Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 137: 13 Clan

I have to admit that the operational efficiency of the SHIELD agents is indeed high enough.

It took about half an hour from Coulson's application for support to the time when the medical team came to take away all the 'canned girls'.

Of course, it doesn't mean that if the person is taken away, the matter here is completely over.

After all, it is such a big base, and it was made by vampires... There are too many things worth searching and researching. Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Hydra hidden in the dark, it is impossible to let it go so easily.

In addition, considering that the vampires would not necessarily give up the base neatly, after asking Nick Fury for instructions, Coulson used his just-upgraded to the eighth-level agent authority to transfer two more professional teams. The combat team, let them temporarily stationed in this base, and rearranged some trap-type equipment, intending to play a scene of waiting for the rabbit, waiting for the vampire to fall into the trap.

As for whether things will go in the direction he expected...

"Damn, haven't got in touch yet?"

When Shi Xiaolei and Sister Bei returned home, relaxed their bodies, adjusted their mood, and fell asleep, a group of vampires gathered in a small vineyard on Long Island.

It is also a secret base located underground, and the decoration style is the same as the hall in the base, which is gorgeous with weirdness and evil charm. Including the **** smell in the air, it is exactly the same as in the 'wine cellar'.

A long table in a classical style, thirteen high-backed chairs of the same style, and the tops of the scarlet velvet backs are engraved with similar but not identical symbols. There are figures sitting on some chairs, and some chairs are empty. If you look closely at the clothes of these vampires, it is not difficult to find that they are more or less wearing some marked ornaments. Their shapes are similar to the chairs. The Peugeot on the back is exactly the same.

"Dies." A white-haired old man sat on the main seat at the end of the long table. He raised his left hand, pressed it down gently, and scolded the man who was losing his temper in a low voice but full of deterrence. : "Sit down, calm down~!"

"Calm down? Costello, how can you tell me to calm down? That is the most important secret base of my Bruch family."

He was obviously very young, and he seemed to be the age of the grandson of the white-haired old man, but the vampire named Dies didn't take the old man's scolding in his eyes at all.

The loss is too great, and the emotions are too emotional to control, just one of them.

What really made him so confident was actually his identity and age - the white-haired old man Costello's surname was Fan Zhuo, and he was the current patriarch of the Fan Zhuo clan, the leader of the secret party of the thirteen blood clans. According to the calculation method of the blood family, he only accepted the first embrace in 1893, and now he is only over a hundred years old.

Dies, who ignored Costello's scolding, was the leader of Bruch's among the thirteen clans.

Although there is a lack of unity among the members of the clan, and even occasionally play a good show of their own family members, they are often despised by other clan members and are called stragglers, but because the Bruch family has the best physical quality Well, the individual combat capability is the strongest, and this team's status in the blood clan is still very good.

The same is the clan leader, plus Diyes became a vampire earlier than Costello... In Diyes' own words, it is 'If it is not his turn to be the chief elder now, look at Laozi Birds don't kill him', one thing to say, Diyes really doesn't have much respect for Costello himself.

"Diyes, sit down first." The third, another vampire next to Diyes, said, "You have seen the strength of those two people in the video, reckless fighting is the best Unwise choice. If you want to recover your losses, you have to have a good plan."

"Vorna is right. Diyes, since we're here, we won't sit idly by."

There are nine vampires in this conference room. They are from Bruch, Gangaro, Mokawi, Nofile, Remel, and Lesembra from the Secret Party. Clan and Tschmisi, as well as the Giovanni and Reverno of the neutral party.

Although the Demon Party does not agree with the six precepts of the blood clan proposed by the Secret Party, and often even takes the initiative to provoke battles with the Secret Party clan because of these conceptual conflicts, in the final analysis, those are conflicts within the blood clan. When facing external enemies, especially when the situation is serious and critical, they will still turn their heads, stand on the same front as the Secret Party, and agree to the outside world.

In contrast, the clans that have always held a neutral position are more tired... For example, in today's emergency meeting, only two of the four clan leaders in the neutral party came, and the other two, namely A Neither Samet nor the patriarch of the Sett clan were present.

Maybe it's because they have been away from the battle between the secret party and the demon party all the year round, and they have developed the habit of hanging up high when it doesn't matter. Anyway, it is definitely not because the time is too late, so I didn't come.

You must know that the reason why nine patriarchs can appear in the conference room at the same time is not because they have mastered teleportation spells like the mages of Kama Taj, but because it is just in time for the 13th clan gathering once every ten years. .

What is the purpose of the meeting, I will not mention it for the time being. In short, the patriarchs of the Asamet and the Sett tribes came to this small vineyard and attended the meeting together.

After attending the meeting, because there was something in the clan that needed to be dealt with, the Toledo clan chief and the Vaughn Tun clan chief of the secret party left first, so they did not come to this temporary meeting. However, the situation of the patriarch of the Asamet tribe and the patriarch of the Sett tribe is completely different. They did not give up the 'carnival party' that was scheduled to be held three days later, and they are still staying in New York City. Do the math, it has been more than three years since Diyes received the contact from the base, to when he judged that the situation was unfavorable and applied for a meeting through the remote monitoring screen, and now, more than three times have passed. It's been an hour... If you really want to come back to the meeting, this time is enough for those two to come back.

It just didn't come.

There is only one reason, that is, the two of the Asamet and the Setae don't want to get involved in this matter.

To say that he is not angry, Diyes is of course very angry, but at this moment, how to recover the loss is more important. As for whether or not to retaliate against the Asamet and the Setites, and how to retaliate, that is something that will come later.

"Shut up~! Don't say anything useless, I don't want to hear it~!" Without accepting his friend's persuasion, Diyes was still anxious and anxious.

Looking at Costello again, Dies continued to shout: "Costello! 'Respected' Your Excellency the Great Elder~! To help or not to help, give me a word~! Hurry up, I have no patience to sit down with you! "

"Well, well, Dies..."