Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1715: Vostag's happy event

Latest URL: I have seen similar scenes many times, and Shi Xiaolei is no stranger to them.

"Thor? Why are you here?" He raised his hand and greeted Thor, and his eyes fell on the other people, and Shi Xiaolei greeted him by the way: "Long time no see, guys. How are you doing recently? Judging by the looks of you guys, you should be pretty good."

"Hahahaha~." The dwarf with a straightforward personality gave the first response, only to see Vostagg laughing happily, while walking forward and giving Shi Xiaolei a big hug: "It's so good, it can't be done." Good luck."

The reaction was stronger than expected. Seeing Vostagg's beaming smile, Shi Xiaolei's eyes flashed a bit puzzled.

There is no need to ask, Fandral who followed has already given an explanation first: "In about a month, his child will be born."

Never expecting it to be such a big happy event, Shi Xiaolei involuntarily widened his eyes, showing a very surprised expression.

Look at Vostagg again.

"That's right, the date has been counted. In five weeks at most, my little daughter will be born." Speaking of excitement, Vostagg rubbed his hands unconsciously: "The first three are sons, I have always been looking forward to having a daughter, but this time I finally let me wait, hehe, do you know how happy I am? Let me tell you this, it is the first time I have been honored by His Majesty Odin for my meritorious service on the battlefield. I'm much happier with a personal commendation."

Having known each other for so long, the number of exchanges with each other is not too small. Shi Xiaolei still knows some personal information about Vostagg.

For example, he has already married a wife and had children, and there are three boys in the family.

However, Shi Xiaolei has never heard him mention the matter of 'wife is pregnant again and is about to welcome her fourth child'.

With a bit of puzzlement and a sense of dizziness that the impact has not completely subsided, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help asking Vostagg: "Why didn't I hear you say it before? How long does a woman need to conceive to give birth to a baby, but the time is definitely not too different from ours, at least a few months. Dude, it’s been so long, we’ve met more than once, how come you never told me Did you mention it?"

In the human world, not notifying after such a long time can be regarded as a very rude behavior. Because in a sense, only when you regard the other party as an outsider will you subconsciously forget to tell the other party the good news.

Of course, Shi Xiaolei would ask this question now, not because he wanted to question Vorstagg, or because he felt that he didn't regard him as a friend, so he felt a little depressed.

It's just that I can't figure it out, that's all.

"That..." Scratching his head, Vostager smiled embarrassedly: "I was too careless and forgot to tell you."

Thor came up to answer: "We all thought he told you, so..."

Looking at Thor, then looking at Fandral, Hogan, and Sif who were also speechless behind him, and finally turning his gaze back to Vostagg's face, Shi Xiaolei shook his head dumbfoundingly: "Really..., Can't you be more careful? Such a big thing can be done...I have convinced you guys."

"To be honest, we were quite surprised." Shrugging his shoulders, Thor said with a smile: "When we got together for a drink yesterday, we casually chatted about this matter. When we talked to each other, we realized that Tell you. No, the purpose of coming here today is to tell you about it personally. Oh, yes, and Tony."

"That..." With an embarrassed smile, Vostagg continued: "In addition to notifying you, I also want to ask you for a favor."


"Do you still remember those little pets you brought with you when you first went to Asgard?" While gesticulating clumsily, Vostagg showed a fatherly smile: "I didn't think so before, but now I want to Wake up, I think it's a good choice to prepare such a small pet for her. Locke, please, I'm willing to pay double, help me get one."

There were already three boys before, but Vostagg never thought of buying elves as pets for those three children.

Why did he suddenly change his previous attitude when he was the fourth child, and came up with such an idea?

Sif was the most careful one among them, and was the first to see the puzzlement in Shi Xiaolei's eyes: "In the dwarf clan, there is a habit of doting on girls more."


"Have ten children, at most one or two of them are girls." Fandral took two steps forward and put his hand on Vostagg's shoulder: "Like this guy, who can find a partner among his own race, It's about one-tenth. Most male dwarves can only go outside to find wives..."

Through the introduction of several people, Shi Xiaolei has a more detailed understanding of the dwarves.

To put it simply, due to the limitation of physical characteristics, among the pure blood descendants of the dwarves, the number of women is naturally very small, only accounting for one or two out of ten. On the other hand, the heirs born after the intermarriage of male dwarves and other races often have some deficiencies in talent, such as not having the natural strength of dwarves, or having no potential in forging and making.

Therefore, in order for their children to inherit the characteristics and talents of the dwarves, male dwarves hope to find a partner among the same clan. Combined with the fact that there are not many female pureblood dwarves, there is a tradition that dwarves value female babies more.

"I see."

"It's not just because of this, UU Reading I also like my daughter very much, and I have wanted one for a long time." Touching the beard on his chin, Vostagg laughed again: " Now that it’s finally here, as a father, of course I have to prepare the best welcome gift for her. Dude, you are also a parent, and there are so many girl dolls at home, you must understand my thoughts, Right?"

"Indeed, I prefer obedient and cute girls to naughty boys." Shi Xiaolei agreed without hesitation after glancing at the little girls beside him.

"Great. Since you understand, then you will not refuse my request. Man, am I right?"

Being stared at by Vostagg expectantly, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help being a little embarrassed, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "'s not that I don't want to satisfy you. Dude, I really can't guarantee you this matter. "


"If you had told me the news earlier and made an appointment with me in advance, I could have promised to get you one. But now..." Shi Xiaolei shrugged with his hands spread out, slightly embarrassed Smiling: "I can only say that I will try my best, but I really dare not say that I will definitely be able to do it."