Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1694: Temple belonging to Athena Asamiya

Chapter 1692 EP1694. The Temple Belonging to Asamiya Athena

About two thousand years ago, when Zeus and others first came to the Pantheon, they lived a "wandering" life for decades.

First go to this family's territory for a while, and then go to another protoss planet to stay for a few years. Although there are banquets every day, it seems very chic to eat and drink without worrying about eating and drinking, but after all, the Austrian people at that time The gods of Lympus are not yet a true member of the pantheon.

It wasn't until Zeus gained some fame and gained the recognition and respect of some gods that the Olympus Protoss received practical help. They selected a planet with good potential from outside and brought it back to this starry sky, and sent it to It was transformed to fit the life of the gods of Olympus.

After so long, several large temples have been built on this planet. The first group of dependents brought by Zeus also multiplied over the long years, and developed into a group with a population of tens of millions.

Of course, compared to the surface area of ​​this planet, this population is not enough.

At least, they haven't grown strong enough to fight against nature and treat those powerful monsters living in the wild as nothing.

To put it more carefully, the level of civilization of the "humans" living on this planet is still at a very primitive stage. When compared horizontally, it is probably similar to the ancient Greek era on Earth. They formed city-states one by one, and most of them gathered near various temples. Only a few lived far away, living in the plains where the land was more fertile but relatively dangerous. The gods of Lympus offered their devotion to their favor.

It's a bit far off.

In a word, in this starry sky near the Pantheon, the Olympus Protoss already has a planet of their own, and has cultivated a large number of devout believers.

With these believers around, it is not difficult to build a temple.

That's right, Zeus has passed down an oracle, asking believers to take action to build a temple for Athena Asamiya, who is about to join the Olympus family.

There must be some, for Zeus and even the entire Olympus gods, this is a matter of face, so it must not be omitted.

And deep in Zeus's heart, there is another small abacus.

Athena used to be a good **** who cared about her believers very much. Athena Asamiya, who inherited Athena's inheritance, should be similar to her. If a temple is built for her, then there will inevitably be some believers who will settle near her temple in the future, and then offer their faith to her while begging for her care.

Not to mention whether this Asamiya Athena will care about the beliefs offered by the believers. If she is as kind as the original Athena, then she will definitely not sit back and watch those believers being slaughtered wantonly by the monsters living around. That is to say, when several decades passed and settlements formed around the temple, Athena Asamiya must take some time to come to this planet from time to time for a period of time.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the relationship between the two parties is still relatively distant, but as Athena Asamiya comes to live here more and more times, will the situation remain the same?

Having learned the lessons of the last civil war, Zeus has already figured out how to face Athena Asamiya. In his opinion, as long as he takes it easy, don't do things that disgust her in front of Athena Asamiya every day, and by the way do what he likes and occasionally act in a few scenes, it should be easy to win A good impression.

You don't need to be too close, just leaving a piece of incense is enough. In short, as long as you can get in touch with Athena Asamiya, you will have an excuse to ask her for help if you encounter any troubles in the future.

And then, regardless of whether Asamiya Athena felt that she was alone or not, Shi Xiaolei and others who were on her side would most likely jump out to help her.

Under such a chain reaction, the final beneficiaries are the gods of Olympus.

Such a big benefit can be obtained in exchange for a small temple. With Zeus's cunning and cunning, it is naturally impossible to hide this trick and not use it.

Of course, the construction of the temple does not take a day or two. Even with the blessing of various treasures exchanged from other protoss, the efficiency cannot be increased by tens or hundreds of times.

According to preliminary calculations, it will take at least five years to build this temple belonging to Athena Asamiya.

But right now, Shi Xiaolei and his group can only temporarily stay in the 'hotel'.

Well, from another standpoint, from the perspective of Shi Xiaolei and his group, it is impossible for them to put down their guard against Zeus immediately and go to the planet controlled by the Olympus gods to stay for a long time.

In addition, everyone is somewhat curious about the core area of ​​the Pantheon, which is the most prosperous area with the most gods and gods, and wants to take advantage of these few days to go shopping...

In terms of convenience alone, it is better to live in a 'hotel' that is closer.

For example, right now, Shi Xiaolei is taking Kangna, Ramiris, and Xie Mi for a stroll in the business district not far from the 'hotel', planning to buy some souvenirs to bring home for the girl at home them.

As for the other three daughters, and Odin and Thor father and son who came to the Pantheon together...

In order to participate in the ceremony a few days later, Odin asked Shi Xiaolei to help him send him back to Asgard, and he should be preparing a gift for Athena Asamiya right now. On the day of the ceremony, Shi Xiaolei will make another trip to pick up Odin, Frigga, Rocky and others.

Thor didn't leave, but he didn't stay in the 'hotel' at this time.

Before taking the time to compete with Enlil of the Anunnaki clan, at this moment, he was drinking with Enlil, whom he did not know. In addition, Bayonetta, who also participated in the sparring, was also called by the two of them.

Only Bianhua and Asamiya Athena stayed in the 'hotel' this point in time, Artemis drove her deer cart to the temporary residence of Shi Xiaolei and his group 'Hotel', under the leadership of the waiter, appeared in front of Biganhua and Asamiya Athena who were doing nothing.

"Uh, that, hello~." Looking at Artemis in front of her, Athena Asamiya felt a little nervous.

Fortunately, there are flowers on the other side.

"What's the matter?" Putting down the book in her hand, Bi Anhua got up and came to Artemis, and quietly blocked Athena Magong behind her.

"Hello." Smiling and nodding, Artemis responded in a gentle tone: "I'll come and see you, are you still used to living here?"


"If there are any omissions, please don't be polite." Smiling at Bianhua, Artemis looked around her cheeks and landed on the face of Asamiya Athena: "There is another thing, I brought Some things come over and need to be handed over to this... Athena."

"Eh?" Hearing this, Athena Asamiya couldn't help being curious, and poked her head out from behind Biganhua: "Is it for me? What is it?"

(end of this chapter)