Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1412: expand

The summer vacation is over, and the children have resumed their usual rhythm and returned to the campus.

In the new semester, Kang Na and his little friends have been promoted to another grade and have become out-and-out middle school sophomores.

Secondary school students, it is the peak period of secondary illness.

What's more, little Peter had just obtained a supernatural power, and his mood was greatly stimulated, far surpassing other children of the same age.

Well, to be more precise, it should surpass other students of the same grade in this school... When he was still in Asgard, Peter was surrounded by a group of deportees who were younger than him. In front of those little girls, even if Peter obtained the ability after mutation, he still can't take much advantage.

Therefore, until returning to Earth, Peter's performance was very calm, without any swelling.

And after going back to school and starting classes for the new term...

Peter suddenly found that, except for the eldest sister, Kang Na, the physical fitness of the other students in the class was far behind him. The physical education class that would have made me feel disgusted turned out to be a highlight moment for me to show my strength and gain applause.

This sudden attention and praise made Peter's little heart somewhat fluttering. Unknowingly, the child grew a little bit swollen, and his personality became a bit more flamboyant than before.


"Hi, Harry." While packing his schoolbag, Peter returned his friend with a big smile.

"I heard that you have received an invitation from the physical education teacher?" Harry sat across the front row with his hands on the back of the chair, and confirmed to Peter curiously: "Is it true?"

"Well, Teacher Barod told me that I'm a good basketball player." Putting the packed schoolbag on the table, Peter nodded happily: "Do you know? This is the first Once, a teacher praised me for my good health, saying that I have the talent to practice sports.”

"Of course I know. After all, we've known each other for so long." Shrugging his shoulders, Harry continued to ask, "So, what do you think? Accept Mr. Ballod's invitation to join the basketball team?"

"What do you think, should I respond to him?" Peter seemed to be asking for his friend's opinion, but Peter had already made a choice in his heart.

In other words, his current question is actually a rhetorical question with a hint of showing off, and he doesn't really want to listen to his friend's advice.

To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres. Both Android and Apple are available. 】

He didn't notice the change in Peter's eyes, or in other words, because he was thinking about something in his heart, he couldn't pay attention to Peter's eyes. Shaking his head slightly, Harry gave his answer: "I think you'd better think about it."


"I mean, the reason you are doing so well now is because your body has changed." Looking at Peter, Harry said with some concern: "If you accept Teacher Barod's invitation to join the basketball team... Dude, aren't you worried that your secret will be exposed?"

"No, I'm not a fool." Peter grinned, and replied confidently: "As long as you control the situation and don't make it too exaggerated, I don't think it will arouse suspicion."

"Are you sure?" Harry rolled his eyes speechlessly: "You can't see it on the surface, but you can still escape the inspection? Dude, you may have forgotten that when it comes to the official competition, there will be a urine test. Let’s pass it. Let’s take a step back, even if the inspections in middle school are not so strict, in high school or university… Hehe, naba will receive more attention, and the physical examination of the contestants will definitely be as strict as the nba level .At that time, can you still hide it?"

I have to admit that Harry's scruples are still very reasonable.

If Peter really wants to continue to develop in the sports world, these things will inevitably happen in the future. And with his physique, it can be said that it is impossible to escape the inspection and keep his secret.

"Then what do you think I should do? You can't ignore Teacher Barold's invitation, can you?" He knew in his heart that Harry was right, but the desire to show off still prevailed in Peter's heart.

"I'm just reminding you." Shrugging, Harry did not suggest that Peter choose to refuse: "Dude, you may not feel it yourself. Do you know? You seem to be a different person these days, and I'm about to I don't know you anymore."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it." Peter smiled, didn't take Harry's words to heart, but shook his head quite proudly: "Didn't you tell me before that you think I'm a bit boring?" , Are you too introverted? I didn’t think so before, but looking at it now, I think you’re right.”

"Okay, as long as you are happy."

While chatting, a few students came to the door of the classroom.

It was none other than those who had confronted Peter in the physical education class before.

What needs to be pointed out is that these people are all from class and Peter, Harry, Gwen, Connor and others who are assigned to class B are not in the same class.

Except for the occasional encounter in the hallway, that is, there will be some contact during gym class. The two parties were not very familiar with each other, and these few people were not captured by Kang Na long ago like their classmates. Therefore, after a conflict occurred, their reactions were relatively large, and they were not like their classmates at all. easy to talk about.

No, these people came to ask for trouble because of the depression left by Peter when they were teased in physical education class just now.

"Hey, isn't this our Lord Magician?"

Aggressively pushing away a classmate who didn't have time to get out of the way, several of them came to Peter and Harry together.

The one in the lead, the one who was teased the most by Peter before, directly reached out and grabbed Peter by the collar: "Boy, you..."

Before he finished saying "You can do it", Peter has already made a move.

He quickly stretched out his left hand and grabbed the opponent's wrist, and then, with just a slight twist, the two of them changed their positions, and became a posture where Peter was on top and the other was on the bottom.


Harry's movements were also half a beat slower. He wanted to stop the opponent, but when he stood up, the situation turned into Peter taking advantage.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Harry stood there in a daze, with a bit of confusion in his surprised expression.


It wasn't until Peter's guy let out a scream that Harry suddenly woke up.

"Hey, Peter, let go." It wasn't that he was worried that the other party would get hurt, but that Peter would be punished. Not daring to hesitate at all, Harry quickly crossed his arms and slapped Peter's right arm vigorously: "Calm down, bro! Don't mess around, you know the consequences."

"For Harry's sake, huh."