I'm not stupid." Carter finally grinned and smiled: "Who is the Witch Heart Demon?"

"Son of Mephisto." Giving a very simple answer, Johnny Blazer couldn't wait to ask: "I heard that the Treaty of San Van Gonzale is in your hands? I need it very urgently. Can you give it to me?"

"If it were you, would you hand over such an important thing just because of a single sentence?" Carter rolled his eyes angrily, stretched out his legs and hooked a wooden block, and sat down by the fire: "Murphys Why did Tor come to you? What is going on between the Witch Heart Demon and him? Why do you want to get the San Van Gonzal Treaty? You want me to respond to your request, hehe, first give me the Explain things clearly."


After thinking about it, he felt that the other party's request was very reasonable, so Johnny Blazer had no choice but to sit down and tell him everything that happened to him from beginning to end.

From the first time I saw Mephisto more than ten years ago, to what happened in the past few days, well, it’s not because the time span is too long, and it takes time to explain clearly. The reason why he talked for a quarter of an hour was mainly because Johnny Blazer wanted to emphasize the status quo and let Carter feel how eager he was.

"I wanted to save my father, so I made a deal with that guy?" Shaking his head, Carter laughed speechlessly: "I didn't expect to have such a fool like you."

"Yeah. Looking back now, I regret it too." He took a few sips of beer for himself. Johnny Blazer shook his head with a wry smile: "Oh."

"What do you think now? I mean, what do you plan to do if you get the San Van Gonzal Treaty? According to the agreement, take it to the Witch Heart Demon and get back your ex-girlfriend?"

"Let's take one step at a time." Johnny Blazer sighed again: "I also know that thing must not be simple, if it is handed over, it is likely to cause even bigger troubles. But, in my current situation , there is really no other way.”

"In other words, you still don't know what the Treaty of San Van Gonzale means?"

"I only know that it is very important. After the Witch Heart Demon gets it, his strength will increase a lot." Being stared at by Carter, Johnny Blazer couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "Uh, that, can you introduce it to me? What the **** is that treaty?"

"." I really didn't know how to evaluate it. After staring at Johnny Blazer for a long time, Carter let out a long and speechless sigh: "You are really enough. I am also drunk when I meet a junior like you." Listen. The Treaty of San Van Gonzale is a contract that contains thousands of souls. It is not the souls of ordinary people. Every soul bound in this contract comes from a saint-level believer .”

"Obtaining this contract means that you have obtained thousands of saint-level pure souls at the same time. For every demon, this is a tonic that is enough to make them reborn and ascend to the sky in one step. He has an extraordinary follower, hehe, let’s put it this way, if he gets the contract of San Van Gonzale, it is very likely that he will give birth to another great demon who is not inferior to Mephisto.”