Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1442: open the entrance

In the original plot, Stark, who fell into anxiety, designed as many as dozens of armors in a short period of time, and developed the R-series armors to more than forty in one go.

And in this time and space, the number of various battle armors he designed and manufactured exceeds that in the original plot.

Why is this so? With Shi Xiaolei, a powerful friend, by his side, Stark shouldn't be under the huge psychological pressure like in the original plot, right? Given his current situation, he shouldn't have that need, and he wouldn't be able to develop so many different styles of armor all at once.

That's how it happened.

In the alien invasion event triggered by the supergiant star, wasn't Shi Xiaolei sent to the depths of the universe, and finally returned to the earth after a few months and half a year? Although it didn't take long, his disappearance still affected Stark's psychology. In addition, the incident was caused by a superstar who was an alien. Within a month, the performance was just like in the original plot, and he also fell into anxiety and uneasiness.

In just a few months, Stark developed more than 30 types of armor in one go.

Although the number is not as many as in the original plot, it is not much worse.

And after Shi Xiaolei returned safely,

Stark's enthusiasm as an inventor was greatly stimulated by the scientific and technological materials he brought back from aliens.

Therefore, although he has relaxed a lot mentally and the pressure has almost dissipated, his research and development of steel armor has not slowed down too much, and he still maintains that he can develop a new armor in an average of ten days Frequency of.

Coupled with the use of the scientific and technological materials brought back by Shi Xiaolei to expand some new businesses, Stark Group's income ushered in an explosive growth, and even Stark's private account also injected a lot of money

Unlike in the original plot, some design schemes will be eliminated. Relying on the funds in hand, Stark put all the design schemes he thought of into practice and built them one by one.

All in all, counting those pure decorations that have not been used since they were manufactured and may not have a chance to be used in the future, Stark has designed and manufactured more than 150 steel armors.

In addition to r, each armor will be code-named by him. In Stark's words, each armor is designed by him with hard work, and it is a child he has poured his heart into. Therefore, In order to show respect for them, and to commemorate their contribution, it is necessary to give each armor a name.

Shi Xiaolei can still understand Stark's mood. But this does not mean that he can also remember the code name of each armor like Stark.

In fact, not only Shi Xiaolei couldn't remember, but even Stark's bedside man, Pepper, couldn't remember the serial numbers and code names of these armors either.

In this world, there is and only Stark himself, Jarvis who has been responsible for managing and maintaining these armors, can tell the difference between them, remember how many numbers they are, and what code names they correspond to.

For example, at this moment, when Shi Xiaolei heard the word Pathfinder, he didn't take it to heart at all, except that it should be one of the R series, he had no other thoughts.

Thirty seconds is just a blink of an eye.

"Whoosh, pass!" With a soft sound, a metal cabinet with a height of only 1.5 meters fell from the sky and was inserted on the ground more than ten meters away from the crowd.

It's not a humanoid battle armor, but a silver-white cabinet.

The shape was beyond Shi Xiaolei's expectation, and the height was also a bit shorter than expected.

"Huh?" Blinking, Shi Xiaolei looked at Stark with some doubts: "What is this? I thought you summoned a steel armor."

"The little toy I designed some time ago." Smiling triumphantly, Stark slammed and pointed to Jarvis to order, then turned away from the ruins and walked towards the cabinet: "Simply speaking, it is specially designed for the detection A combined tool designed by an alien planet. It is made in this shape to reduce the friction when it is launched into the atmosphere, so as to ensure that the parts will not be damaged during the landing process. When it is placed on the ground, it will send out according to the command to disintegrate and deform"

Following Stark's introduction, several gaps were cracked on the silver-white metal cabinet.

The faint blue light lit up, and the ark reactor as a built-in energy source was activated. But in the blink of an eye, the parts were reversed and combined, and a mechanical device shaped like a spider split from the lower end of the metal cabinet, and crawled towards Stark very flexibly.

On the upper end of the metal cabinet, several small and delicate aircraft were split out. What is somewhat surprising is that these aircraft have neither propellers nor cicada wings designed to imitate the body structure of nor jet ports.

Grabbing one of them, Shi Xiaolei held it in his palm and looked at it for a few seconds, then turned to look at his friend: "Anti-gravity?"

"That's right." Stark nodded: "At that time, I still had the last bit of vibration gold left in my hand. Thinking that the amount was too small for other uses, I simply used them all on this device."

"You are really willing."

"You taught me, if you don't get old, don't get new." Shrugging his shoulders, Stark said with a smile: "Anyway, I think it's pretty good, let's make the best use of it."

"Just be happy." Shi Xiaolei smiled indifferently, and looked down at the iron spider lying at Stark's feet: "The things have also been delivered, so let's start?"

"Yeah." Nodding, Stark raised his right foot, and lightly touched the iron spider with his toe: "Start working, little guy."

The signal light on the cover flashed twice, and the washbasin-sized iron spider suddenly jumped up.

It can't be said that it is as light as a swallow, but it can be regarded as agile and dexterous. After a few ups and downs, the iron spider had already arrived at the open space of only three square meters, stretched out a mechanical arm and grabbed the twisted handle.

The hydraulic rod installed on the mechanical arm stretched a little bit, and with a soft creak, the cover covering the hole was lifted.

The aircrafts waiting in mid-air lined up in a row, descended and flew into the hole in an orderly manner.

In the next second, a bright light appeared from the entrance of the cave, as if a lamp was lit below.

"Yo, it's quite deep." Having come to the entrance of the cave, looking down at the light from the aircraft, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help frowning: "Hiss, hiss, what does it smell like?"

"It should be too long without ventilation. Come in later, let it open for a while."