Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1419: uninvited skye

Either for power or for money, the vast majority of criminals do evil things for a certain purpose.

Evil is just a means to their end.

Like the clown in the dc universe, who regards 'doing evil' itself as a pleasure, and a mental illness that commits crimes purely for the sake of crime, it can be said that there is no one in a hundred, and there are very few.

Look at Jin and others.

Although he has done a lot of evil, in the final analysis, he is not a mental patient. Compared with the ugly masters with countless fans, he is still a little bit worse, and his evil is not pure enough.

Especially after meeting Vanessa and giving birth to her only son Richard Fisk.

Since there was concern in his heart, Jin Bing's thinking has already undergone some changes. In addition, the underworld empire he built with his hard work has reached its limit, and encountered the bottleneck period of "must change the previous style of behavior and change into another form in order to further expand"...

At this moment, Jin Bing has actually vaguely conceived the idea of ​​retirement.

This can be seen from Kim Bing's current attitude.

If it was in the past, that is, before he met Vanessa, he would definitely launch a counterattack without hesitation, tear up the provocateurs who flowed from Eastern Europe with his own hands, and use their blood and corpses as markers to declare his own to all enemies. powerful.

There can be no concession at all.

And now?

In order to control the influence and prevent things from getting too big, Jin gave up the style he has always had, and did not launch his subordinates at the first time to dig out all those Eastern Europeans who had fled to his own territory with great fanfare.

He did not stifle the threat in the cradle in advance, but made an excuse to send his wife and children to Hawaii, and let them go as tourists to Nihau Island, where no gangsters can infiltrate.

Including the matter of seeking revenge on the enemy, it was also handed over to Shi Xiaolei who came to the door temporarily, instead of directly sending his own mercenaries and killers as before to return an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

To tell the truth, Jin did not have a bit of spirit now.

If Jin was not an extremely dangerous hungry tiger in the past, now he is probably a sleeping tiger taking a nap with his sharp claws and fangs away.

Of course, what kind of thoughts Jin Bing has in his mind is his own business.

For Shi Xiaolei, Jin is just an unimportant passerby. He belongs to the kind of person who "has never communicated before, and should never deal again in the future".

After getting the information from Jin Bing, Shi Xiaolei's attention immediately turned to the group of outlaws who were hiding.

With Jarvis' help, it's not difficult to find out the flaws and put them on their feet.

However, because the other party did not gather everyone together in order to avoid the limelight, it was still a little difficult to dig out all of these people.

"That's the way it is." He pointed back at the projected image, and looking at the aliens sitting in front of him, Shi Xiaolei shook his head slightly depressed: "Except for the three people who have been locked, where are the others? It's very difficult to investigate. I mean, on the premise that it is impossible to judge which one is the murderer, if you want to ensure the completion of revenge, you must kill them all, and not one can be missed. Judging from the current situation, It's not easy to do that."

"Then catch these three first." Jia Ying was the first to respond: "One by one, I don't believe that I can't find any clues."

There was a ruthlessness in his expression that Shi Xiaolei had never seen before, and the cruelty that flashed across his eyes made Shi Xiaolei feel even more shocked.

That's right, after all, it's a ruthless man who made a big conspiracy in the original plot.

"Well, since you said so." Shrugging his shoulders, Shi Xiaolei shook his head with a wry smile: "But I still have to remind you, try to keep your movements as small as possible. After all, the other party has other companions hiding in the dark. If you are targeted by them, you will inevitably lead to revenge in the future. There is a saying, 'If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it', and you know the truth without me telling you."

"As long as they dare to come forward, I'll kill one of them." Standing up, Jia Ying took two steps forward and let go of her frowning brows: "Thank you, Mr. Shi, thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, I just..." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei shook his head: "Forget it, is Skye feeling better?"

In addition to Jia Ying himself, there were four other people who attended this meeting. Without exception, they are all elders in the small village in the afterlife. Although they are not as old as Jia Ying, who can maintain their youth, they are all in their fifties or sixties.

And the new generation of aliens like Skye and Lincoln Campbell were not brought to the meeting.

After all, they have not experienced a similar situation, and their willpower has not been exercised to a very tough level like Jia Ying and others. This kind of fighting and killing is somewhat unfamiliar to them, so let them join directly. If they come in, they may not be able to bear it.

"It's a little better." Hearing Shi Xiaolei mention her daughter's name, Jia Ying's face showed a bit of distress: "This incident has dealt a big blow to her, and it may take a while to calm down. ."

"It's okay to rest for a while." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei sighed: "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, it's really regrettable."

"Yeah." She responded with a deep sympathy, and Jia Ying also had a sad look on her face: "Fortunately, Qianqian didn't have an accident. Looking back on it now, it's a fortune among misfortunes."

While chatting, they walked out of the conference room side by side.

Look at the time, it's almost time for dinner. Shi Xiaolei greeted him casually, intending to keep these few for a light meal at home.

"Thank you, but no need. We have to rush back to select people." Jia Ying shook her head and refused: "I finally dug them out. I don't want to delay for too long and miss the opportunity to do it."

"That's fine." Scratching his head, Shi Xiaolei replied, "Once you have organized the staff, feel free to contact me."

"I will."

The voice Everyone has come to the courtyard.

Jia Ying took out her mobile phone and called Gordon, who was waiting in the afterlife village.

After a while, Gordon teleported into the courtyard and appeared in front of everyone.

What surprised Shi Xiaolei a little was that Gordon wasn't the only one who was sent over.

"Skye?" Looking at the girl in front of him, Shi Xiaolei was slightly surprised.

"Loke~." He raised his hand and greeted Shi Xiaolei, Skye forced a smile: "I'm here to help."

"Huh? Help?"

Plug-in players in Marvel

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