Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1475: Locke, let me tell you something...

The latest website: Xingjue, who has just escaped from the front of several people, has not left Xandar at this moment or not.

Therefore, rather than setting off immediately to intercept planet C53, which is the Earth, the two owners who want to recover the heavy weapon are more inclined to investigate Xandar and its surroundings.

It's like tracking down a wanted criminal on Earth.

Knowing that the other party has not escaped from the city in front of him, of course, he should give priority to conducting investigations and searches in the vicinity, instead of going directly to the other party's hometown and waiting there in advance. There is one thing to say, some clues related to "where the target may escape to" will only come in handy when "confirming that the target has left, but the other party's whereabouts cannot be found".

"That's it, let's split up." After hearing the opinions of the two owners, Bonas responded: "I'll contact my friend who lives on planet c53 and ask him to help keep an eye on it. What about you? Investigate near Xandar to find his whereabouts. Oh, yes, I said earlier, there is a price for the two of us to help."

"you say."

"If you can successfully get back the item you want, first of all..." Pointing to Lilima, Bonas first made the first request: "I hope you can intercede and persuade the supervision team to withdraw the arrest of her." Punishment records. As you have seen, she and that guy are really not on the same side, and she is also in the position of being cheated just like you, so..."

"No problem, I can agree to this matter now, and implement it immediately." One of them nodded immediately: "However, I can only do my best, and there is no guarantee that it will be done."

"That's enough, if the people from the Supervision Office insist on upholding the original judgment, there's nothing you can do about it." Nodding, Bonas turned to look at Lilima: "What do you think, can you accept it? "

"Yeah." Without any objection, Lilima nodded hastily, with a bit of anticipation in her eyes.

"Okay, that's it for the first one." Bonas looked back and continued to say the second request: "The second one is actually not difficult, at least I don't think it's a problem for you. It's very simple, I want to form a cooperative relationship with you and get an agency."

"Proxy? Carri steel?"

"Yes." Bonas smiled: "The kind that is regularly rationed, you don't need too much, one hundred and eighty tons per year is enough. After all, my business is so big, I can't eat too much."

Originally thinking that they were asking for an exclusive agency, the two still hesitated.

Listening to it now, it turns out that the share set by Bonas is only so small...

"Okay, I agree." Heaved a sigh of relief, the one who seemed to have more power to speak directly stretched out his hand: "As long as you can get back the thing we want as you wish, I promise to meet your request."

"Then it's a deal~." Bonas stretched out his hand and gave the other party a high-five: "Leave a contact information. Oh, by the way, I haven't asked your names yet, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, we just met after all, don't we?" He shook his head with a smile, expressing that he didn't mind. The man introduced himself very friendly: "My name is Virto, this is my younger brother, his name is Luo Yin."

"Nice to meet you, Virto, Luo Yin. I think you should already know our names. I'm Bonas, and this child's name is Lilima."

"Yes, we know." After responding to Bonas, Virto turned his head to look at Lilima, and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry about those things before, I hope you don't mind."

"No." Lilima shrugged, and unconsciously glanced in the direction where Xingjue disappeared: "It's all that bastard's fault, and it has nothing to do with you."

"You're right, it's all that guy's fault." Nodding with a smile in his eyes, Virto took out the communicator: "Exchange the contact information, we should go. After all, the guy has been running away for a while Now, we have to hurry up."


After exchanging the numbers of the communicator, Virto left first with his younger brother Luo Yin.

After watching the two of them board the small airship that was equivalent to a taxi, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye, Bonas looked away and turned to look at Lilima who was standing by his side.

"Let's go, we should go back too." While greeting Lilima, Bonas fiddled with the communicator in his hand.

It's not that those words just now were fooling the other party, and now I plan to delete the contact information I just got. Bonas intends to contact Shi Xiaolei, who is far away on the earth, to communicate with him.

I have never been to Earth, but I have been to Asgard several times. For some common sense on the earth, Bonas has more or less understood some. Knowing that the earth has not yet entered the interstellar era, if an alien spaceship approaches, it will be very abrupt and easy to be noticed, especially for special characters like Shi Xiaolei who have mastered the ability of interstellar travel, it is easier to detect other spaceships close, so...

That's right, just like what he promised to Virto and Luo Yin, he really wanted to catch Xingjue, that's why he thought of contacting Shi Xiaolei.

As for why Bonas is so active.

The power of attorney promised by Virto and the promise to rehabilitate Lilima are actually secondary reasons.

The main reason is that he values ​​the friendship with Shi Xiaolei very much, and is worried that as things continue to develop, there will be something that makes Shi Xiaolei dissatisfied or unwilling to see.

It's not that he was worried that participating in the arrest of Xingjue would offend Shi Xiaolei. At the moment when he decided that Xingjue was a bastard, Bonas had already made a judgment in his heart, thinking that the friendship between Xingjue and Shi Xiaolei must be very ordinary. After all, Shi Xiaolei has a very trustworthy temper, while Xingjue is a **** who talks like a fart. From the perspective of personality, the two are obviously not the same.

What Bonas is really worried about, UU Reading, is that Xingjue, the troublemaker, will make things out of hand and eventually bring the disaster to Earth.

If he can help catch Xingjue, the earth will not be affected by this incident. In this way, it is also a good thing for Shi Xiaolei who lives on the earth.

Standing on the standpoint of a friend for Shi Xiaolei's consideration, that's why Bonas was so active and took the initiative to reach a cooperation with Virto.

After a while, the signal was connected, and Shi Xiaolei's voice came from the communicator.

"Hey, old man, why did you suddenly think of contacting me?"

"Hehe, something happened." No nonsense, Bonas went straight to the point: "Lock, your friend named Xingjue has caused some trouble. As a partner and friend, I think it is necessary to inform you One sound."

"Star Lord?"

"That's right, it's that **** like a street scumbag."