Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1497: give it to you

Latest URL: Thanks to the quick response, I chose to escape immediately.

If there was even a little bit of hesitation, the massacre would most likely be caught by the soldiers, locked in a sealed container again, and become an experiment subject for mermaid meat.

It's not that the guns in the hands of the soldiers can completely suppress it, making it helpless.

It was because the follow-up reinforcements brought special equipment sufficient to restrain the symbiote.

That's right, it's the sonic cannon.

Although Stark has just received an order from Colonel Rhodes, the first batch of equipment has not yet been produced, and there are still at least three to five days before delivery.

But that doesn't mean the military doesn't have sonic cannons.

In fact, as early as Dr. Banner turned into the Hulk and fought the military for the first time, the military had already used sonic cannons to try to suppress him. It's just that, at that time, the military used the old sonic cannon, which was as big as a large transformer and could only be used on cars.

This time, Colonel Rhodes asked Stark to customize a new type of sonic cannon that is smaller, more flexible, and capable of remote control.

Both are called sonic cannons, but they are not the same thing.

To put it more bluntly, just like the replacement of other equipment, the military orders new weapons, and it has nothing to do with whether they have old equipment in their hands.

In the headquarters of the Life be exact, in another room not far from the laboratory, there is an old-fashioned sonic cannon unloaded from the car, just in case.

Although that thing is far less flexible than the new sonic cannon that Stark is designing, but in terms of power, it is more than enough to deal with massacres that have not yet returned to their full strength.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that if it wasn’t because the thing was too heavy, it would take a while to move it over, but the massacre and escape was simple enough...

As long as there is a slight delay, whether the massacre can escape the encirclement of the soldiers is a question mark.


"What? Say it again?!"

"Damn~! How did you carry out the order~!"

"Send someone to chase after him immediately~! Protect the scene, I'll be right there~!"

Not long after the incident, General Thaddeus E. Ross received a report from his subordinates about the accident in the Life Foundation building.

As for why he reported this news to him...

As early as the Life Foundation captured six symbionts, began to study them, and realized that this thing can possess humans and greatly improve the host's personal combat power, Drake contacted them without hesitation. The military has put forward a request for cooperation.

As the saying goes, snakes have their own way and mice have their way.

Let’s not mention how he knew it. Anyway, through some contacts, Drake found out that the “Human Body Enhancement” project set up by the military has always been in charge of General Ross. Therefore, when he took the initiative to contact the military, he personally mentioned Ross's name.

Or they want to take some initiative in the negotiation. After all, the military's research in this area is still quite secretive. Not just anyone can find out the inside story. If some details are mentioned in the negotiation, it will help the other party to stay. The impression of "this person has two brushes" gives up some interests or the right to speak.

Or maybe he simply felt that General Ross's style of work suited him well. If he represented the military, the cooperation between the two parties would be smoother.

All in all, it was Drake's proposal that allowed General Ross, who happened to be in a trough, to get the military again, and was finally appointed to participate in the cooperation with the Life Foundation as a military representative.

Whoever caused the mess should be cleaned up.

Although the escape of the symbiote cannot be blamed on Ross, who made him the person in charge of this cooperation? After troubles broke out at the Life Foundation, as a representative of the military, he took over the follow-up tasks as a matter of course.

This is why the soldiers will report the news to Ross.

It's worth noting that Lord, an Air Force colonel, was also in the same room, standing by while Ross was debriefing from the privates.

"General, what should we do here?" Seeing General Ross getting up to leave, Colonel Rhodes hurriedly stopped him.

What do you mean here?

From watching the live news, to releasing the symbiont in a desperate attempt, and then escaping from the Life Foundation building, the mess Drake created happened in just ten minutes. By the time General Ross received the report, the pursuit battle between Ghost Rider and Riot hadn't ended yet.

From the standpoint of the military, it is reasonable to say that they should help the Ghost Riders hunt down the riot together. But as the project leader, General Ross wanted to capture the riot and keep it in the hands of the military.

Therefore, he just ordered the soldiers to be ready to enter the arena at any time, and he has not officially ordered them to start action.

When to make a move needs to be decided by Ross himself. But now? If he left the command center and went to the Life Foundation, would he still be able to seize the right moment and command the soldiers to take over the battlefield at the right moment?

I felt that this matter was a bit hanging, so Colonel Rhodes unconsciously stopped me.

"I'll leave this to you." After thinking for a moment, General Ross quickly made a decision.

After all... Excluding the carnage that had already escaped from the building, there were still four symbionts waiting to be dealt with at the Life Foundation, and here, there was only the riot, and it was completely suppressed by the ghost rider.

Since it is impossible for the riot to make any big splashes under the eyes of the ghost knight, defeat is only a matter of time, and it is self-evident how General Ross will choose.

"Eh? Am I in charge?" I didn't expect to hear such a sentence Colonel Rhodes' eyes widened in surprise.

"Colonel, I believe you can do it." With a straight face, General Ross raised his hand and patted Colonel Rhodes on the shoulder: "Now, tell me, do you have the confidence?"

"Yes, sir." The superior had reached this point, what else could Colonel Rhodes say? Repressing the surprise in his heart, he put his legs together and bowed his waist and bowed his stomach: "I promise to complete the task!"

"Very good." Nodding his head, General Ross added, "If there's anything wrong, I mean something serious, please report it to me in time."


Staring into Colonel Rhodes' eyes for two or three seconds, General Ross withdrew his gaze, turned around and greeted the adjutant who was ready, and left the command center without looking back.

Colonel Rhodes, who stayed in the command center, also lowered his arms and turned his attention back to the surveillance screen.