Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1872: get right

Chapter 1871 EP1872. Get it right

"According to what you mean..." With a helpless smile, Xingjue leaned back and fell on the back of the sofa: "It seems that I can only give up the idea of ​​​​taking action immediately, and be quiet for a while honestly." I'll talk about it later."

"Or you can find a trustworthy friend and ask him to bring gems to Difan." While smiling and shrugging his shoulders, the old **** Shi Xiaolei said, "The price of 4 billion yuan is very expensive for Difan." That's all. Just like you don't care what the salesperson's name is when you go to a convenience store to buy beer, Di Fan doesn't care who brings the gems to him. Of course, I'm talking about you guys others."

If the price is higher or lower, Di Fan won't care.

But he will inevitably be a little concerned about the face cut by Xingjue and others. At least, not long after the incident happened, Di Fan must not have calmed down.

This point is also very clear to Xingjue himself.

"Let's rest for a while." Nodding, Xingjue sighed a long time: "This is a big business worth four billion credit points. Let it go to someone else? I'm not that stupid."

The trust in Shi Xiaolei is still not deep enough.

Otherwise, Xingjue would hand over the power gem to Shi Xiaolei in all likelihood, and ask him to send it to Di Fan to complete the deal for him.

Friends who know Shi Xiaolei know that with his character and his current wealth, if he is really willing to help, he will definitely not hold back any credit from him. And the 4 billion obtained after the transaction is completed will definitely be transferred to Xingjue's account in the end.

Of course, from Xingjue's point of view, it's a normal result that he didn't think about entrusting this matter to Shi Xiaolei.

After all, the contact between them is still a little less, and they have not experienced dangerous situations together. In addition, Xingjue was raised by Yondu, and he lived among the interstellar pirates who made a living by plundering since he was a child, and he was used to all kinds of intrigues...

One thing to say, I really can't blame Xingjue for being too suspicious. If someone else stood in his position, he would have the same reaction.

"Well, it's not suitable now, so let's talk about it later." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei echoed with a smile: "It's just right, it's rare for you to come back to Earth. If you have free time this time, you might as well stay here for a while. Hehe , Compared with the time you were taken away, there are many more delicious and fun things, I bet you will not leave in a hurry."

"Hey, if you plan to talk about this, I'm still very interested." Turning over and sitting up straight, Xingjue picked up a can of beer, and while pulling the tab, he moved his buttocks to Shi Xiaolei's side: "Dude, give me Let me introduce you. Are there any interesting places nearby? You know what I mean, the ones with more girls and a lively atmosphere.”

"Well..." Scratching his head, Shi Xiaolei smiled helplessly: "You really stump me now."

"Huh? No way, you don't look like someone who is not interested in those places." He raised his hand and tapped Shi Xiaolei's pectoralis major, and Xingjue joked casually: "A big, strong man like you, It’s not uncommon in those places.”

"Do you think I'm the security guard at the door?" Rolling his eyes, Shi Xiaolei slapped Xingjue's arm away: "Besides, do you think it's necessary for me to go to that kind of place? Isn't it just a beautiful girl? You can see it at home. Whether it’s quantity or quality... Forget it, why tell you these things, I’m also blind and let you get involved.”

"It's true, with so many beauties in your family, you really don't need to hang out anymore." Xingjue laughed a few times, and asked again: "So, you really don't know this information?"

"What good is lying to you?"

"Okay." Turning his eyes, Xingjue crossed his arms again, and poked Shi Xiaolei's waist with the tip of his elbow: "Then... can you introduce me to a buddy who is more knowledgeable? Among the friends you know, There should be one or two who can play, right?"

"That's not a problem."

While nodding in response, Shi Xiaolei had already thought of a candidate. It was none other than Stark who lived in the manor next door.

Before restraining his playfulness and making the choice to stay with Pepper, Stark was an out-and-out old player. It is no exaggeration to say that if all the things he did were recorded, at least a biography comparable in thickness to the Oxford Dictionary could be written. Back then, there were quite a few paparazzi staring at Stark, earning a living by writing all kinds of gossip about him.

In terms of whether he is qualified to be a "tour guide" for Star-Lord, Stark can definitely be regarded as one of the best candidates.

But looking at it from another perspective, having that ability doesn't mean that Stark is suitable for doing it.

After all, he has changed his temper and is no longer the **** he was before. Stark, who put his body and mind on his family, has now become a good husband and father. As his friend, Shi Xiaolei also prefers to see him get along with his wife and daughter warmly, rather than hang out in those messy places.

"T... no, let me think about it." Swallowing Stark's name back into his stomach, Shi Xiaolei thought for a while, and thought of another candidate: "I know a buddy named Happy, he is more good at playing. of."

"Happy? That Happy from H~A~P~P~Y?" Hearing Shi Xiaolei's name, Xingjue raised his eyebrows subconsciously: "This is his name? Are you sure it's not a nickname?" ?”

"Harold Happy Hogan." Shi Xiaolei shrugged with a smile, "We all call him Happy."

" Xingjue laughed: "Since his name is Happy, he must be very good at having fun. What does he do? Don't tell me he's one of Fury's men. "

"He used to be Tony's driver, but now he has been transferred to Hollywood and is in charge of a film production company." First, he introduced Happy's situation, and then Shi Xiaolei continued: "The guy who was with Tony before Back then, he was exposed to a lot of news that only rich people knew, and his horizons were much wider than ordinary players. But now... what kind of atmosphere is there in Hollywood, I believe you don’t need me to tell you.”

"You mean..." Hearing this, Xingjue's eyes lit up, and his expression became a little more eager to try.

"That's what you think." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei replied with a firm face: "I'll contact you later. With his help to arrange, you will definitely have a good time. Maybe you can see some Scenes you once could only see in dreams."

"Wow, that sounds really greedy." Rubbing his hands, Xingjue couldn't wait to urge him to leave: "Isn't it possible now? Why don't you call him now."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Of course~! I can't wait to find him."

(end of this chapter)