Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1371: Earth Life from Zero

Although several symbionts have fallen into the hands of Carlton Drake just like the original plot, this does not mean that the original plot is about to unfold, and there will be no changes in the subsequent development trend.

After all, Thaddeus Ross has already signed an agreement with him on behalf of the military, and with the intervention of a huge military force, many things will inevitably change, turning in a completely different direction from the original plot.

For example, the living human beings used in the experiment.

In the original plot, Carlton Drake could only focus on the homeless vagrants, or deceive or abduct them, and secretly send the vagrants to the experimental center behind others' backs, letting them act as guinea pigs.

Now, with the addition of the military, the situation is completely different.

For example, prisoners on death row are the best substitutes. With the influence of the military, it is not difficult to mobilize death row prisoners from various states.

Some people may question that there are no so-called death row prisoners in the United States.

actually not.

As a federal country, each state in the United States has its own laws. After all, only twenty-two states have abolished the death penalty, while the other twenty-eight states still retain laws related to the death penalty.

The reason people think America has abolished the death penalty is because it hasn't been practiced for more than a decade.

Not implemented, and has been abolished, are two completely different things. Just to say whether there are "death row prisoners" in the United States, the answer is obviously yes.

Not every prisoner sentenced to death will get the attention of the public, and the so-called human rights organizations or the gang of politicians who support the abolition of the death penalty cannot "take care" of all the death row prisoners equally. For example, those at the bottom of the gang are not worth much, but they have actually done all kinds of evil things, and they are finally caught and sentenced to death.

With the power of the military, it can be said that it is easy and effortless to avoid the so-called "sensitive people" and provide the Life Foundation with some death row prisoners that no one pays attention to.

Not only that, relying on the support of the military, the Life Foundation can justifiably lobby the seriously ill patients whose lives are about to die, and recruit more volunteers through this method.

Coupled with the soldiers screened out within the military...

Maybe there are not so many test subjects, but what is certain is that the Life Foundation does not need to attack the homeless like in the original plot.

look further down.

The subject of the experiment is changed from a homeless person to someone else, and things will change accordingly.

As we all know, symbionts are intelligent life forms and belong to species that can communicate. Although it is one of their instincts to prey on humans, that does not mean that they will be crucified on the standpoint of 'anti-humanity'.

If the possessed object is a superhero with a pure heart and adhering to justice like the little spider, the symbiont's predatory instinct will also be suppressed by the host, and gradually transformed into a good helper for the righteous side.

Conversely, if the possessed object is an evil party, after combining the evil thoughts of the host and the instinct of the symbiote itself, the villain produced will be much stronger than when the symbiote possesses ordinary people.

Among the experimental subjects provided by the military or borrowed in the name of the military, the number of death row prisoners accounted for about 70% of the total number.

Using these people as an experiment, even if the incompatibility fails in the end, the symbiont will be possessed again and again, and will be infected by the evil thoughts in the hearts of the condemned prisoners to become more evil.

Coupled with the combat awareness and combat skills obtained from the soldiers possessed, as well as the will to survive from the dying patients...

Evil and powerful, he will do anything to survive. If you think about it with your toes, you know that the final product will only be a villain who does all kinds of evil.

So, if you get involved in the military, the outcome of the matter is already doomed—compared with the original plot, it will only be worse and cause more serious consequences.

Of course, the Life Foundation's research on symbionts has only just begun.

Or two or three months, or longer, before ushering in the outbreak, it will have to brew for a while.

It's not what's about to happen right now, so I won't say much at the moment.

Now, we might as well turn our attention to another group of people.

"Herok, are you there?" Carrying a bulging plastic bag, Yolanda came to a wooden house, raised his hand and tapped twice: "It's me, Yolanda."

"Here we come." With a reply, the slightly rough wooden door opened gently, revealing Herok's face: "Come in."

The room is not big, only about 20 square meters, and the internal structure is also very simple, except for the small cubicle at the back which is used as the bathroom, it can be seen clearly at a glance.

There is no furniture in the room. It is worth mentioning that there are only two bunk beds on the wall.

"Here, it's rare to see a discount. I bought some more today." After handing the bag to Horok, Yolanda came to the bed and looked at Hilda who was sleeping lightly with concern.

As I said before, three Valkyries were injured during the chase, and one of them was seriously injured.

This is none other than Hilda lying on the bed.

The other two were slightly injured, namely Sveruen and Bo Luona. Because the injuries were not very serious, and the first-aid kit thrown out of the spaceship cabin was retrieved after the fall, the injuries of the two of them had been effectively treated, and they had basically recovered at this time.

Only Hilda has not fully recovered.

After all, she was pierced front and back by a piece of debris that came off from the outer shell of the spaceship. Unlike Sveruen and Borona, who only injured her arms and legs, she suffered serious injuries to her internal organs. With the equipment and medicines in the first aid kit, it was not enough to completely heal her who was so seriously injured.

"Hmm..." Hearing some movement suddenly, Hilda opened her eyes with some difficulty.

"Hilda, you're awake." Seeing Hilda's eyes open, Yolanda quickly bent down and put his head in front of her: "Is it better today? Does your stomach still hurt?"

If you want to say whether it hurts or not, the answer is of course yes. No, at the moment of waking up, Hilda immediately felt a sharp pain, which went straight to her mind from the wound in her abdomen.

However, facing Yolanda who looked concerned, she still squeezed out a slightly forced smile: "It's much better than yesterday, I'm fine, Yolanda."

"Really?" Yolanda blinked, still a little worried.

Horok, who had put away his things, came over, let Yolanda get half of his body away, and squatted down beside the bed.

He put his hand on Hilda's forehead, tested his body temperature, then lifted the blanket covering her body, and carefully inspected the gauze tied around her waist and abdomen.

It took a few minutes to check, and Horok finally nodded and showed a smile: "It is indeed better than yesterday. If this continues, you will be able to get up and go to the field in about ten days."

"Thank you, Herok." Hearing this, Hilda's weak eyes brightened slightly. There was also a hint of joy in the expression that seemed a little stiff because of enduring the pain: "If you hadn't been taking care of me so hard, I..."

He stretched out his index finger and put it lightly on Hilda's lips.

Horok shook his head, with a look of guilt in his eyes: "Don't say thank you, we are sisters. Besides, if it wasn't for my command error, you wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury."

"...Okay." Nodding inconveniently, Hilda returned a smile with some difficulty: "What time is it now? Yolanda, did you encounter anything interesting today?"

"It's nothing special. On the way back, I saw that the supermarket was on sale, so I bought some more food." Yolanda shrugged and shook her head in disappointment: "You know, the one I found The work is boring, and I don't have much chance to meet other people. If there is something interesting in the town, I won't have anything to do with it."

At the same time Yolanda gave the Horok also replied to Hilda, 'It's almost half past five'.

"5:30?" Turning her gaze to Herok, Hilda asked again: "It's about time for the others to come back, right?"

"Grace and Tina came back three hours ago. They said they had to work overtime today, and they might not be able to come back until tomorrow afternoon." Horok replied, "For the others, there shouldn't be any special circumstances. No accidents. If so, they should be back soon."

Not long after falling into the sea, a thousand-ton fishing boat came near the incident site. Thinking that this was a good opportunity, the Valkyries sneaked into the fishing boat, and finally returned to a fishing port more than 200 kilometers away from San Francisco with the fishing boat, where they disembarked and went ashore.

Because the fishing port is too small, it is easy to be recognized as non-locals. Therefore, in order to avoid attracting unnecessary attention, the Valkyries traveled all night, using the darkness as a cover to go deep into the inland, and finally settled in a city where tourism is the main economy. The town where the source came from fell down.

Tourists often come here, and new faces are not uncommon in this small town. The arrival of the Valkyries did not arouse the curiosity of the townspeople.

However, finding a foothold does not mean that the Valkyries have completely settled down. After all, they have just arrived on Earth, and they only have credit points that cannot be used on Earth, and they don’t have any dollar bills that can be exchanged for daily necessities, which is equivalent to penniless paupers.

Therefore, after finding an uninhabited wooden house in the woods outside the town as a place of residence, the Valkyries immediately started their part-time jobs without stopping, and each went to the town to find a job.

Yolanda, for example, got a job on a ranch south of town and became a cowgirl.

As for everyone else...