Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 274: destroy

The man who was called a devil by the vampires was none other than Shi Xiaolei, who had come to the front line twice successively and brought heavy damage to the vampires.

Speaking of which, the number of vampires who died in Shi Xiaolei's hands was far less than the number of those killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. Moreover, when vampires meet him, they basically turn into ashes in the blink of an eye, and they will not have to undergo brutal experiments like those caught by S.H.I.E.L.D.

With S.H.I.E.L.D. for comparison, why is Shi Xiaolei, who has not enough kills and ruthlessness, considered a 'devil' by vampires?

One is because in the video records obtained by the vampires, Shi Xiaolei's force value is much higher than those of the heavily armed agents in S.H.I.E.L.D., leaving them an unmatched impression.

Vampires are also transformed from humans, and they call enemies who they can't deal with as demons, which is a habit formed when they are humans.

In addition, there is also a part of the reason, which is based on the sayings of the captive native Hagui on Nihao Island.

Let's move the timeline forward a bit.

Considering that these indigenous people are also victims, their nature is different from those traitors who have received modern education and voluntarily give up their human identity. Therefore, after S.H.I.E.L.D. took over, they were sent to semi-military management institutions, while receiving cultural education , while accepting mental adjustment.

As we all know, vampires have been deeply cultivated in the human world for thousands of years, and there are so many eyeliners everywhere.

It just so happened that in the semi-military educational management institution where the natives went, there was a hag who had contacts with vampires.

It was through that dark son that the vampires knew of the existence of the aboriginal hag. Then, thinking that the group of vampires that have been wiped out on Nihao Island may still have something hidden that has not been found, maybe only these aboriginal people know the information, so the vampires sent their subordinates of the Hagui clan to cooperate with Guan. Aboriginal people in the institution had several contacts.

Perhaps it was because the vampires, who they regarded as gods, were powerless to fight back, leaving a shocking and profound impression on the natives. They not only clearly remembered Shi Xiaolei's physical characteristics, but also did not hesitate. Give him the title of 'Demon'.

As soon as they heard the descriptions of the natives, the vampires with the video materials in their hands immediately guessed that the person they were talking about was Shi Xiaolei. In addition, I also felt that Shi Xiaolei was too strong to be matched, so the vampires naturally accepted the description of the natives and changed their minds to call Shi Xiaolei a devil.


With a heavy hack, a vampire was cut in two at the waist. Ignoring the screams of the vampire with only the upper body left but not yet dead, Shi Xiaolei raised his big foot and stepped on it ruthlessly.

With a puff, like a water press crushing a watermelon, the vampire's head burst open when he stepped on it, and the screaming screams stopped.

Looking at this scene alone, Shi Xiaolei's behavior is indeed ruthless, and he really looks like a devil.

"Oh~." He rose into the air, avoiding the splashing blood flowers, and raised his hand to shoot a burst of energy, hitting the vampires who were rushing towards him. Suspended in mid-air, looking at Shi Xiaolei who was covered in blood a few meters away, Stark couldn't help complaining: "Man, can you calm down a bit? Please, it's hard to wash if it gets dirty."

"I'm very restrained." After weighing the axe in his hand, Shi Xiaolei raised his hand and wiped his face: "Look, in order to avoid accidentally hurting you, I didn't use my own weapon."

Is it really because his dark gold weapon is too powerful, and fighting in a narrow room may accidentally injure Stark who is near Chichi, so he gave up and didn't use it?

the answer is negative.

You know, after merging the blood of a barbarian, Shi Xiaolei has already been reborn as a melee master. With his experience and skills, even wielding a long sword in an elevator would not accidentally injure his comrades.

I didn't use my dark gold weapon, just because I was asked by Coulson.

In order to exterminate vampires more effectively, the logistics support department of S.H.I.E.L.D. has produced many targeted weapons. Among them, there are silver-plated bullets, ultraviolet guns, etc. that have already been tested in actual combat and can be determined to be very useful ready-made equipment, and some are newly developed.

For example, the big axe in Shi Xiaolei’s hand was developed to deal with close combat. If there is no silver coating, the piercing damage caused by long swords and daggers is completely ineffective against vampires, and the slashing effect of knives is also Somewhat worse. In contrast, it is easier to use an axe to reap the results. After all, this thing has a first-class slashing effect. Even if it can't hit the neck, it can limit their movements by cutting off the hands and feet of the vampires, so that they can be attacked again. bedding.

As for why the axe was not plated with silver... it was just because S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to test the effect of the 'Holy Water'.

"I suggest you get another one." Dodging a rocket fired by the vampire, Stark continued to complain while turning over to fight back: "It's hype, it doesn't work at all, what **** holy water ."

One thing to say, Shi Xiaolei did not expect that the legendary holy water, which has the same lethality as silverware, would be so ineffective.

"Maybe it's expired, it's really disappointing." Shi Xiaolei threw away the big axe given by Coulson from his remonstrance, and with a backhand, took out another from his space backpack. an axe.

Although the panel value is not high, but because the axe has a lethality enhancement attribute for undead creatures, in the next battle, Shi Xiaolei's killing efficiency suddenly improved a lot.

But having said that, the high efficiency of killing enemies does not mean that the visual effects caused by Shi Xiaolei are the most eye-catching and shocking.

It's not either Beyoneta, who acted handsomely and acted like the wind, or Stark, who used more than a dozen steel armors to show his powerful firepower.

Just look at the reactions of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Dude, pinch me."


"It feels like a"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sharp pain in his arm, and the agent couldn't help but grinned and put a pain mask on himself.

"Hi~~." Half of it was painful, and half of it was because not far ahead, the scene I just saw reappeared.

What was the scene that surprised the agent, and even doubted his eyes and sanity?

A small figure, walking on the battlefield incomparably calm.

There were countless bullets shot in front of her, but she didn't seem to see it.

It only stops when attacking.

"Bang~~!" It was another attack. With her firing, let alone the vampire, including the bunker where he was hiding, also wounded the sky.