Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1395: Is this waking up?

First cameos in Captain America: Civil War, and then Spider-Man: Homecoming. In order to better help the character of Spider-Man integrate into the main line, the screenwriters specially designed a debut routine for him that is similar in nature to easter eggs.

Some people thought it was ingenious, but some fans thought that Spider-Man didn't get the attention it deserved, and the appearance routine was somewhat unofficial.

In any case, in the restarted Marvel series, the process of Peter gaining superpowers is not positively depicted. After all, he is only a small supporting role in "Captain America 3: Civil War". The length of the shots is allocated according to the importance of the characters. It is impossible for the screenwriter and director to give a large page to describe Spider-Man's past.

Therefore, even if Shi Xiaolei is a transmigrator, he has watched every series of movies before transmigrating, and he still doesn't know how little Peter got his superpowers.

Did you get superpowers after being bitten by a spider, or did you experience other adventures? How would he react if he was bitten by a spider? Is it accompanied by severe pain, or is it a different person after sleeping and waking up? Has he ever fallen into a coma, and if the answer is yes, how long did it take him to wake up?

Although I already have some guesses in my heart, I feel that this accident is very likely to help Peter acquire superpowers. Nine times out of ten, it is not a bad thing, but because the process of his acquisition of superpowers was not depicted in the original plot, Shi Xiaolei could only Use the plots in the first two editions of "Spider-Man" as a reference to speculate on the current situation of little Peter.

I'm not 100% sure, but in his heart, there is still a little bit of unease that cannot be completely eliminated.

Looking at Little Peter lying on the bed, and then looking at Athena Asamong who was squatting beside the bed, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but grunt in his heart: "It's best not to be too long, if you lie down for a few days..."

At the moment when Shi Xiaolei flashed this thought.

"Hmm~." A soft hum came out of little Peter's nose.

"?!" His eyes widened involuntarily, Shi Xiaolei hurried forward two steps, and immediately came to the bedside and leaned down: "Peter?"

"Hmm." With another ***, Peter opened his eyes with some effort, and met Shi Xiaolei who looked concerned.

"It seems to be alright." Athena Asamiya released Peter's right hand, and a big smile appeared on her face.

Although she didn't show it, she couldn't hide it from Sharna, who had been focusing her attention on her. Realizing that Athena Asamiya seemed to have expended a lot of effort, Sharna quickly stepped forward and stretched out her hands to embrace her arm.

Harry, Gwen, and Connor moved at the same time, and the three little guys rushed to the bed... Harry rushed too quickly, and threw himself on the bed and smashed Peter; Conna also Very active, in order to squeeze out a position, she directly pushed Shi Xiaolei away. The first update @ Single Look at the action, Gwen is a little better among the three, but the excitement on her face is actually not calm.

Passively giving up his position, Shi Xiaolei could only take two steps back.

Noticing Athena Asamiya who was supported by Sharna to stand up, he quickly asked, "Athena, are you alright?"

"It's alright, it's just that the consumption is a little big." Squeezing out a bright smile with a bit of fatigue, Athena Asamiya waved her hand gently: "I don't know why, when I checked his body just now, Suddenly I was sucked in by a force."


"I don't know how to describe it. It's a bit like when a pipe was inserted to change the water in the fish tank. The feeling of being sucked dry bit by bit." Speaking of this, I was afraid that Shi Xiaolei would be worried, Athena Asamiya He pretended to smile again: "It's not very serious. If I want, I can cut off that "pipe" at any time and make it stop."

"..." Staring at Asamiya Athena's small face, she carefully examined it for several seconds. Feeling that she was not comforting herself, Shi Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief: "Then are you... all right now?"

"It's good to rest for a while." Nodding, Asamiya Athena gave a thumbs up, indicating Shi Xiaolei not to worry: "I encountered a similar situation once with Xiaobao. Hehe, I was really startled at the time, But only later found out, that time.

The accident actually brought a lot of benefits. "


"Well, before that, Xiaobao often couldn't control his superpowers. Although he didn't cause any big trouble, the things in the house were often accidentally damaged by him. For example, the master's wine gourd was destroyed by him. He broke several." As she spoke, Athena Asamiya had a look of reminiscence on her face, and a gentle smile appeared in her eyes. @ Essence\\/Book Pavilion·No mistake starting~~

"What happened later?" Seeing that Athena Asamong stopped halfway through speaking, Shi Xiaolei asked again.

"Uh." Taking back the thoughts of Piaofei, Asamiya Athena smiled embarrassedly: "After that time, Bao's control of superpowers suddenly became a lot easier. Maybe it was when he absorbed energy from me. I have extracted a lot of experience, I don't understand the principle, anyway, the result is good."

"Is that so..." After pondering for two seconds, he turned to look at Peter, who was sitting up with Harry and Gwen helping him. Shi Xiaolei finally confirmed: "So, you think that Peter may get some benefits, so you haven't cut off the connection, deliberately. Let him **** it for so long?"

"Yeah." Nodding, Asamiya Athena looked at Peter with some anticipation.

At this moment, Athena Asamiya has an idea in her heart, and she has a strong expectation - if Peter can also activate the superpower of "psychic power" In the future, I must find an opportunity to follow The Parker couple had a good talk, trying to get their support to become the master who instructed Peter to practice his superpowers.

Shi Xiaolei's eyes also turned back to Peter.

"Little guy, how do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?" He patted Kang Na, making her half of her body free, and Shi Xiaolei took two steps forward and returned to the bed again.

"Hmm..." He moved his arms, then rolled over and jumped off the bed twice. Peter raised his head and shook his head somewhat lost in the lake: "It's good. I just remember passing out just now, Locke, what's wrong with me?"

"You were bitten by a bug." Shi Xiaolei raised his eyebrows: "Don't you remember? A bug that looks exactly like a spider."

"Uh, ah~." The image at that time appeared in his mind again, and Peter subconsciously clapped his hand: "Right, that's it, I remembered it.".

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