Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1870: inappropriate

What will Star-Lord and Nick Fury talk about when they get together? According to the Rockets, Nick Fury seems to want to entrust Star-Lord with some things. Then, with Nick Fury's "cunning" and Star-Lord's unreliability, will there be any trouble in the future? Woolen cloth?

When Shi Xiaolei first heard the news, he felt a little worried.

However, after only half an hour, he changed his mind and completely let go of his mood.

It's not that he suddenly figured it out, thinking that even if the two of them got together, they wouldn't be able to make much of a splash. There are two reasons for the relaxation.

First, because Ao Chuang brought the first-hand news in a very timely manner.

Maybe it's because Xingjue himself misses the customs of the earth very much, and wants to take advantage of this time to return to the earth to feel more. Or maybe it was because they were worried about the hidden abilities of Xingjue and others, and inviting them to the base might reveal some secrets, so Nick Fury took the initiative to make a suggestion. In short, when the two parties met, they did not go to the Trident headquarters in Washington, nor in a secret base affiliated to SHIELD, but set the meeting place in a coffee shop located in a high-rise building .

Looking through the window, you can see the entire Statue of Liberty clearly at a glance, look down, and feel the prosperity and hustle and bustle of New York from the streets full of pedestrians and vehicles. Star-Lord is really satisfied with the place arranged by Nick Fury, and he seemed very happy after meeting him.

When I became excited, the volume of my speech became slightly louder.

However, S.H.I.E.L.D. just checked routinely when it cleared the field before, and did not assume any special information interference devices. And with their existing technical means, they can only find out whether there is an eavesdropping device installed in advance on the scene, and cannot effectively block the penetration of Ultron.

Yes, although no video data was recorded, Ultron recorded the content of this conversation in great detail by connecting to the electronic equipment in the coffee shop. Including the greetings when the two parties met, the dialogue in the middle, and the greetings when they parted, all were clearly recorded without any omissions.

There is no need to listen to the recording in person, there is a debriefing summary given by Ultron...

Well, if it was just Ultron's own report, Shi Xiaolei might still have some doubts. After all, Ultron in the original plot was an out-and-out villain, because of that guy, Shi Xiaolei had some preconceived notions in his heart, which made him dare not trust the Ultron in front of him 100%.

The key point is that after Ultron finished the summary report, that is, after Shi Xiaolei asked, "Are you sure you didn't miss anything?", Jarvis immediately answered, proving Ultron.

If you don't believe in Ultron, can you not believe in Jarvis?

In this way, Shi Xiaolei dispelled the little doubt in his heart, and his mood also relaxed.

In addition, there was a second reason for Shi Xiaolei to change his mind and suddenly relax his vigilance.

If this interview between Star-Lord and Nick Fury will cause some waves, and then bring some threats to the earth, then, as the new supreme mage, will Strange turn a blind eye to this matter?

The answer is obviously no.

After all, Xingjue came back from the universe. If the follow-up troubles are related to him, then the threat can only come from aliens, or some other existences that do not belong to the earth.

As Kama Taj's new supreme mage, Strange's duty is to protect the earth and block all threats from other than humans.

In addition, he has just succeeded, and he is in the period of restlessness that he wants to show and can't wait to prove himself. It is impossible for him to be as calm as the ancient one who has been sitting in the position of the supreme mage for hundreds of years...

It is conceivable that if the meeting between Star-Lord and Nick Fury may lead to any follow-up, and then threaten the earth or mankind, Strange will stand up without hesitation and prevent them from reaching a cooperation.

Following this line of thought, turn around and analyze. Since Strange didn't show up, it meant that there was nothing to worry about.

All in all, Shi Xiaolei didn't ask Xingjue too much, but asked him what he talked about after meeting Nick Fury.

"Let's talk about something else." Skipping the previous topic, Shi Xiaolei threw a can of beer to Xingjue and asked casually: "I forgot to ask before, how long are you going to stay this time?"

Lying leisurely on the beach chair and looking at the sea level in the distance, Xingjue stretched out his right hand and caught the can with great precision: "It depends, I haven't figured it out yet."

"Think about it?"

"After all, I snatched that thing away just now. If I go to the door again immediately and sell that thing to him..." Pulling the pull ring, he looked up and took two sips of beer. Xingjue smiled slightly distressed: "Change positions Thinking about it, I don't think I can hold back the breath in my heart. So, I think it's better to wait for a while and wait for him to calm down."

"That is to say, you still plan to sell the power gems to Difan?" Shi Xiaolei asked curiously when he turned to look at Xingjue: "Didn't you ever think about keeping them for yourself? You know, those are six infinite gems One of them, and it is also the one with the most intuitive effect and the most convenient to use."

"Keep it for yourself? Let's forget it." Shaking his head, Xingjue replied without hesitation: "I don't want to expose myself to everyone's gaze. In contrast, I prefer to speak in a muffled voice." Great wealth, the kind that comes and goes without a trace. And... I don’t think I have the potential to afford the consumption of that thing.”

He has not met his biological father, Ego, nor heard about his life experience from Yondu. Up to now, Xingjue still firmly believes that he is a pure-blooded earthling.

In addition, when Shi Xiaolei revealed information about the Infinity Gems to him, he once said that using gems requires a lot of energy, which is not something ordinary people can afford...

With Xingjue's self-knowledge, it's no wonder that he made such a judgment and felt that he was not qualified to use the power gem.

So what does the reality look like? With Xingjue's physique, do he have the qualifications to become a real strong man by relying on the power of the power gem?

Friends who have watched "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" may give a positive answer, thinking that he is actually a very suitable user.

After all, he is Egg's child, and he is considered to be half of the Celestial Race. Compared with ordinary people, his potential is much greater, and he should not be drained by the power gem.

To be honest, there is some truth to this inference.

But if you analyze it more deeply, there are still some loopholes, which don't seem to be very convincing.

The last scene in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1" is the most direct example—Xingjue himself could not bear the backlash from the power gem, and in the end, other people stood up together, holding hands with him to share the burden from the The backlash of the power gem saved him from being blasted by the energy.

And in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", the words spoken by Ego himself also explain why Star-Lord is not eligible to use infinite gems.

According to Yi Ge, if he dies, Star Lord, his own son, will immediately lose the Celestial ability inherited from him, and turn back to an ordinary mortal.

what does that mean?

It means that the star-lord can only use the power gem when Yi Ge is still alive without being backlashed. If Yi Ge hangs up, he will be beaten back to his original shape, and then he will be released by the power gem like a balloon filled with gas. The manic energy that came out exploded.

Therefore, in essence, Xingjue's foundation is still not solid enough, and he is not a suitable user.

(end of this chapter)

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