Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1842: Stark's new work

It will take at least another half a year before I accumulate enough 3,000 check-in points to redeem the time furoshiki from the world of "Doraemon".

On the side of the ship girls, it would take a lot of time to 'gamble' out the transformation blueprints exclusive to each ship girl one by one.

No matter how you look at it, "renovating and upgrading the ship girls" is not something that can be implemented in the near future.

So, with the idea of ​​"Anyway, Yubari is watching, so I don't need to worry about the blueprints" and "The accumulation speed of the sign-in value is fixed, no matter what I do, it is impossible to speed up the slightest", Shi Xiaolei simply put it down for the time being. After seeing this matter, I am too lazy to continue thinking about it.

Well, it was mainly because Stark came to tell Shi Xiaolei with a proud face, so Shi Xiaolei had to let go of his attention to the ship girls and shift his attention to other places.

"Is this the artificial intelligence you told me about?"

On the top floor of the Stark Industries headquarters building, standing in front of the technologically-sounding metal platform, looking up at the yellow translucent phantom suspended in mid-air, Shi Xiaolei showed a very serious expression on his face, his eyes There was a faint hint of alertness between the flashes.

As a time traveler, Shi Xiaolei was extremely impressed by the original plot of "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron".

Knowing how much trouble the birth of Ultron would bring to the earth, Shi Xiaolei reminded Stark more than once to prevent Stark from repeating the same mistakes, hoping that he would not develop and create new artificial intelligence at will, especially the infused With the core principle of maintaining world peace as its own responsibility, it is an artificial intelligence with higher intelligence than Jarvis.

But now...

Shi Xiaolei really didn't expect that Stark would complete the experiment without making a sound, and under the premise that he had no news at all, he worked with Bruce Banner to create such an artificial intelligence.

Feeling the inertia of the fate line, Shi Xiaolei was really speechless.

"That's right, his name is Ultron." Not knowing what Shi Xiaolei was thinking, Stark nodded with a sense of accomplishment. In order to show off more thoroughly, he also raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and gave a command to Ultron: "Ultra, come and say hello. After studying with Jarvis for so long, you must know status, right?"

"Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Locke."

He gave Stark a response first, and then greeted Shi Xiaolei. Judging from Ultron's reaction at this moment, there is nothing abnormal, and it will not make people have other thoughts.

"..." A little hesitant, but Shi Xiaolei still responded: "Hello, Ultron."

"Mr. Locke, your expression seems to be a little... alert? Nervous? I'm not sure." After a pause, Ultron continued to ask: "Is it because you are not feeling well? Or do you think there is something wrong with me? I'm a little curious. "

The newly born Ultron is full of curiosity like a child.

In addition, these questions are asked because its experience is not rich enough, and its understanding of the world is not as good as Jarvis for the time being.

"Uh... It's my own problem, it has nothing to do with you, don't take it to heart."

Of course it is impossible to tell the truth, Shi Xiaolei made a foolish sentence, and then quickly turned to look at Stark: "Dude, can you tell me what you think? To be honest, I am really curious why you want to create He, after all, you already have Jarvis by your side, as usual, there is no need to create a new artificial intelligence."

Maybe he felt the resistance in Shi Xiaolei's words and wanted to defend himself, or maybe he got guidance from Jarvis and wanted to take this opportunity to show off and make some face for Stark.

Before Stark could open his mouth, Ultron responded one step ahead: "My duty is to protect the world so that human beings can continue to enjoy a peaceful and peaceful life. Mr. Locke, you can understand that Jarvis is responsible for helping Tony handles internal affairs, and I, as his assistant in maintaining world security, are mainly responsible for handling some external affairs."

Noticing the phrase in Ao Chuang's answer, "Let human beings continue to enjoy a peaceful and peaceful life", the tight rope in Shi Xiaolei's heart was slightly loosened—it was not the more vague concept of "protecting the earth", which was setting up for him. In the core mission, the keyword 'human' is clearly added... In this way, he should not intend to achieve the goal of maintaining peace and protecting the earth by exterminating human beings like in the original plot, right?

"External affairs? Specifically? Can you give me an example?"

"Of course." Ultron immediately responded: "According to the underlying rules Tony made for me, I will devote most of my energy to the task of dealing with foreign enemies. Whether it is the Kree or the Asgardians, Or aliens of other races, all aliens that are not included in the white list will be monitored by me. If necessary, I will expel them, or directly send mechanical soldiers to siege them. "

"Surround and kill directly..." Smacking his lips, Shi Xiaolei turned his head to glance at Stark, then raised his head to look at the golden sphere suspended in mid-air again: "What is the basis for you to judge whether the opponent is an enemy?" ?Simulate human thinking to make judgments, or simply analyze data samples and draw conclusions after calculations?"

"First analyze the various data collected to draw a rough judgment, and then proceed from the human to simulate human thinking to make the next step of analysis and judgment. If the other party is really dangerous, I If I come to the conclusion that it needs to be cleared immediately, then before I start the action, I will contact Tony first and ask for his opinion." Knowing that Shi Xiaolei is not a top student, Ultron deliberately omitted those words that are important to ordinary people in his answer. The principle statement part, which is like a heavenly book, only briefly introduces the whole process.

"Don't worry, Ultron was designed by me, and it is still very safe in terms of safety." Stark also added two sentences: "Just like the various products designed and manufactured by our Stark Industries Again, there will certainly not be any problems with the quality."

I still have some doubts in my heart, but when I heard Stark say this... well, the main reason is that Ultron was very gentle and did not show the unsettling side as in the original plot, so Shi Xiaolei also I had no choice but to suppress the anxiety in my heart and choose to believe him for the time being.

"Well... well, it sounds pretty good." Nodding lightly, Shi Xiaolei raised his right hand and stretched it towards the golden sphere, and tapped his index finger twice: "Do your best, don't let people down , Ultron."

"I will."

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