Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 256: Thor exiled

There are gadgets set up by Stark himself, and Jarvis is constantly guarding 24 hours a day... With the strength of the construction workers on the island, there is basically no need to worry about outsiders approaching the fountain of life in the cave.

Taking a step back, even if there are intruders with unknown intentions, their strength is strong enough to break through the automatic defense facilities controlled by Jarvis without any major losses.

Because Jarvis will convey the news to Shi Xiaolei as soon as possible, and the durability of the spring water thing is ridiculously high, and it cannot be easily destroyed... Whether it is to let Sister Bei open a door to send it, or let Kang Na Changed back to the giant dragon and flew over. In short, before the other party destroyed the spring, Shi Xiaolei would definitely be able to arrive in time.

Unless the person who did it was a big guy like Gu Yi, or the opponent used a annihilating weapon with a power equivalent to Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, otherwise, with the strength of Shi Xiaolei's family and the durability of the spring of life itself, it is completely You can sit back and relax.

Speaking of Asgard...

"Thor, do you know what you are doing?" Looking at the silly son standing under the steps, Odin was very annoyed and had a look of anger on his face.

"Like you, lead our warriors and destroy all enemies~!" Patting his chest, Thor waved his arms excitedly: "Father, I destroyed two frost giant settlements and killed at least a hundred frost Giant. It's a glorious victory, be proud of me, Father~!"

Unlike Thor, who had no eyesight, Loki had already sensed the anger in Odin's eyes and the depression in the atmosphere.

Knowing that Odin was very dissatisfied with Thor's actions this time, and thinking about the words he heard when he was called by Odin to the Golden Temple before and had a private conversation with him, a gloom flashed in Loki's eyes.

Instead of standing on Thor's side to help him talk like before, Loki just stood there quietly.

"No, Thor, you didn't realize what the consequences would be after this battle."

"Consequences?" Thor was stunned for a moment, then smiled broadly: "The consequence is that they will no longer dare to resist. Father, don't worry, with me, the frost giants will be wiped out sooner or later."

With a defiant attitude and an extremely arrogant tone, Thor did not take the Frost Giant in his eyes at all.

Obviously, such Thor is far from Odin's request. No, it should be said to be the exact opposite of what Odin expected.

Naturally, there will be no change in the subsequent development - as in the original plot, after a rather fierce quarrel, Odin became angry, sealed Thor's power, and together with his hammer, exiled to earth.


"Hey, have you heard? There's something new in the Great Indian Wilderness."

"What's the matter?"

"It seems like a meteorite fell from the sky. I don't know very well. Anyway, I heard that there is martial law over there."

"Meteorite? What's so rare about a meteorite?"

"If it's an ordinary meteorite, of course it doesn't matter so much. But what if the thing that falls is not an ordinary meteorite?"

"...You said just now that it was a meteorite."

"I mean, the scene where it fell from the sky, it looks like a meteorite fell. Understand? Like, just looking at 'like'."

"So, what the heck is that?"

"Want to know? Well, for the sake of you being my good buddy, I'll tell you. By the way, you just need to know it yourself, don't talk nonsense."

"No problem, you know how strict my mouth is."

"I heard that it was not a meteorite that fell from the sky, but a hammer."

"Hammer? It's not as good as a meteorite."

"No, I'm not talking about an ordinary hammer. I have a guy who works as a security guard over there. He told me that it was a very magical hammer...emmm, have you heard of the sword in the stone? Legend has it that it was inserted into a stone, and only King Arthur could pull it out."


"That hammer is like a sword in a stone, no one can pick it up."

"...Man, did you stay up late yesterday?"

"Do you think I'm bragging? Come on, I'm Santos who never lies. You know, if my security friend hadn't called and told me that there was a bunch of soldiers over there, and the land had been enclosed. Don't let anyone get close..."

"So, are you going to give it a try and see if you can lift the hammer?"

"Can't you? Maybe I'll be the next King Arthur."

"Come on, just like you, and King Arthur..."

It was after two o'clock in the afternoon. Because the peak period had passed, and there was no next group of customers to order food, Shi Xiaolei had already come out of the back kitchen, took off his apron and sat at the counter to rest.

While drinking the cool sour plum soup, he took stock of the bills at noon. He inadvertently heard the conversation between the two guests in the corner who had not yet left. Shi Xiaolei raised his head and turned his eyes.

The more he listened, the more familiar he felt. Thinking of a possibility, Shi Xiaolei stood up, took out two cans of Coke from the refrigerator by the counter, and walked to the table: "Hey, two, tell me about you two. What are you talking about? I'll treat you to a Coke."

The reason why I mentioned this anecdote to my friends is to attract Of course. Boss, are you also interested? "I wish there were a few more people to cheer, and the Mexican-American guy's face was full of pride.

"I'm really interested. I'm a shop owner. It's usually boring. The interesting things that customers bring up are also a good pastime for me." Deposit, and if the story is interesting, I can consider giving you another discount."

"Thank you, then I'll be welcome."

The young man named Santos took the Coke, snapped open the tab, and poured himself two sips.

After hiccups, he closed his eyes and calmed down. Looking at Shi Xiaolei again, Santos began to tell the story from the beginning: "This is what happened, the night before yesterday, it should have been around eleven or twelve o'clock... "

Maybe it was because of Shi Xiaolei's surprised reaction, maybe it was because of the discount when paying the bill. When telling the story again, Santos added a lot of details to it... Some are guesses, some are brain supplements, but some are true Facts heard from 'informers'. All in all, Santos's remarks this time are obviously much more detailed than what he just told his friends.

After listening to his story, Shi Xiaolei did show a surprised expression.

"Isn't it amazing? When I heard this, my reaction was the same as yours, I thought he was joking..."

"Yeah. It's really interesting." His mouth echoed, but in Shi Xiaolei's heart, other thoughts arose.