Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1712: Happy's proposal

Putting the two words "sea" and "gold coin" together, people often unconsciously think of the age of great navigation two or three hundred years ago, and think of the treasures secretly hidden by pirates.

Shi Xiaolei is no exception.

After realizing that Danyang was holding a gold coin in his hand, he also naturally thought of such things as "the pirates made marks while sinking the treasure chest full of gold coins into the sea", "because of the pirates' attack, the merchant ship Sinking into the sea together with the goods' and other pictures, I feel that there may be more undiscovered treasures under this sea area.

But after taking a look at the gold coin in Danyang's hand, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help laughing again.

Where is the gold coin left by the age of great voyages? It is obviously a commemorative coin minted a few years ago. Although there is no way to know how this thing fell into the sea, but in terms of modern people's way of thinking, it must be just an example... To put it bluntly, in this era, it is impossible for any short-circuited guy to put a large number of the same style The gold coins were thrown into the sea in one go.

While complaining about thinking too much in his heart, while returning the gold coin to Danyang, Shi Xiaolei said with a smile: "If you dive in the water casually, you can find a gold coin that was accidentally lost, tsk tsk, as expected of you, luck That's good."

"Hehe~." Smiling triumphantly, Danyang put the gold coin into his pocket: "Actually, it's not just this one. I found a small box below the size of a football. Because its lower half has grown with coral." Together, if you try to pry it off, a large piece of coral may be broken, so..."

"You opened the box and found this gold coin in there?"

"Well, the lid is rusty and rotten. I poked it open with my hand. It may be because it has been soaked in seawater for too long, and the things inside the box are rotten." Speaking of this, Danyang asked casually He said, "Commander, why don't I go down again and pick up that box?"

"No need, just let it stay there. Didn't you say that it has grown together with the coral?" Touching Danyang's head, Shi Xiaolei pointed to the shore with a smile: "It's been so long , It’s almost time to take a break. They are all waiting to eat delicious food over there, if you don’t go there, you may not be able to eat in a while.”

Only then did he notice the little sisters gathered on the shore, Danyang shouted quickly, jumped out of the boat and rushed towards the shore.

Not only Danyang, but also several other girls who stayed in the water were also called ashore by Shi Xiaolei.

Seeing these girls scrambling to get to the shore, Shi Xiaolei stretched out his hand to take over the control of the stern engine from Brooklyn, and started the boat to drive towards the beach behind the girls.

The fact that Danyang found gold coins under the sea did not cause much disturbance among the little girls.

After all, she only picked up one, and it wasn't even an antique.

But one day later, after Shi Xiaolei told this little episode while enjoying lunch, it aroused the discussion of several other people.

"I suddenly thought of an idea." Swallowing a piece of steak, Happy looked at Shi Xiaolei with bright eyes, and very excitedly made a proposal: "Why don't you find a time and ask the girls to go to the Caribbean together?" ? I heard that many galleons filled with gold coins and treasures were sunk there.”

If it were someone else, even if they accidentally learned about a sunken ship, it would be impossible to start salvage operations immediately.

You know, every salvage costs a lot of money. If the specific location of the sunken ship is not determined first, and the money spent on exploration may even exceed the income after the sunken ship is salvaged, and the salvagers will eventually make ends meet.

But if you let the girls do it...

After getting the legacy left by Poseidon, more ship girls have the ability to move freely underwater, plus the submarine girls who already have deep diving capabilities, it is no exaggeration to say that at least they can send An exploration team with no fewer than fifty members.

Cooperating with the maneuverability of the ship girls which is much higher than that of the deep submersible detectors, this exploration team composed of 50 people can explore a large area of ​​the seabed in a short period of time and identify whether there are sunken ships within this range.

As long as you spend a little effort, you don't need to use all kinds of high-tech equipment. In this way, you can save more than 90% of the exploration cost, and control the initial expenses within a very small range.

And after finding out the location of the sunken ship and entering the salvage link, things are also not difficult.

After all, it is the ship girls who are in charge of the action. Even the petite expulsion girls and submarine girls can use tens to hundreds of tons of strength.

There is one thing to say, even the most famous Titanic... If you don't consider whether the hull will be corroded due to long-term immersion, resulting in a decrease in strength, and the possibility of breaking again during the salvage process, with the strength of the ship girls , it may only need three or five main ship girls to take action to scoop it up safely.

The shipwrecks mentioned by Harpy are all wooden sailing ships that sank in the Age of Discovery. How big was the largest seagoing ship in that era?

According to research, the largest wooden sailing ship in the world should be the Gothenburg built by the Swedes. In 1745, the Gothenburg set sail from Guangzhou carrying 700 tons of cargo, but eight months later, the ship was very unlucky to run aground on the sea about 900 meters away from the port of Gothenburg, and finally sank to the bottom of the sea .

First, because this ship was the largest wooden sailboat at that time itself has some special significance, and second, because its sinking is full of regrets, leaving a strong mark in history. Therefore, in order to relive the history of the "Ancient Maritime Silk Road" and to commemorate the sinking of the Gothenburg, just a few years ago, the Swedes found various documents left over two hundred years ago and recreated them. I bought a "Gothenburg No. 1" and drove it to Guangzhou according to the route of the year.

Gothenburg 1 is 58 meters long and has a displacement of only 1,250 tons.

Since it was reproduced, it means that the Gothenburg that sank in 1745 should have almost the same tonnage.

The Gothenburg, which just passed the thousand-ton line, is the largest wooden sailing ship. Using it as a reference for comparison, how big are those sunken ships lying quietly on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea? After a little thought, it was only a few hundred tons, and it was just over a thousand tons.

And a sunken ship of this tonnage, not to mention capital ship girls, can be easily picked up even by destroyers and submarine girls.

Of course, the premise is that the rope is tied before salvage, and the balance point is accurately found.

If the force distribution is not uniform enough, the sunken ship, which has been soaked in sea water for hundreds of years, is likely to disintegrate and collapse directly during the salvage process. And if that happens, naturally there will be no such thing as 'fishing it up'.