Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1392: not good

"Forget it today." After hesitating for a moment, Stark made a choice: "I want to stay here for ten days and a half months, don't worry about it for a while."

"Alright, let me know when you want to go."

Withdrawing his attention from Thor, Stark turned to look at the little guys, to be precise, at Connor.

"Kona, what do you say? With us, or to Locke's?"

In normal times, Stark would definitely take the initiative to run to stay with Shi Xiaolei. It's not that this guy is inseparable from Shi Xiaolei, it's mainly because Shi Xiaolei can cook and carry all kinds of good ingredients with him. Well, don't worry about the stomach being tortured" reality, which in turn formed some habits.

But now...

Knowing that Shi Xiaolei is staying with the performance team from Hua Guolai, it is considered that he has official business, and Stark will not go to disturb Shi Xiaolei when he is idle. One thing to say, although he often behaves very out of tune, when it comes to the few friends who really care about, Stark is quite reliable.

Not only Stark, but also several others, did not plan to join Shi Xiaolei, let alone move to his side and live in the same hotel as him.

But with Kang Na, her situation is different.

After all, she is a part of Shi Xiaolei's family, and she is still a "minor". According to common sense, she should stay with Shi Xiaolei.

As for why Stark asked this, instead of directly choosing to send Kang Na to Shi Xiaolei...

The reason is very simple, in addition to Kang Na herself, three other little guys followed along. Whether it is from the perspective of an adult, or from the standpoint of a few of them, they will think that these four small groups are just a small team.

Maybe Kona doesn't want to be separated from her friends? It is precisely because of the careful consideration and understanding of Kona's mood that Stark took the initiative to ask, instead of ignoring her own thoughts and directly making a choice for her.

"Well..." Looking at the three friends in front of her, Kang Na frowned, and there was a very embarrassed expression on her little face.

After about ten seconds, she had to make a very difficult choice: "Let's go with Xiaolei. Peter, Harry, Gwen, do you want to come together?"

"Okay~." His mouth was faster than his brain, and he was talking about Peter the little spider.

Just thinking about playing, this kid even forgot that his uncle and aunt were standing beside him. The first [email protected] the words came out, he remembered that he still had to seek the advice of adults: "Uh, Aunt Mei..."

"Go, go." Gently tapped Peter's head, Ben Parker shook his head dumbfoundedly: "Don't be too noisy, be polite."

It's not been a day or two since I knew Shi Xiaolei, the little guys went to his place, and the Parker and his wife were quite relieved.

"Well, I will." Seeing that his uncle agreed, Peter nodded vigorously.

"I'm going too~!"

"And me~!"

With Peter taking the lead, Harry and Gwen are not far behind. One after the other, the two also turned their heads and cast a pleading look at the adults behind them.

Norman Osborn responded first: "Go ahead."

Instead of George Stacy, who did not receive the invitation, Stark, who became the temporary guardian, also smiled and nodded to Gwen: "I agree."

While responding to Gwen, Stark took out the contactor from his pocket and called Shi Xiaolei.

At this time, Shi Xiaolei had only walked into the kitchen for a few minutes, but he had just taken out the materials and had not had time to start processing.

Thinking that there would be no delay anyway, Shi Xiaolei greeted O'Bannon and the others, left a sentence "I'll be back when I go", and then dodged to Hela's palace. (Have lived here before, so can teleport directly.)

"Hi guys."

"Xiao Lei~." With a cheer, Kang Na ran to Shi Xiaolei's side in two steps and put her arms around his waist.

Half a beat slower than Conner, Stark also raised his hand and responded, "Come on, busy man."

"Haha." He waved his hand, ignoring it. (This chapter is not over!)

EP1392. Not good

Shi Xiaolei's eyes fell on Pepper beside him, the habitually cheapest Stark. No, it should be said that it fell on Morgan: "Hey, little guy, you are in good spirits."

"Gig, gig~!" Little Morgan smiled happily.

"Isn't there any discomfort during the teleportation?" Gently poked Morgan's cheek, Shi Xiaolei's face was full of pampering.

"I've always been in good spirits, and it doesn't seem like I'm uncomfortable." Pepper laughed. "To be honest, it's better than I thought. Before I set off, I was a little worried that she would get motion sickness."

"She's my daughter, how could she not be able to adapt to such a small situation." Stark came over, opened Shi Xiaolei's arm slightly jealously, and took Morgan from Pepper's arms: "Our Stark came over. People from the Ke family never get sick in elevators, cars or machines, that's called talent."

"Tsk tsk, look at how stingy you are."

Complaining at Stark, who was protecting his daughter from touching, Shi Xiaolei retracted his arm and turned his attention to the four little ones: "Children, come around."

"This is going?" Looking up, Stark's face was full of surprise.

"Otherwise, are you going to keep me for dinner?" Shi Xiaolei replied with a smile, and then explained to the others with a smile: "When this guy called me, I had just prepared the materials and was planning to give them to the children. Make some snacks. There are still many girls over there waiting for me to go back, so I won't stay any longer."

"Well, go get busy, we have nothing here."

"It's just a while. I'll come over when I'm done. We'll see you later."


Lowering his head and instructing the children to hurry up, Shi Xiaolei moved his mind and left Hela's palace, and took the four of them back to the hotel called the River of Rest.

Seeing the expulsion girls waiting in the kitchen, the four of them were excited again.

Seeing that the children were chattering and happier, they were more and more noisy, and the kitchen became more and more noisy. It was impossible to accommodate so many of them...

Shi Xiaolei had no choice but to interrupt their chatting and blast these little guys out of the kitchen.

"A little bit a little bit~!" Kang Na who was the last to gave Shi Xiaolei a mischievous face.

"I really..." Looking at Kang Na who ran away, Shi Xiaolei shook his head in disbelief.

Stand silently for a few seconds.

"It's finally quiet." He exhaled and sorted out his mood. Shi Xiaolei threw off his arms and started to get busy.

Immerse yourself in and forget about the passage of time.

Maybe it's been a while, or maybe it's been a while...

"It's not good, it's not good! Xiaolei Xiaolei~!".

EP1392. Not good

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