Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1759: almost misunderstood

Chapter 1757 EP1759. Almost Misunderstood

As Shi Xiaolei expected, after receiving the news from Daniel, mages rushed from all over the world and gathered in the New York Temple.

Everyone was equally nervous, and their reactions after seeing Shi Xiaolei were pretty much the same.

Really unable to bear the questioning of these mages, Shi Xiaolei could only use the previous set of rhetoric again, and dealt with it in a hurry.

Thanks to the friendly relationship that has been maintained all the time, I have left a good impression on the mages on weekdays, otherwise...

"..." Putting away his scattered thoughts, Shi Xiaolei raised his hands and patted them, and greeted loudly with a distressed face: "Is everyone here? Is there anyone else who hasn't come?"

"It's all here." Looking back at the companions gathered behind him, Daniel urged impatiently, "Didn't you say to contact His Excellency the Supreme Mage when everyone is here? Locke, let's get started."

"Don't be in a hurry." Shi Xiaolei signaled everyone to be safe and calm, and smiled bitterly again: "If anyone wants to go there, it's best to stay in my ark first. Master Gu Yi told me Now, after she was promoted to the dimension lord, she was also restricted, and she could no longer open the portal at will like before, and maintain it for a long time."


"It will take some time to queue up. Master Gu Yi can't maintain the portal for so long." Looking at Master Daniel who was frowning, Shi Xiaolei spread his hands and shrugged, explaining helplessly: "Before I brought When my family came back from there, I sent them into the ark first, and then I walked back through the portal by myself. It is the same now, whoever wants to go there, it is best to go to my ark and wait. I'll let you out after I'm over."

"Is that the only way?" Looking at Shi Xiaolei, Daniel frowned even tighter.

"For those who need to go through the portal, the fewer the number of people, the better. Well, I think it's best not to exceed five." After a little estimation of the time, Shi Xiaolei gave the answer: "If it takes longer, I'm afraid that Master Gu Yi will It won't last that long. Moreover, you should know better than me the consequences of the sudden collapse of the portal."

If Shi Xiaolei insisted that 'only he can stay', from the standpoint of mages, he would inevitably have other ideas.

the reason is simple.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, under the situation of 'Ancient One has disappeared', no one dares to bet that Shi Xiaolei is not a demon **** pretending to be another dimension. To put it more thoroughly, if that was the case, and the mages followed his advice and were sent to another dimension without any resistance, then the entire Kama Taj would almost be wiped out.

He doesn't care about his own life, but it is impossible to let go of his duties as a mage. It is impossible for the mages who put protecting the earth as the first priority to make such a serious mistake anyway.

Fortunately, Shi Xiaolei added a sentence at the end, 'It is best not to have more than five people'.

Although the number of people is still limited, this is enough to dispel the suspicions of the mages.

"Then let's stay here." Looking at each other, Daniel raised his hand and nodded a few times, and then met Shi Xiaolei again: "No problem, Locke."

"It's up to you to decide, I don't care." Shrugging, Shi Xiaolei stretched out his arms: "Come on, the rest of the friends who haven't mentioned, please grab my arms. Don't worry, go to the ark to stay for a while , you will be able to see Master Gu Yi soon, I promise."

Including Shi Xiaolei himself, there are five places in total.

According to his request, Daniel also named out the guardian mages of the London Temple and the Xiangjiang Temple, and counting himself and Strange, there were just enough four places besides Shi Xiaolei.

It is worth mentioning that, for the sake of insurance, several other people also stayed.

"Huh? You guys..." After stretching out his arms, no one reached them. Looking at the number of people in front of him again, Shi Xiaolei tilted his head in confusion: "Why don't you go together?"

"We have to keep some people. Although the chance is very small, it is still possible. What if someone came to attack the temple just as we were leaving?" Fatty Wang shrugged and smiled when he met Shi Xiaolei's gaze. Hehe gave the answer.

This is quite reasonable, Shi Xiaolei didn't think much about it.

"Alright then." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, and recited a few spells as Gu Yi explained before.

This is Shi Xiaolei's first time chanting a mantra.

Because he had never done this kind of thing before, he chanted the incantations that were not too long intermittently, and he could not hear the slightest charm at all.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with pronunciation, and the pause between words is not so long that it will affect the effect.

After about half a minute, the parchment turned to ashes and fell to the floor like snowflakes. Gu Yi, who received the signal, also opened the portal as promised.

"Let's go, hurry up." Beckoning, Shi Xiaolei got into the portal.

Already mentally prepared, Daniel followed closely behind, leading the other two guardian mages and Strange into the portal.

As Shi Xiaolei said before, the portal only lasted for seven or eight seconds. Immediately after Strange stepped over, he disintegrated and disappeared without a trace.

Modu, who stayed in the temple, turned his head and looked at his companion, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"That's right, it is indeed Your Excellency the Supreme Mage. I remember her 'smell'." Fatty Wang nodded, the expression on his face relaxed, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "It seems that we are worrying too much, that guy Locke Still quite reliable."

Hearing what Fatty Wang said, Mo Du also heaved a sigh of relief: " Since you also said that, then I can rest assured."

Not only Fatty Wang and Modu, but also Casillas and several other elite mages also made the same judgment. In short, after feeling the magic fluctuations emanating from the portal, they had dispelled their doubts and put away their vague uneasiness.

And the other side.

The expressions of the mages who were brought to Gu Yi by Shi Xiaolei were more than just 'relaxed'.

"Your Excellency, Supreme Mage, your strength..." Looking at Gu Yi who was standing quietly in front of him with a smile on his face, Daniel's heart surged with huge waves, and his expression seemed to have won a lottery. He became extremely excited: "You really Have you already advanced to become a dimension lord? This feeling... yes, it must be true! It’s incredible, this is simply a miracle~!"

Shi Xiaolei, who is not a sorcerer, did not distinguish any difference.

But for Daniel or other mages who have dealt with magic for many years, the aura of Gu Yi's body is as obvious as the lights in the dark.

It was just a meeting, and they already felt obvious changes from Gu Yi, distinguishing the difference between her and before.

(end of this chapter)