Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1744: wake

After all, it is still not strong enough.

Even if two of the five senses were sacrificed and the small universe was burned to an unprecedented level, Sharna's attack was still not enough to threaten Simachimo.

After coming down a few times, Simachimo was still in good condition, and even the robe he was wearing was not damaged in any way.

On the other hand, Sharna was already covered in blood, and there were nearly half a hundred wounds, large and small.

"Huchi~, Huchi~."

Supporting his body, he stood in front of the test bench without retreating a step. At this time, Sharna had revealed her entire pretty face, and the mask had long since disappeared.

Even the silver holy garment she was wearing was damaged under repeated impacts, full of deep or shallow cracks.

"Such a tenacious character is indeed commendable." Looking at Sharna, Simachimo also showed a hint of admiration in his eyes.

However, this does not mean that he will give up his previous ideas, and for Sharna's sake, he will no longer play with Athena Asamiya and Artemis.

"In that case." Raising his hand, Simachimo put on a more solemn tone: "Then let me give you a ride in person. Respectable warrior, please name me~!"


There was no answer. At this moment, Sharna had no time to think about anything else in her mind. She had one and only one thought—to continue to hold on no matter what, and absolutely not to fall down.

Once again, the exhausted spirit was encouraged, and the small universe was urged to continue burning.

At the moment when Sharna was about to break the boat and sacrifice the sense of touch, sight and hearing...

"Hmm..." On the experimental table behind her, Athena Asamiya finally woke up from the coma, and let out a faint moan.

Seeing this, some friends may think it is too coincidental, why did Athena Asamiya wake up at this time?

One thing to say, this is really no coincidence.

It has been mentioned more than once in the previous article that the character setting of Asamiya Athena originally originated from the Princess Athena in "Legend of Heaven: Princess Athena", who is known as "the number one troublemaker in the heaven". , and according to the plot and character settings in that game, many parts of Princess Athena's character design obviously borrowed from the goddess Athena in Greek mythology.

That is to say, whether it is Athena, the protagonist in "Legend of Heaven: Princess Athena", or a new generation of characters derived from this work, namely "Super Power Warrior" and Athena Asamiya in "The King of Fighters Series" , can be regarded as the other-worldly counterpart of the goddess Athena in Greek mythology.

It can be regarded as the same source as Athena in the world of "Saint Seiya".

In the concept of the multiverse, two existences of the same root and the same origin have some interactions with each other across the dimensional crystal wall... Although it is not common, it is not impossible.

Why did Athena Asamiya wake up at this time? The reason is here.

Just like Athena in the world of "Saint Seiya" will perceive the thoughts of the saints and respond when they burn the small universe. Athena Asamiya, who is the same body of Athena, also hides a perception ability of the same nature. As long as certain conditions are met, her soul will also die due to the energy released by the saints who sacrificed their lives to burn the small universe. be touched.

In addition, Athena Asamiya is a psychic superpower, and the sixth sense is far stronger than ordinary people...

When Sharna desperately burned the small universe, her soul would of course be touched.

"Hmm..." Waking up from a coma, Athena Asamiya propped up her body and turned to look at Sharna who was standing in front of the test bench.

Recognizing that it was Sharna, Athena Asamiya was taken aback for a moment, her eyes also looked very confused.

But after a moment, her expression changed again.

"Sharna, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Sharna was covered in wounds and bleeding, Athena Asamiya panicked and jumped off the test bench.

Waking up halfway, the anesthetic injected in the body has not been completely metabolized, and Athena Asamiya's mobility is far worse than usual. Even though the test bench was only more than one meter high, she staggered involuntarily and almost fell to the ground.

After finding the center of gravity with great difficulty, Athena Asamiya took two unsteady steps forward, came to Sharna's side, and stretched out her hands to support her lower back.

As soon as I touched it, I immediately felt a sticky feeling unique to blood. Looking at Sharna's small face again, Asamiya Athena felt distressed and uncomfortable again: "You, what's wrong with you? Sharna?"

It's not that he didn't see Simachimo and Straco standing not far from the opposite side, but he couldn't care less about distracting them.

Sharna, who was like a blood gourd in front of her, had caused a great shock to Athena Asamiya, completely occupied her mind and distracted all her attention.

"Your Highness... be careful, the enemy... is dangerous..." She has already abandoned all five senses and is burning the last small universe. At this moment, Sharna could barely sense the existence of Athena Asamiya, and could no longer respond to her concern like a normal person.

Like a robot, Sharna's sense of dullness made Athena Asamiya feel even more uncomfortable.

Supporting her body strongly, and supporting Sharna who was extremely weak but still refused to let go, Athena Asamiya finally turned her head and looked at Simachimo who was not far away.

"You did it?" There was anger in her eyes, and Athena Asamiya showed an expression full of hatred for the first time.

"Strictly speaking, the responsibility lies with Seeing that Asamiya Athena is still weak, Simachimo replied very casually: "I have never taken the initiative to attack. Every time it was she who shot, I just blocked her attack back. "

Judging from the perspective of a third party, there is nothing wrong with Simachimo's response.

But in the position of Asamiya Athena, she would not believe his words.

"How dare you, how dare..." The hatred became more and more obvious, and Athena Asamiya stretched out her right hand.

Following one of her thoughts, the golden bracelet on her wrist turned into a sharp sword shining with golden light.

At this moment, Sharna gently broke free from Asamiya Athena's left hand, took a half step forward, and made a gesture again.

"Your Highness... take advantage of my move... get out of here."

The moment the voice fell, the last and most powerful strike of the 'Lightning Snake Claw' was released from Sharna's claws, and rushed towards Simachimo with an indomitable momentum.

"Replaying the old trick again?" Smiling disdainfully, Simachimo set up a magic barrier again like the previous few times: "It's boring."
