Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1385: arrange

What is Bingtanghulu, even if it is the legendary Manchu and Han banquet, it is no problem.

After all, Shi Xiaolei has made a lot of contributions to the country in the past few years, and will continue to provide various conveniences in the future to help the motherland develop stronger and more prosperous, and play a role in this process. The positive role that people can substitute.

Well, maybe his credits will not be made public, and not many people will know in the end.

But as insiders, the leaders will not forget his contributions, and will inevitably make some arrangements to repay Shi Xiaolei's enthusiasm.

Delicious and fun, just the basics of the basics.

It is no exaggeration to say that no matter what needs Shi Xiaolei and his family have, as long as they do not violate human rights and principles, they can be implemented immediately.

for example…

"Eh? Brother Peng, are you serious?"

"I can't lie to you." Holding up the mobile phone that he had not had time to put back in his pocket, he waved it towards Shi Xiaolei, and Peng Mingwei replied, "The management office just sent me a text message, do you want to take a look? "

Putting his head out, he glanced at Peng Mingwei's mobile phone and confirmed the content of the text message. Only then did Shi Xiaolei lift his suspicions.

However, the surprise deep in his heart has not subsided.

Looking at Peng Mingwei, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but ask again: "How can it be so easy? No... Even if such a big event can be realized in the end, wouldn't it have to be decided after a period of discussion? Let's go to the Forbidden City. Visiting this matter, it seems that some girl just mentioned it casually, how can you..."

"It doesn't matter if you want to go from your heart or if you are suddenly interested. Since you say it, it means that the little guys really have that idea in their hearts." Peng Mingwei answered with a smile, "No, no. If there are no conditions that cannot be met, it is natural to arrange for them."

"But..." Shi Xiaolei scratched his head and confirmed slightly hesitantly, "Is it okay? I mean, won't it affect their normal work?"

"It's impossible to say that there is no impact at all." Peng Mingwei replied: "Fortunately, the little guys want to see the night scene after the palace lanterns are lit. Therefore, it is quite easy to arrange this matter."


"It's summer now, which is the peak tourist season. According to the regulations of the Forbidden City, the closing time in the afternoon has been delayed from 4:30 to 5:00." Seeing that Shi Xiaolei was still a little lost in the lake, Peng Mingwei had to further explain: "If the little guy We plan to visit during the day, and it is quite troublesome to 'clear the venue'. After all, attractions such as the Forbidden City have a very special status and significance. Unlike other venues, you can decide whether to close the venue or not, like the kind of post outside the door. If a notice tells everyone that the museum will be temporarily closed for a day, even if there are no doubts from tourists on that day, it will definitely cause a lot of controversy afterwards."

"It doesn't matter at night. From the closing of the museum at five o'clock in the afternoon until it opens the next morning, no tourists will be accepted. The little ones want to see the night view, so they can wait until the tourists leave." , Peng Mingwei laughed again: "Hehe, there is no need for special arrangements, the state of other tourists has already been cleared. If there is any impact, it is nothing more than that the staff may have to work overtime, a few hours later than usual. get off work."

"It's not all night, it's just a few hours, it's really nothing." As he spoke, Peng Mingwei patted Shi Xiaolei's arm: "Although I haven't encountered it very much recently, I can go back more than ten years, something like Occasionally there will still be situations. Don’t worry, you are neither the first nor the only one, you really don’t need to think so much.”

"Has it happened before?"

"When the film and television city was not built, the Forbidden City would occasionally have a crew to shoot. For example, the film "The Last Emperor" was shot at the Forbidden City." Peng Mingwei nodded and replied, "The crew is here. When shooting, not only do people need to watch at night, but also some cooperation during the day. For example, if someone wants to shoot the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Forbidden City has to circle the land and restrict the entry of tourists. Compared with that time, you It doesn't matter at all."

"Also, among the heads of state of other countries who come to visit us, occasionally one or two will make a request, expressing that they want to take time to go to the Forbidden City. Like I said just now, the Forbidden City is a very special place, not a big person. If you want to visit, it will be temporarily closed, and the venue will be cleared to prevent ordinary tourists from entering."

"Ordinary tourists can't ignore it, but they are the head of state and can't stay in a crowded environment for a long time. How do you think this situation should be handled? You can't refuse other people's requests and persuade him to stop visiting the Forbidden City. So, the best option is to avoid the time period when it is open to the public, and let those important people enter the venue during the closing period.”

"Of course, those big people usually enter the venue before the opening in the morning. After all, the air at that time was better, and with the scenery of the Forbidden City, it was more enjoyable to visit. And from dawn to the opening, the time can be almost two or three. Hours, take advantage of the morning to visit, the itinerary can be arranged a little looser. If you go after the museum is closed, it will only take an hour or two until it gets dark, which is relatively not so generous. "

In order to dispel Shi Xiaolei's concerns and spare him the guilt in his heart, Peng Mingwei deliberately said a few more words.

In addition, he also concealed some details that outsiders do not know. For example, if the heads of state of other countries want to visit the Forbidden City, they will give priority to those side halls that have been repaired but are not open to ordinary tourists for some reasons, such as Wanqinzhai located in the northeast corner of the Forbidden City. (After the restoration, the interior scene here is gorgeous, but because the space is too narrow to receive a large number of tourists, it is not open to the outside world.)

All of this, UU reading summed up in the same sentence-reported by the country, should be treated by the country.

"Is that so..." After Peng Mingwei's explanation, Shi Xiaolei finally put down his anxiety and smiled lightly: "Then I'll be welcome. Brother Peng, what, remember to say thank you for me when you look back, please. "

"What's the matter?" Waving his hand, Peng Mingwei said with a smile, "Brother Shi, I'm not talking about you. You are all good, but you're too polite. It's such a trivial matter, it's worth thanking you. Is it?"

"That's fine, let's not talk about it." Scratching his head, Shi Xiaolei also laughed.

"That's right. People in the old capital pay attention to one's face. If you give three points, we have to pay back five points. This is called the situation." Now that we are on this land, we have to send it according to the people of the capital. This is called going into the countryside and doing as the custom."

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