Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1917: Very fruitful

"No, nothing."

"I'm sharing my feelings with Peter." Compared with the dumb Peter, Gwen is obviously much smarter. No, just turning her eyes made her think of an excuse that would not be suspicious: "You know, it's the first time in my life that I can jump more than ten meters high in just one jump with such great strength." Experience."

"Yes, yes, yes." Hearing Gwen's words, Peter was reminded, and quickly echoed: "I jump around with spider silk every day, and I have the deepest experience in this aspect. Maybe it's because I feel that the abilities are relatively similar. There is a common language, and Gwen has been sharing with me the feeling of using the ability just now."

"That's it... alright." Without doubting the two's answers, after pondering for a moment and finding it meaningless, Kang Na naturally let go of her curiosity: "How many have you caught? Are you done? What if?" If you haven't got enough, do you want me to help you?"

"You're done?" Blinking, Gwen confirmed with some surprise.

"Three heads, that's not a lot." Shrugging, Connor raised her head proudly, "Harry has one head, and I have two ends, that's enough."

"We've already caught both ends." Peter smiled, and took out an empty cryogenic capsule from the pouch on his chest: "I'm missing this one now."

"Then hurry up. I'm hungry, let's finish it early and go back to eat earlier."

Although they wanted to rely more on their own efforts in their hearts, relying on the cooperation between the two to get the last Pteranodon, but after hearing what Kang Na said, Peter and Gwen could only look at each other helplessly. Na nodded.

"Okay then. Thank you, Connor."

"You're welcome~." Connor put her elbows against Peter's lower back, raised her head, and looked for targets in the sky. Spotting a Pteranodon hovering over the sea hundreds of meters away, Kang Na showed a big smile on her face: "I found it, there's one over there~!"

Leaving a sentence of "I'll come as I go", before Peter and Gwen could react, Connor flew up like a cannonball, and came to the Pteranodon in an instant.

I didn't see her doing any special movements, she just stretched out her two arms and grabbed the pterosaur's neck, and then gently tugged...

There was a panic-filled hiss, and the Pteranodon was pulled down from the sky by Connor, but within a few breaths, it had already landed on the beach where Peter and Gwen were.

"Come on, let's do it." Pressing the pterosaur's head with one hand to prevent it from getting up, Kang Na raised her head and greeted the two little friends.

A mouthful of small white teeth was exposed in the small grinning mouth, which reflected a ray of light under the light.

"..." What else can I say? Looking at each other, Peter and Gwen got to work.

According to the previous routine, a 'stick' in one hand and a 'carrot' in the other. Before cooperating with each other, it took about ten minutes. This low-level Pteranodon simply lowered its head and was successfully tamed without any delay.

In this round of hunting on Vegetarian Island, a total of twelve Pteranodon were captured, along with six Triceratops and seven Parasaurolophus.

Counting the pachycephalosaurus, pachycephalosaurus, dusk bird, pseudotooth bird, freshwater carbon turtle, etc. that were brought back from the coastal areas on the way back, this wave has captured more than 40 dinosaurs.

Judging from the harvest of this day alone, it can be regarded as very rich.

However, compared with the total amount expected by Shi Xiaolei, it is still a little lacking.

In addition, the Artemis group was not very lucky. They didn't find any trace of Giganotosaurus all day long, and they just hunted and killed a Diplodocus...

In order to gather enough tool dinosaurs, and also to fulfill the promise to gather four large enough specimen dinosaurs according to Stark's request, Shi Xiaolei not only organized two large-scale battles with everyone in the next two days. During the rest time after finishing work and returning to the base, he went down to the deep sea by himself.

I will not describe in detail the process of hunting mosasaurs in the deep sea. In short, when Shi Xiaolei returned to the base with the spoils, it was already dusk.

"Commander, you're back~." Seeing Shi Xiaolei falling from the sky, Sheng Yu subconsciously put down the long knife in his hand, and stood up reflexively to say hello.

"Well, I'm back." Shi Xiaolei responded with a smile, and asked casually, "What are you doing? Are you preparing dinner?"

"Uh..." After being reminded by Shi Xiaolei's words, Shengfu noticed that his image seemed a little bit bad. Embarrassedly smiled, Shengfu nodded embarrassingly: "Well, the quality of some parts of the meat is quite good, very suitable for cooking, and I'm dividing them up. I'm sorry, I didn't expect to It is really rude for you to see me in such a mess, Commander."

"What are you embarrassed about? You are working hard. It's too late to praise you." Waving his hand, Shi Xiaolei didn't feel disgusted by the image of prestige covered in blood. Instead, he stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder. Thumbs up: "Thank you for your hard work, Prestige. Without your help, I would have to do all these tasks by myself. Hehe, I feel a headache even thinking about it."

"This is my duty, what I should do." Hearing Shi Xiaolei's words, Prestige laughed happily.

At this moment, Counterattack ran over holding a huge water tank. While running, the girl yelled at her sister, "Sister, I brought water here~!"

"Slow down, don't fall~!" Turning his head to look at his sister, not caring about his reputation to continue talking with Shi Xiaolei, he trotted forward to meet her.

The large water tank carried by the counterattack was about the same size as the one installed on the sprinkler.

Although it is not too heavy for the ship girls, compared with the petite and slender figures of the ship girls, its size is still a bit too big. Not to mention the prestige, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw the counterattack running all the way holding the water tank, for fear that she would fall to the ground top-heavy and be pressed down heavily by the water tank.

With a thought, Shi Xiaolei teleported to Counterattack, and stretched out his hands to support the water tank from the side.

Immediately afterwards, Shengfu also came to the front, supporting the lower edge of the water tank from the front.

"What's this for? Washing floors?"

"I don't know, my sister didn't say anything, she just told me to get some water." Counterattack first replied, and then looked at Shi Xiaolei with a moved face: "Thank you, Commander."

"There will be a lot of blood when disintegrated. If you wash them off before they solidify, and then try to clean them up later, it will become very troublesome. In addition, some edible parts must be washed before they can be cleaned. Let’s deal with it in the next step, or put it in the cold storage for storage.” While answering Shi Xiaolei’s inquiry, Shengfu took the water tank and gently placed it on the ground.

Cooperating with Shengfu's movements, Shi Xiaolei gave her a hand, and asked casually: "Why is it so troublesome, isn't it easier to go directly to the river to clean up?"

"If it's a smaller dinosaur, you can go to the river to clean it up." Shengwang smiled and explained: "This Diplodocus is too big to fit in the open space by the river." Ah. Moreover, if you don’t filter it, and put all the released blood directly into the river, it will not only attract ichthyosaurs and imperial crocodiles living in the water, but also more dangerous thorns. Back the dragon."

"So that's how it is..." Nodding his head, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but complimented again: "It's because you think carefully, it's really reassuring."

"That's right, Sister Shengfu is the most careful~!" Before Shengfu could give a response, he counterattacked with an expression of approval, and started yelling with You Rongyan.

"Hehe, that's right." Shi Xiaolei touched the head of the counterattack, and encouraged him with a smile: "Study hard, UU Reading Don't you always say that you want to be the best maid like your sister? .Come on, counterattack~."

"Yeah, Commander, just wait. Sooner or later, I will grow up to be an admirable maid like my sister~." Counterattack clenched his fists in front of his chest, and in his strange-colored eyes, there was Full of energy.

"Well, I believe in you and look forward to that day."

Just as he was talking, another group of ship girls came out of the main building in the distance.

Like the sisters who wore prestige counterattack, they also wore suspender-style one-piece rubber pants and held various tools in their hands. Obviously, they came here to help the prestige and counterattack sisters.

Seeing Shi Xiaolei's figure from a distance, 2B who was walking in the front raised his hand first, and greeted him.

Hearing the voice and turning around, Shi Xiaolei walked forward with a smile: "I also said why I didn't see you, but the two sisters were busy there. It seems that I misunderstood, haha."

"I was doing other things just now, and now I'm done with work, of course I have to come over to help." First, he smiled back at Shi Xiaolei, then 2B turned his head and greeted Shengfu: "Let's do it instead. Renown, counterattack, you guys wash it off Get out first."

Hearing this, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help being a little confused.

On the other hand, the prestige and counterattack expressions were very calm, and there was no surprise at all.

"Understood." Assented, Shengfu came over with a counterattack, and handed the knife to 2B: "Then I will leave this to you, and we will go to the kitchen to prepare dinner."

It turned out that this was the case, after hearing this sentence, Shi Xiaolei finally understood.

"Count me in." Scratching the back of his head, Shi Xiaolei also took the initiative to make fun of it: "I haven't cooked for a long time, and I will help today."

(end of this chapter)