Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 176: Diary of a Minion

July 19, sunny.

This morning, Martin came to invite me to visit Momo who is sick.

Martin prepared a bouquet of beautiful flowers for Momo, and I couldn't go empty-handed.

After thinking about it, I decided to bring the half banana I couldn't bear to eat yesterday as a gift for him.

I hope Momo will get better soon after eating the banana.


July 26, overcast.

When I woke up in the morning, I accidentally kicked the leg of the bed.

The little toe of my right foot hurts badly, so I don't wear shoes all day.

In the afternoon, Martin came to me again, saying that he wanted to leave the village and go to the big city in the south to see if there were any suitable humans to be the boss.

Well~~, although I don't think he will succeed, considering that Martin is my good friend, I still send him my best wishes.


August 7, cloudy.

It has been several days since Martin left the village.

I don't know if he has found a satisfactory boss.

Martin, I miss you. If you don't find it, you should come back to the village earlier.

At that time, we will go fishing and pick bananas together.


August 17, sunny.

I'm disappointed that Martin still hasn't heard from him.

Fortunately, Momo is still by my side.

By the way, at noon, Momo brought a cake that he made himself. I heard that the cake had bananas in it, but I don't think that cake was really delicious.


On August 23, it rained heavily, very, very, very heavy.

The big tree behind the village was blown down by the strong wind and rain.

I knew for a long time that the dead tree would fall sooner or later. If the village chief listened to my suggestion and led everyone to build the village in the cave above, there would be no need to move today.

By the way, Barkley is gone. I heard people say that he seems to be swept away by the flood.

Although I don't like Barkley and often quarrel with him, I still hope that he can escape this disaster and come back safely.


On August 26, it rained.

After so many days of rain, everyone's mood was very low.

At noon, I accompanied the village chief to the entrance of the cave and checked the gate used to stop the wild beasts.

The door was in good condition, and it was not damaged, but the land under the mountain was submerged by the flood.

The banana trees are all submerged in the water, I hope they will be fine.


On August 29, it rained.

The thing that worried me the most happened!

The bananas that I brought when I moved, only the last four are left! After today, everyone will be hungry!

what to do? what to do!

I don't want to go hungry, I don't want to turn white because I don't have bananas...


On August 31, it was still raining.

The village chief went down the mountain with a group of people, and the rest of the people were praying, hoping that they could bring some bananas back.

I didn't eat yesterday, and I don't know if I can eat it today. I'm so hungry~~.


September 1st, a nasty rainy day.

The village chief and the others came back, but disappointingly, they only brought back sixteen bananas.

At the rate of four equal parts per day, these bananas can only last for four days.

Alas, I hope the rain will stop after four days.


On September 4th, I hate rain.

Bananas are finished again~!

What's even more desperate is that there was a strong wind in the morning, and many trees in the banana field were blown down.

Because of this incident, the atmosphere in the village was very bad.

Momo was also very sad. I decided to sleep with him tonight.

In addition, if the village chief is going down the mountain again tomorrow, I will also join the team and go with him.

That's right, I'm going to pick two bananas with my own hands, give Momo one, and keep one for myself.


On September 6, the light rain increased the wind.

After finally overcoming the crisis, we finally returned to the cave.

This time we went out, we brought back more than 20 bananas, and the results were better than the last time.

Sadly, though, we encountered a crocodile while picking bananas.

The unfortunate Malik left us forever.

Hope it rests in peace~.


On September 10th, the sky finally cleared up~!

After... many days, the rain finally stopped.

Seeing the sun shining in from the other side of the cave, I couldn't help shedding tears of excitement. For the first time since I was born, I was crying because of the sun. (It doesn't count for staring at the sun against Martin!)

By the way, Matthew came to me in the afternoon and said that Momo seemed to be sick.

But I still have to be on duty, so I can only visit him tomorrow.

I hope Momo is all right.


September 11, sunny.

In the morning, I went to visit Momo.

He had a fever and diarrhea, as if he was really ill.

The village chief also came to see it. He said that it was a disease that was transmitted from humans. It seemed to be called... a serious disease? Crab disease? Slightly sick? I don't remember.

If I can share it, I really want to share half of the pain for Momo.

Well, only half, no more, I don't like to suffer.

In short, I hope Momo is all right.


On September 13, it rained again.

Taking advantage of the water receding yesterday, everyone went out together and came back with a lot of bananas.

Recently, there should be no need to worry about running out of food. I am very happy, and everyone is also very happy.

Only Momo doesn't look well... No, I feel like he is more ill than yesterday.


On September 14, it was still raining.

Momo's color turned red, and his body was terrifyingly hot.

The village chief said that he may be dying.

What should I do? Martin is gone, if Momo isn't there, then I...

In order to make Momo feel better, I reluctantly took out a precious banana from my ration and sent it to his bed.

Because Martin said that if you get sick, eat more and you will get better.


September 15, sunny.

Today is a very sad day.

Although he ate my banana, Momo still didn't survive.

Momo, you liar! Martin, you are also a liar~! They are all liars~!


September 20 (crossed out)

I don't know what month it is, overcast.

Come to think of it, I haven't written a diary for several days.

Originally, I had given up the idea of ​​continuing to write a diary, but today is rather special, so I wrote another one.

Hey, today, we finally found our ideal boss~!

He is very and very burly. The most fascinating thing is that he is really fierce and looks like a big bad guy~!

Martin, you must not have thought of that, right? Even if I didn't leave the village with you, I still met such a good boss! I dare say that my boss must be better than the one you found. And Momo, if only you could hold on for a few more days. It would be great if we could follow the Boss together and do bad things with him~.

By the way, I forgot to mention, the Boss is really good - obviously we didn't do anything and didn't get any credit at all, so he gave each of us a banana.

It's not the kind of small bananas we usually eat, it's the kind of bananas that are very big and big. Moreover, the bananas given by Boss are sweeter than what we usually eat, and the banana flavor is much more abundant~!

I am so happy~!


March 23 (actually September 24), sunny.

Have fun playing all day~!

By the way, Boss came over in the afternoon and said that he would take us to meet his family tomorrow and hold a welcome party for us.

I heard from Boss that he would cook us a very hearty meal with bananas...

Although I haven't seen it and I can't imagine what the big meal looks like, I believe that the Boss will not lie to us.

Big meal, big meal, whole banana meal~!

I'm looking forward to it~!