Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1564: vacation (1)

Cheating players in Marvel ep1564. Vacation 1

According to Shi Xiaolei's idea, during the vacation home this time, it is necessary to call the ship girls who have been stationed on Niihao Island for a long time.

The Gregorian calendar year is also a year.

If there is no arrangement, then it's fine, but now? Now that the project is arranged, the whole family must act together, try to go as far as possible for the family reunion, and try not to neglect anyone in the cold.

Therefore, before asking his friends what they think, Shi Xiaolei first disclosed the news at home and asked everyone for their opinions.

It was announced during lunch, and at about three o'clock in the afternoon, Missouri, who had returned to the post of secretary ship, sorted out the opinions of the ship girls, compiled a report and sent it to Shi Xiaolei.

"So fast?" I didn't expect it to be so efficient, Shi Xiaolei smacked his lips in surprise: "I thought you guys would have to discuss it for a while, at least you won't reply until evening."

"It's a vacation." Missouri smiled slightly: "No one doesn't like it, it's normal to be positive."

"That's true." Shi Xiaolei also laughed: "Let me see what everyone thinks."

Taking the stapled pieces of paper from Missouri, leaning back on the back of the chair, Shi Xiaolei began to look through them seriously.

The responses of most of the ship girls were very docile. If I have any opinions, I just stay on some details, such as 'what do you want to do when you arrive at the destination', 'can you arrange some personal time, and go around in twos and threes', 'I heard that There is a kind of **** custom in the local area, can you arrange a chance to experience it' and so on.

To put it simply, with the itinerary set by Shi Xiaolei as the main line, the projects that the girls think of are all of the type that can be handled by hand, and will not affect the market, making Shi Xiaolei feel embarrassed.

But there are also a few who don't take the usual path.

For example, a few foodies headed by Chicheng put forward a suggestion that surprised Shi Xiaolei—hoping to act alone and go to the southern Chaoshan area for a few days. Wait until the rendezvous time agreed in advance, and then go to another destination to join the large army led by Shi Xiaolei.

"..." After reading these contents, Shi Xiaolei shook his head dumbfounded: "It really is her style. Missouri, how many people like Chicheng want to split up? I mean...including those who are actually a little I thought about it, and then I was concerned about my thoughts, and deliberately told you not to care, so I didn’t record it here.”

"Hmm..." Hearing Shi Xiaolei's question, Missouri recalled for a moment: "If calculated in this way, the number of people is indeed a bit more. If it is roughly calculated, it can be about one-third? Or a little more."

"That's it..."

Scratching the back of his head and struggling for a while, Shi Xiaolei raised his head and smiled at Missouri: "That's fine, you can inform me later and say I agree."


"According to my previous plan, I originally planned to go to Shengyang on the 27th." Shi Xiaolei said calmly: "Now I plan to change it. After Christmas, that is, starting from the 26th, everyone can set off first , go to the place you want to go. Whether it is the Chaoshan area in the south or the capital city in the north, I will give you three to four days of free time for free activities. On the 31st, we will gather in Shengyang again. Get together for New Years Eve. What do you think, Missouri?"

"Uh..." After pondering for a moment, Missouri nodded: "It feels pretty good. But I'm a little bit worried that some people will not be able to arrive in time. Commander, think about it, everyone is scattered everywhere, saying Someone might get bad weather and delay their scheduled flight."

In other words, change the source app, .huanyuanapp. version. 】

"It's okay." Waving his hand, Shi Xiaolei laughed: "What kind of flight, you don't need to pay for that. When you want to return to the team, just call me. Or I will go there in person, or ask Sister Bei to open the door for you. Haha, let alone rain or snow, even hailstorms won’t delay things.”

"If that's the case, I think there should be no problem."

"That's it, please go and count again. Remember to tell them a few words, pay attention when forming a team, there must be a stable point in the team, it is best to have a few big ones and a few small ones." Yes, they match each other."


"Hmm..." After thinking about it again, Shi Xiaolei simply relaxed the conditions: "Also, when we split up, the destination doesn't have to be within China. You can go to an island country or Europe, you can go wherever you want. Just remember to take your time, don't have too much fun and forget to meet up."

"Uh...but if this is the case, you may have to work harder, Commander."

"What's the hard work, anyway, it's all a matter of teleportation. It doesn't make any difference to me if it's closer or farther away." Shi Xiaolei smiled and waved his hands: "Don't think so much, it's Chinese New Year, just have fun .”

"Okay then. Commander, thank you."

"You're welcome, go get busy." While answering, Shi Xiaolei took out his mobile phone: "I have to make a few calls, and some things need to be arranged in advance."

" Leaving a smile, Missouri turned and left the study.


Before departure, make full preparations. After the itinerary started, I had a lot of fun and had a lot of fun.

Soaking in the spacious pool, the hot spring water of the hot spring bird is pumped one after another, and the strength of the massage is just right. With delicious rice wine in his mouth, Stark showed a very comfortable expression on his face, deeply immersed in the dreamlike enjoyment.

"It's so comfortable." A few meters away, Norman Osborn leaned shirtless against the edge of the pool, and groaned while closing his eyes.

"It's comfortable." Standing up from the cold water pool more than ten meters away, and stepping over the barrier to the hot pool in a few steps, Shi Xiaolei sat down slowly and smiled triumphantly: "Go to the next door to see through , Wait for a few tens of seconds and come back, that feeling, hehe, it’s not me bragging, it’s simply double happiness.”

"Forget it, I still think hot water is more comfortable." Opening his eyes, Norman Osborn glanced at the cold pool next door, and shook his head with a little resistance: "People in their fifties, If you have a cold, it's not a joke. I don't want to trouble myself, especially on such a rare holiday."

"In this kind of place, do you still want to catch a cold?" Shi Xiaolei laughed: "Even if there is a slight sign, it's just a matter of soaking for a while."

"Anyway, I'm not going, so it's not good to just hang around like this?" Norman Osborn pointed at Stark while refusing: "And, even if you want to challenge, it shouldn't start with me. Here Isn't there someone younger than me?"

"..." Hearing this, Stark rolled his eyes speechlessly: "I didn't say anything, don't get involved with me, okay."