Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1772: ambushed

Chapter 1770 EP1772. Ambushed

To grow an organization, not only a wise and decisive leader is needed, but also a military adviser and think tank to help make suggestions.

The same is true for the Hydra hidden inside the S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was able to be reborn from the shell and developed to the point where it almost replaced the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. not only because of Alexander Pierce’s efforts, but also because of Dr. Zola’s help behind him, which is also an extremely crucial reason one.

"Speaking of which, if we hadn't been so greedy at the beginning, we would have shot Dr. Zola and the others directly, and there would have been no such things." His eyes swept across Nick Fury's face and landed on Captain America. Shi Xiaolei picked Raising eyebrows: "I guess you must be very depressed. You almost risked your life, and finally solved the Red Skull. The result? Hydra is still alive and well, but it is better than the Red Skull. Better."

"Stop it, I'm about to vomit blood." Steve sighed helplessly: "I really can't figure out why Peggy didn't stand up and express her opposition. With her character, she probably wouldn't agree to absorb those The Hydra remnants are right, even if they are just scientific researchers with little fighting ability."

"As far as I know, Ms. Peggy did raise objections at the time." Nick Fury took the bait and replied, and glanced at Stark who was sitting on the other side of the cabin: "Howard Stark Mr. Ke, cast a yes vote."

"Huh?" Stark was a little surprised when he heard this.

"After all, he is also a scientist. From his point of view, he would feel that it is a pity to shoot those people, and it is also a reasonable thing." Meeting Stark's sight, Nick Fury said blankly .

"...Don't look at me. The old man's mistakes have nothing to do with me." After finishing speaking, he felt that this was unreasonable, Stark rolled his eyes, and quickly added two sentences: "Besides, he will vote for it." , it is not necessarily the reason you said. Maybe some people are putting pressure on him behind the scenes?"

"Indeed." Steve Rogers nodded, raised his hand and patted Stark on the shoulder: "Whether it's me or Peggy, we only need to be responsible for ourselves. Howard's identity is different from ours. There are many It's normal for people to point at him to eat, and he will be restrained. Don't take it to heart, Tony, I can understand."

While chatting, Natasha in the driver's seat interrupted everyone's conversation.

"Sir, we're here." Looking down through the porthole, Natasha slightly pushed the joystick while asking Nick Fury for instructions: "Land directly?"

"Well, find a wider open space and land the plane." Standing up, walking to Natasha and looking down, after confirming the height, Nick Fury turned back again: "Gentlemen, Are you ready? The party is about to begin."

"Just waiting for your words." Steve Rogers unbuckled his seat belt and stood up, and equipped the shield on his left wrist by the way.

Stark also got up and buckled the faceplate of the steel armor.

"Dude, don't forget the plan we discussed earlier." Patting Stark on the shoulder, Shi Xiaolei reminded with a smile: "If a missile flies over..."

"give it to me."

"That's good." Putting on the armor, Shi Xiaolei said with a smile: "I just took a shower before going out, I don't want to get covered in dust."

At the same time as the voice fell, the Quin-type fighter landed smoothly under Natasha's control.

After the hatch at the rear was opened, Stark flew out first, and released a bunch of drones by the way, spreading out to cover the entire camp.

Immediately after, Captain America, Hawkeye, Shi Xiaolei, Nick Fury and others also walked out of the cabin door and came to the spacious playground.

"How do you feel?" Seeing the US team standing still and not taking a step, Shi Xiaolei approached with a smile and said, "Is there a feeling of nostalgia?"

"It's as if those things happened yesterday." With a sigh, Steve quickly sorted out his mood. Turning his head to meet Shi Xiaolei's gaze, he took advantage of the situation and asked: "Which way should we go?"

This boot camp had been abandoned a long time ago. If Shi Xiaolei hadn't said that Dr. Zola was hiding here, neither the US team nor Nick Fury would have thought of searching here.

Since the initial information was provided by Shi Xiaolei, if you want to find out more details, of course you should ask him first.

"I don't know either." Shrugging, Shi Xiaolei gave an answer that surprised Captain America.

"Eh? Didn't you say that Dr. Zola is hiding in this camp?"

"I'm right, but I only know that it's hidden in an underground room." Shi Xiaolei replied with a smile: "I don't know exactly which building it's under. Speaking of which, you You trained here for a long time, you should know that there is a basement under that building, right?"

"At that time, I was just an ordinary soldier. Do you think I have the qualifications to wander around?" Rolling his eyes, the US team continued: "Besides, with the style of Hydra, after taking over this camp Whether there will be a few more new basements dug is also a question mark, isn't it?"

"Well, it seems that we can only be honest and check these buildings one by one." Sighing, he raised his hands to hold his ears, and Shi Xiaolei looked up at the sky: "Tony, did you hear what happened just now?" Have a conversation? Are there any gadgets that can come in handy right now? Similar to metal detectors, the kind that can be used to detect holes in the ground."

"Don't worry, it's scanning." Stark's response came from the headset: "Huh? Wait, it seems that someone is ahead of us."

It was too late, then it was too At the moment when Stark gave a response, a figure stood behind a certain window, and a rocket shot out through the window, heading towards Shi Xiaolei and the others flew over to where they were.

"Be careful~~!" Steve reacted very quickly, and while warning loudly, he threw out the buckler in his left hand.

The speed is not as fast as the rocket, but it just blocks its flight path.

There was only a 'bang', the rocket was ignited by the shield, and a ball of orange sparks exploded in the air.

And this explosion also became the signal for the beginning of the battle.

More figures appeared behind the window, bullets rained down on Shi Xiaolei and the others with lightning speed.

No, not just bullets.

With the collapse of the two bungalows, two six-barrel anti-aircraft guns hidden inside were exposed. Immediately afterwards, the shells that came out of their mouths formed a line and scattered towards the position where Shi Xiaolei and the others were.

"Damn it~!" Even Shi Xiaolei was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

(end of this chapter)