Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1657: Coulson was seriously injured

Chapter 1655 EP1657. Coulson was seriously injured

From start to finish, the battle lasted nearly seven hours.

It started around 11:00 noon, and by the end of the day, the sun had already set, and it was about to fall below the sea level.

"Tony, I'll leave it to you later." Putting away his equipment and returning to his normal state, Shi Xiaolei landed lightly beside Stark, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

In the second half of the battle, that is, when the number of enemies was reduced to only a quarter, the pressure of the battle was almost zero, and when there was time to spare, Shi Xiaolei took the time to go back to Xandar, and put Stark He and Lexington and other four ship girls brought them back.

As for Lilima, T'Challa, and Su Rui...

On the one hand, it was because Su Rui was not willing to leave, and on the other hand, he didn't want them to get involved, so Shi Xiaolei just made an appointment with them to pick them up after three days, and didn't bring the three of them back together .

"No problem, I will take care of it." Nodding, Stark raised his hand and tapped his helmet: "Jarvis, release all the armor, and start a carpet search within a radius of 50 nautical miles with Nihau Island as the center. How to group and match is up to you, I only have one request, absolutely not to miss any suspicious object."

"Do you need to transfer the local armor?"

"I said 'all'. Well, except for the ones that haven't been adjusted yet."


It's not very clear how many armors Stark has saved in total, but judging from the armor codenamed 'Mark85' on his body, there must be at least seventy or eighty armors.

There are so many, coupled with the various high-tech testing equipment equipped on the armor, and Jarvis's meticulous attention to detail...

Shi Xiaolei was very sure that if there were sea monsters or alien spacecraft that had not been cleaned up, they would not be able to hide from Jarvis's search, and they would be found out in a short time.

Rest assured, Shi Xiaolei trustingly handed over the finishing work to Stark, turned around and flew to the port area.

If it were someone else, they would give priority to going to Kang Na and the others to take a quick look at the captured Ares, and more or less spare some time to chat with him.

But Shi Xiaolei's choice is different.

He didn't go to Ares first, but went directly to the station of the ship girls, and visited the ship girls who were injured in the battle first, as well as Coulson and others who came to help the battle early.

In Shi Xiaolei's mind, of course the girls are more important.


The physical fitness of the ship girls is different from that of ordinary people, and they are also taken care of by the "big break protection" mechanism, so the trauma they suffered in the battle only looks serious, but in fact it is not that exaggerated.

In addition, their methods of treating injuries are very special. They don't need surgery, but take a bath in the pool with their naked body...

The treatment process is not suitable for outsiders to visit, especially not for men to see. Therefore, Shi Xiaolei didn't stay in the ship girls' dormitory for too long, and he only stayed for less than a quarter of an hour in total.

After telling the girls to take good care of themselves and not to rush back to work, and expressing condolences to everyone who returned from victory, Shi Xiaolei left the girls' dormitory and went to the 'field hospital' where Coleson and the others were.

It is said to be a hospital, but in fact, it is an activity center for ship girls to spend their time on weekdays.

After saying hello to several shipwives who were assigned to help take care of the wounded, Shi Xiaolei walked straight into the room, and saw Coulson half lying on the hospital bed at a glance.

"Hi, Coulson." Walking forward, Shi Xiaolei greeted and observed.

There was a bandage on his head, a splint on his right leg, and a pool of blood on his chest. What shocked Shi Xiaolei the most was that Coulson's left hand was amputated at the wrist, and the palm disappeared, leaving only half of the forearm.

"Lock." Perhaps because of the analgesic, Coulson's expression was not very painful.

However, no matter whether he was seriously injured, his spirit still looked a little sluggish, much worse than usual.

"Your left hand..."

"As you can see, it has retired early." Looking down at the left arm hanging on his chest, Coulson shook his head with a wry smile: "But it's nothing. After I go back, I will apply to the director. Find a way to get it back."

The metal arm of the Winter Soldier was developed many years ago.

The technical reserve of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not much inferior to the Hydra hiding in the dark. With their strength, they can completely create an equally excellent mechanical arm for Coulson in a short period of time to solve the problem he is currently facing. to the problem.

As a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a confidant of Nick Fury, Coulson is convinced of this.

But from Shi Xiaolei's standpoint, he couldn't bear to see him become a disabled person who needs to replace his flesh and blood with a mechanical arm.

"You don't have to wait until you get back." Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei took out a fairy bean with his backhand and handed it to Coulson: "Here, you deserve it, you're welcome."

"This..." Looking at the fairy beans in Shi Xiaolei's hand, Coulson's eyes flashed, revealing a slightly tangled expression.

A few seconds later, Coulson shook his head gently: "Can I transfer it to someone else? Someone needs it more than me."

When he rushed to support at the first time, Coulson brought his entire team. And after the battle started, he temporarily summoned a group of people stationed in a secret base in the Hawaiian Islands. Counting it down, there were almost a hundred SHIELD agents who joined the battle.

Without the physique of the warship girls, they can't resist the enemy's attack at all. Except for the group of people who were dispatched to evacuate the crowd, most of the agents who were brought into the battlefield by Coulson were miserable.

The death toll alone exceeded thirty.

Seriously injured and unconscious, there are as many as forty people who are still in danger and their lives are in jeopardy.

In contrast, someone like Coulson, who lost an arm and was disabled but had no worries about his life, could already be considered very lucky.

No wonder Coulson responded to Shi Xiaolei in such a way.

After all, the agents were summoned by him, and the death or injury of every agent was closely related to him.

In addition, the level of those agents is not high, so they may not be eligible to undergo surgery for reconstruction of severed limbs... From Coulson's standpoint, it is also a normal reaction to plan to transfer the fairy beans to other people.

"Don't worry." Shi Xiaolei smiled, and persuaded again: "Not only you, but also other people. You eat it first, and get well soon. You have to help distribute other people's portions."

"This..., thank you, I thank you for everyone."

"No, I should be the one to say thank you." With a wave of his hand, Shi Xiaolei put the fairy beans into Coulson's palm: "If you hadn't sent me a message, I... Forget it, saving people is the most important thing. Let’s talk about the rest later.”

(end of this chapter)