Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1401: Frigga's review

"That's what happened..."

There were a few unexpected hiccups along the way, but overall the whole thing itself wasn't very complicated.

After a while, Shi Xiaolei explained the situation, and finally explained the purpose to Odin and Loki: "...If you don't mind, we would like to use Asgard's technology to make a shape for Peter's body. an examination."

"I understand." He glanced at Little Peter who was pulled by Shi Xiaolei to stand beside him, then looked at the Parker couple, Odin retracted his gaze and nodded to Shi Xiaolei: "Are you going now? Or..."

"The sooner the better, and if it's available now, all the better."

As soon as he finished speaking, Frigg changed into his last clothes and walked out from behind the bushes.

"Hi." Seeing Shi Xiaolei and others, Frigga said hello naturally. This greeting came at a different time, and it just interrupted Odin's thoughts, preventing him from immediately responding to Shi Xiaolei's words.

In addition, Frigga's current look is really amazing, and there are a bunch of uncharacteristic children in the crowd...

"Wow~~~~!" With her eyes wide open, Kang Na unconsciously opened her two short legs and ran to Frigga with a puff of smoke: "So beautiful~! Frigga Auntie, you look so good now~!"

There is no compliment in Kang Na's few words of praise, and it is full of sincerity.

It can be said that it was directly praised into Frigga's heart.

In addition, I usually like the girl Kang Na very much, and I have a good impression of her in my heart...

"Really? Thank you, Conna." Bending down, he gently touched Conna's head, a very happy smile appeared on Frigg's face, even brighter than the Odin and Loki are even better when they compliment.


Feeling more and more like this girl, Frigga stretched out her hand and took Kona's little hand.

One big and one small, holding hands and returning to the front of everyone. Finding that there were a few unfamiliar faces in the crowd, Frigg nodded politely and took the initiative to say hello.

It was only now that the topic was led back again.

"Oh, right." Odin also remembered the reply that was missed before. Looking at Shi Xiaolei, he said very simply: "Arrange an inspection, right? I'll have someone take you there."

"It's a big help, thank you, old man."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

I don't know what happened to the previous situation, Frigg was confused by these few conversations. Unable to hold back, she interrupted: "Wait, what's the situation?"

"Peter, that's the kid." Pointing at Peter, Shi Xiaolei replied briefly: "He had some accidents and some changes in his body. Although it didn't look like he was ill, it was still a little annoying. People are worried. So, we want to borrow technology from Asgard and give him a comprehensive inspection.”

"Is that so..." Nodding to show that he understood, and looking at everyone's expressions, Frigga asked suddenly, "Do you need my help?"


"In terms of treating diseases, I'm still somewhat capable."

What Frigg said was really too modest. Friends who have seen the original movie should remember that when Thor brought Jane Foster, who had been invaded by ether, back to Asgard for help, the first person he found was Frigga.

Perhaps there are a few other factors mixed in here. For example, Frigga is Thor's closest elder. When encountering difficult problems, he will subconsciously want to rely on Frigga.

But it is undeniable that Frigga's own skills are also one of the decisive reasons for Thor to make that choice.

After all, he is just a little silly, not really brainless. If Frigga didn't know how to work china, how could he beg on her head? You know, Jane Foster is his girlfriend who is in love, and holds a pivotal position in his heart. And at that time, Jane Foster was already in a desperate situation, in a crisis of "may hang at any time, and absolutely can't tolerate the slightest carelessness".

"That couldn't be better." Recalling the scenes in the original plot, Shi Xiaolei smiled and nodded vigorously, "Excuse me, Frigga."

"You're welcome, come with me."

Without taking care of changing this dress, Frigg took the lead and walked out of the garden.

Seeing this scene, Loki wanted to remind him. But after seeing the big guy's reaction, he could only sigh helplessly, shut up and keep up with everyone's pace.


The process of examining little Peter will not be described in detail.

In short, after consultation with Frigga and several professional doctors, a conclusion was quickly reached.

"Well, you can retire." Nodding to the doctors with admiration, Frigga turned around and came to the nervous Parker couple: "The result is out. You two, you can relax, yes good news…"

"I just said don't worry~." Before Frigg could tell the details, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but pat Ben Parker on the shoulder.

"Huh." Ben Parker breathed a sigh of relief, first smiled back at Shi Xiaolei, and then looked at Frigga again: "Your Majesty, can you be more specific?"

"Of course." With a smile and nodding, Frigga spoke up: "The first thing to point out is that in the dozen or so rounds of examinations just now, no symptoms were found, and all the results were benign."

"Break it down, um, from the inside out, let's start with the internal organs. The examination results show that the internal organs in Peter's body have been strengthened to a certain extent. For example, the heart, compared with ordinary earth people, his heart It is more powerful and can transport blood to all parts of the body more efficiently. This means that other organs can get more sufficient oxygen and nutrients, and will develop more perfect health, including the recovery efficiency after injury, which will be far above everyone else."

"Let's talk about the lungs. The little guy's lungs have also improved. Compared with ordinary people, he can take in oxygen more efficiently..."

"And then the liver..."

"And kidneys..."

From the heart, liver, spleen, lung and to bones, muscles, blood, ears, nose, eyes... Frigga took the trouble to explain each test result, and the explanation is called a meticulous.

at last.

"...All in all, because of this accident, his whole person has become much stronger." After a short pause, Frigga suddenly laughed: "Let's put it this way, if you don't know his origin, just look at this I'd even think he was an Asgardian when he checked it out."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Shi Xiaolei's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, simply comparing physical fitness, he is no worse than Asgardians now. Moreover, I mean adult Asgardians, not children who haven't grown up."

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