Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1403: next game

For Asgardians who lack expensive entertainment, there are only two common ways of pastime. One is to find a restaurant to drink, and the other is to go to the arena to watch others duel. In other words, going to the arena to watch duels has become an indispensable part of the daily life of Asgardians, and its frequency is almost as low as eating and drinking.

As we all know, the rarer something is, the easier it is to attract people's attention. Conversely, when an event becomes a daily routine, it is difficult for it to become the focus of the topic and spark discussions.

The same is true of duels held in the arena.

Although there are people who initiate duels every day, on average, there are at least a few thousand spectators every day. But evenly divided into each duel match, the number of spectators is not the same.

The greater the fame of the contestants participating in the duel, the greater the number of spectators. In addition, the size of the audience will also be affected by a key factor—whether the duel itself has any special significance.

Even though you can see duels every day, why are there so many spectators and the atmosphere is so lively in these few games today? Because... Today's duels are part of the birthday celebration of the God Empress. Compared with the usual ones, they are not only larger in scale, but also very special in significance.

To use a metaphor, if we compare the competitions on weekdays to performances organized by students on campus, then today's competition is equivalent to a large-scale performance that gathers many big stars.

The attractiveness is not at the same level at all, and the number of viewers gathered is naturally not at the same level.

In addition, the extra rewards prepared by the royal family for the winners are also one of the key reasons why the atmosphere at the scene will be so enthusiastic.

The so-called heavy rewards must have brave men. With the announcement of this championship reward, there will definitely be more strong players who will join the battle and dedicate more exciting games to the audience in the stands.

If you are a true fan, of course you will not miss this opportunity.

The stands full of seats are the best proof. The extremely excited expressions of the audience also reflected the excitement of today's games.

Of course, watching a lot of fun doesn't mean that the audience will get carried away, and then join in the fun without knowing the importance of the end.

After all, Asgardians value honor very much, which is commonly known as saving face. On such a grand occasion, he was beaten up in front of countless people, and finally lost to his opponent helplessly... Such a humiliating thing, but few Asgardians would dare to try it easily.

Unless the way of thinking is different from ordinary people.

For example, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. headed by Nick Fury.

"Director." Looking at Loki floating in the air, Coulson's eyes flashed, and he approached Nick Fury from the side and rear, whispering to him a suggestion: "Send someone down to try? Although the first few rounds None of the challengers were able to win, and we have no way of judging what the rewards promised by the royal family are, but..."

The failure of the previous challengers means that the audience will be more expecting the next challenger to win. If you leave at this time, you will definitely get the support of countless spectators, and it feels like you are fighting at home.

Although in the end we still have to rely on our own strength to win, and the cheering and encouragement of the audience can't provide much substantive help, but in the end, the home atmosphere is a positive factor after all, which can increase the chances of winning more or less.

In addition, Odin and the others, who promised to give rewards because no one was able to challenge successfully in the previous rounds, will also have some changes in their mentality. Whether it is purely expecting someone to succeed, or wanting to fulfill the promise to prove to the subjects that he is really healthy, it is foreseeable that if this round of challenges can be successful, the rewards will definitely be more generous.

To put it simply, it feels like 'the amount in the prize pool has been accumulated for several rounds, and if there is a winner at this time, the benefits he will get will be particularly large'.


What Coulson could think of, how could Nick Fury not think of it?

After pondering for a moment, Nick Fury turned his head and cast his gaze on Steve Rogers: "Captain, are you interested?"

There is no need to use the information collected in the past few days, and there is no need to refer to other people. Vostager has been to the earth more than once. The S.H.I.E.L.D. has already produced a piece of information about him. grades were evaluated.

How many people in my group can beat Vostagg? In just a moment, Nick Fury already had the answer in his mind.

If only one-on-one is required, and there are no restrictions on the venue, time, means, etc., no matter whether it is Hawkeye Clint Barton, Natasha or Yin Lianna, they can all win Wolverine firmly. Stagg. Coulson, Melinda May, and Nick Fury himself, whose personal combat power is slightly inferior to theirs, also have a slight chance of winning.

It can be replaced by the current condition, that is, the situation where hard steel must be faced... In Nick Fury's view, only Captain America Steve Rogers can give it a After all, he has accepted the human body He was the only one who was transformed, and the physical fitness of the others was only at the level of ordinary people, and there was no way to go head-to-head with the Asgardians.

"If you want me to answer, no." Captain America shook his head first, then sighed again, picked up the large canvas bag next to his leg, and took out the round shield like an identity certificate from it: "But as a soldier, I..."

I wanted to say, 'I will obey your assignment and carry out this task', but just halfway through the words, the situation changed again—on the stand diagonally opposite, a flame had already flashed and a wave of Crimson smoke column.

"Uh..." Stopped his hands, Steve Rogers turned his head with a slightly embarrassed expression, and smiled at Nick Fury: "It seems that we are half a beat behind."

"Wait for the next round." Nick Fury was also a little depressed, so he could only wave his hand: "Let's see the situation first."

"En." Captain America agreed, stuffed the half-drawn buckler back into the bag, and sat down again.

On the other side, Shi Xiaolei also widened his eyes at this time, showing a very surprised expression.

A dodge left the royal stand, and came to the challenger who was about to jump off the railing and jump into the arena. Shi Xiaolei raised his hand and patted the opponent's shoulder: "Athena, are you serious?"

"Aniki!" Turning back and giving Shi Xiaolei a big smile, Athena Asamiya clenched her fists and bumped her chest, and replied excitedly: "It feels like I'm participating in a KO competition. It's rare to have With such an opportunity, I must try it out!"


"Remember to cheer for me!" After leaving such a sentence, Athena Asamiya turned over and jumped from the stands.